Releases: mauricecalhoun/inventory
Releases · mauricecalhoun/inventory
Added reason and cost arguments to transaction methods
- Transaction methods that modify the stock in some way now offer an optional
parameter to correctly update the stock record when a stock event takes place. - Added more documentation and tests to match
Refactored InventoryTransactionTrait
- Refactored
, minimizing its previous large size
Fixed static boot methods
- Boot methods in traits have been renamed to
boot(Trait Name)
to use eloquent's trait auto-booting - Added more localization fields in preparation for transactions update
- Small test update
Merged pulls
Added new SKU functions
- Added 2 (two) new SKU functions on inventory items (
createSku($code, $overwrite = false)
&updateSku($code, $sku = NULL)
- Calling
now throws an exception if a stock already exists on the specified location - Updated documentation and tests to match
Added new inventory method, updated docs
- Added Inventory method
- Updated documentation in code and readme's
Inventory Transactions
- Added Inventory Transactions
- Revamped documentation
Added missing use Lang statement in supplier trait
Added missing use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang;
statement in supplier trait
Small code formatting changes
now does not open a new query builder instance to check for the existence of the item- Code formatting tweaks
Fixed caching issue, updated tests
- Fixed caching issue
- Regenerating an sku (via
now generates an SKU if one doesn't exist - Updated tests