PhotoFolio is an online photo album react app that allows users to upload, organize, and share their digital photos.
- Get all albums in AlbumsList and use it inside the component
- Conditionally render the AlbumForm component
- Add a new album document to firestore when the AlbumForm is submitted
- Conditionally render the AlbumList and ImageList
- Get all images in an album when it is clicked
- Add, update and delete image in the album from firestore when the ImageForm is submitted or delete is clicked
- Add an effect to set default values on the ImageForm inputs when updateIntent is changed
- Add dynamic classes to the buttons
- All the uppercase comments are actions that you need to be perform
- The mock implementation between the 'REMOVE MOCK' to 'MOCK END' comments needs to be removed
- Use the solution code and demo video and specific hints and code logic
- The firebase API would look like this:
- /albums to perform CRUD on all albums
- /albums/album_id/images to perform CRUD on images from the album with id album_id
Firebase integration for creating, reading, updating and deleting tasks (33%)
- Getting docs from firestore
- Adding docs to firestore
- Updating docs on firestore
- Deleting docs from firestore
- API design and usage
Replacing mock data and functions with hooks and state (33%)
- Using useState hook to maintain the state
- Using useEffect hook to perform side effects
- Using useRef hook to access input values
- Replacing mock data with state values
Implementation logic and app functionality (33%)
- Conditionally rendering of forms and components
- Buttons and inputs functionality
- Adding dynamic styles