The purpose of the mi-mech-gauge tag is to provide the user with a more detailed gauge. Really good for representing precise points of data.
The channel value is websocketed and the update is animated on the gauge.
At its core, the mi-mech-gauge is meant for representing a granular look at a node channels current value.
<mi-mech-gauge min='0' max='100' channel='fuel_level' unit='g'/>
You can also set color ranges on the gauge. See below.
<mi-mech-gauge min='0' max='100' channel='fuel_level' unit='g' plotband={[{from:0,to:60,color:'gold'}]}/>
The plotband option only accepts an array of objects, which is different from the mi-simple-gauge. Inside each object, you define the beginning, end, and color of the plotband. Unlike mi-simple-gauge, you don't have to cover the full range of values.
Below we will cover the opts that can be passed to mi-mech-gauge.
Mandatory. String or number that represents the minimum threshold for the channel value.
Mandatory. String or number that represents the maximum threshold for the channel value.
Mandatory. String that fetches the channel value.
Optional. String that represents the unit for the channel value.
Optional. An array of objects. Inside each object follow this example:
- from: represents the beginning of the plotband.
- to: represents the end of the plotband.
- color: Accepts hex, rgb, rgba, color string. Sets the color of the plotband.