diff --git a/button_card_templates.yaml b/button_card_templates.yaml
index 8681be6d..f591821d 100644
--- a/button_card_templates.yaml
+++ b/button_card_templates.yaml
@@ -1065,41 +1065,6 @@
- width: 4em
- margin: 4px
- #################################################
- # #
- # #
- #################################################
- vacuum_map:
- show_label: false
- show_icon: false
- name: >
- [[[ return variables.area; ]]]
- tap_action:
- action: call-service
- service: input_select.select_option
- service_data:
- entity_id: input_select.roborock_zone
- option: >
- [[[ return variables.area; ]]]
- styles:
- card:
- - padding: 3em
- - background: none
- name:
- - font-size: 0.9em
- - letter-spacing: 0.003em
- - color: '#aeb0b0'
- - background: '#191c1d80'
- - padding: 0.48em 0.78em 0.48em 0.78em
- - border-radius: 0.6em
- - overflow: visible
- extra_styles: |
- #ripple {
- display: none;
- }
# #
diff --git a/configuration.yaml b/configuration.yaml
index 27ceb6a4..58dd713c 100755
--- a/configuration.yaml
+++ b/configuration.yaml
@@ -16,27 +16,27 @@ default_config:
mode: yaml
- [ { url: /hacsfiles/bar-card/bar-card.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/button-card/button-card.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/kiosk-mode/kiosk-mode.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/light-entity-card/light-entity-card.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/light-popup-card/light-popup-card.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-layout-card/layout-card.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-slider-entity-row/slider-entity-row.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-valetudo-map-card/valetudo-map-card.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/mini-graph-card/mini-graph-card-bundle.js, type: module },
- { url: /hacsfiles/swipe-card/swipe-card.js, type: module },
- { url: '/local/calendar-card.js?v=3.109.1', type: module },
- { url: '/local/custom_icons.js?v=28082021', type: module },
- { url: /local/font.css, type: css } ]
+ [ { url: /hacsfiles/bar-card/bar-card.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/button-card/button-card.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/kiosk-mode/kiosk-mode.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/light-entity-card/light-entity-card.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/light-popup-card/light-popup-card.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-layout-card/layout-card.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-slider-entity-row/slider-entity-row.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card/xiaomi-vacuum-map-card.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/mini-graph-card/mini-graph-card-bundle.js, type: module },
+ { url: /hacsfiles/swipe-card/swipe-card.js, type: module },
+ { url: '/local/calendar-card.js?v=3.109.1', type: module },
+ { url: '/local/custom_icons.js?v=28082021', type: module },
+ { url: /local/font.css, type: css } ]
default: warning
homeassistant.components.websocket_api: fatal
- homeassistant.components.bluetooth_tracker.device_tracker: fatal
+ homeassistant.components.camera: fatal
db_url: !secret recorder_db_url
@@ -49,14 +49,12 @@ person:
- device_tracker.mattias_iphone_ios
- device_tracker.mattias_iphonedetect
- device_tracker.mattias_iphone_unifi
- - device_tracker.mattias_bluetooth
- name: Sanja
id: sanja
- device_tracker.sanja_iphonedetect
- device_tracker.sanjas_iphone_unifi
- - device_tracker.sanja_bluetooth
- platform: iphonedetect
@@ -130,12 +128,6 @@ ios:
- identifier: start_watchtower
title: Uppdatera
- - platform: file
- name: vacuum_last_cleaned
- filename: vacuum_last_cleaned.txt
- timestamp: true
- platform: template
name: Dator
@@ -147,3 +139,47 @@ lock:
service: input_boolean.turn_off
entity_id: input_boolean.computer_lock
+ - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
+ host: !secret xiaomi_vacuum_host
+ token: !secret xiaomi_vacuum_token
+ username: !secret xiaomi_cloud_username
+ password: !secret xiaomi_cloud_password
+ name: vacuum_map
+ country: de
+ colors:
