Many thanks to all those who have sent bug reports and especially to those who sent pull requests. Here are the names of those who have contributed code:
- Aleksey Smolenchuk (@lxe)
- Alex Whitman (@alexwhitman)
- Alessio Linares (@Galbar)
- Amir Abu Shareb (@yields)
- Andreas (@ryrun)
- Andrew Hanna (@percyhanna)
- Ben Linskey (@blinskey)
- Craig Patik (@cpatik)
- Daniel Julius Lasiman (@danieljl)
- Daniel Kurecka (@danielkurecka)
- Dany Ouellette (@DanyO)
- Dominique Wahli (@bizoo)
- Gary Jones (@GaryJones)
- Geoffrey Huntley (@ghuntley)
- Gerard Roche (@gerardroche)
- Jordi Baggiano (@seldaek)
- Josh Freeman (@freejosh)
- Korvin Szanto (@KorvinSzanto)
- Marc-Antoine Parent (@maparent)
- Marc Neuhaus (@mneuhaus)
- Mat Gadd (@Drarok)
- Michael Barany (@mbarany)
- Milos Levacic (@levacic)
- Nick Dowdell (@mikulad13)
- Nick Fisher (@spadgos)
- Pavel Voronin (@pavel-voronin)
- Rafal Chlodnicki (@rchl)
- Roberto Segura (@phproberto)
- Sergey Zarouski (@szarouski)
- Scott Kuroda (@skuroda)
- Simon Aittamaa (@simait)
- Sven Axelsson (@svenax)
- Thanasis Polychronakis (@thanpolas)
- Tiago Santos (@tmcsantos)
- Timo Tijhof (@Krinkle)
- wronex (@wronex)