Welcome to the Udacity "Readble" project. This app displays a list of blog posts and any associated comments.
Please run yarn install
or npm install
(depending on your preference)
to install all dependencies.
Please run yarn start
or npm run start
(depending on your preference)
to start the app.
You can then browse to your localhost to preview the app.
The homepage displays an initial list of all available blog posts. From here you can:
- Select a category from the main navigation, to filter posts by category
- Add a new post
- Re-order posts view by date or vote score
- Up/down vote a post
- Edit or delete a post
- Select a post to read more
The post view displays the full content of a blog post:
- Up/down vote the post
- Edit or delete the post
- View comments related to the post
- Edit or delete comments
- Up/down vote comments
- Re-order comments by date or vote score
- Add new comments
Here you can either add a new, or edit an existing post:
- Add/edit post details
Enjoy :)