+ color_robo: [224,224,224]
+ color_charger: [27,117,27]
+ color_path: [30,80,113]
+ color_goto_path: [30,80,113]
+ color_map_wall_v2: [30,30,30]
+ color_obstacle: [30,30,30]
+ color_virtual_walls: [255,0,0,60]
+ color_no_go_zones_outline: [255,0,0,60]
+ color_no_go_zones: [255,0,0,28]
+ color_scan: [0,0,0,0]
+ color_map_inside: [0,0,0,0]
+ color_map_outside: [0,0,0,0]
+ color_grey_wall: [0,0,0,0]
+ color_map_wall: [0,0,0,0]
+ room_colors:
+ 1: [42,46,48]
+ 2: [42,46,48]
+ 16: [42,46,48]
+ 17: [42,46,48]
+ 18: [42,46,48]
+ draw:
+ - all
+ map_transformation:
+ scale: 2
+ trim:
+ top: 16
+ right: 22
+ bottom: 25
+ left: 21
+ sizes:
+ charger_radius: 10
+ vacuum_radius: 10
+ attributes:
+ - calibration_points
diff --git a/include/automation.yaml b/include/automation.yaml
index 7942378e..64f0d2ac 100644
--- a/include/automation.yaml
+++ b/include/automation.yaml
@@ -126,6 +126,25 @@ automation:
entity_id: light.badrum
+ - alias: disable_vacuum_map
+ id: '9857945964478'
+ initial_state: true
+ trigger:
+ - platform: state
+ entity_id: vacuum.morty
+ condition:
+ - condition: template
+ value_template: >
+ {{ trigger.to_state.state != trigger.from_state.state }}
+ action:
+ - service: >
+ {% if trigger.to_state.state in ['unavailable', 'unknown', 'docked'] %}
+ camera.turn_off
+ {% else %}
+ camera.turn_on
+ {% endif %}
+ entity_id: camera.vacuum_map
# #
@@ -184,6 +203,10 @@ automation:
url: https://www.home-assistant.io/latest-release-notes/
category: ios_hass
+ - service: homeassistant.update_entity
+ entity_id:
+ - sensor.hass_release_notes
+ - sensor.hass_release_notes_rc
- alias: ios_notify_hass_update_action
id: '0694774018396'
@@ -262,30 +285,15 @@ automation:
- service: homeassistant.update_entity
- - sensor.netdata_imac_cpu_system
- - sensor.netdata_imac_cpu_user
- - sensor.netdata_imac_ram_free
- - sensor.netdata_imac_disk_system
- - sensor.netdata_imac_disk_macintosh_hd
- - sensor.netdata_imac_uptime
+ - sensor.imac_cpu
+ - sensor.imac_mem
+ - sensor.imac_system_ssd
+ - sensor.imac_macintosh_hd
+ - sensor.imac_uptime
- sensor.imac_ip
- sensor.monitors_volume
- binary_sensor.monitors_mute_state
- - alias: update_hass_release_notes
- id: '4289040658246'
- initial_state: true
- trigger:
- - platform: state
- entity_id:
- - sensor.hass_version_latest
- - sensor.hass_version_latest_beta
- action:
- - service: homeassistant.update_entity
- entity_id:
- - sensor.hass_release_notes
- - sensor.hass_release_notes_rc
- alias: update_synology_latest_version_tag
id: '3362185698381'
initial_state: true
@@ -419,279 +427,6 @@ automation:
- service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.wemo_fan
- ####################################################
- # #
- # FAN 2 #
- # #
- ####################################################
- # - alias: sovrum_anslut_turn_off
- # id: '1050805589188'
- # initial_state: true
- # trigger:
- # - platform: state
- # entity_id: fan.sovrum_anslut
- # from: 'off'
- # to: 'on'
- # for:
- # hours: "{{ states('input_number.sovrum_anslut_timer') | int }}"
- # action:
- # - service: switch.turn_off
- # entity_id: fan.sovrum_anslut
- # - alias: sovrum_anslut_turn_on_temp
- # id: '0099808622760'
- # initial_state: true
- # trigger:
- # - platform: numeric_state
- # entity_id: sensor.sensor_hall_temperature
- # above: 24
- # condition:
- # condition: and
- # conditions:
- # - condition: time
- # after: '20:00:00'
- # before: '07:00:00'
- # - condition: state
- # entity_id:
- # - person.matte
- # - person.sanja
- # state: home
- # action:
- # - condition: state
- # entity_id: fan.sovrum_anslut
- # state: 'off'
- # - service: fan.turn_on
- # entity_id: fan.sovrum_anslut
- # - alias: sovrum_anslut_oscillate
- # id: '9897303821028'
- # initial_state: true
- # trigger:
- # - platform: state
- # entity_id: input_boolean.sovrum_anslut_oscillate
- # action:
- # - service: remote.send_command
- # data:
- # entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
- # command: !secret ir_fan_swing
- # - alias: sovrum_anslut_speed
- # id: '9292376382008'
- # mode: queued
- # initial_state: true
- # trigger:
- # - platform: state
- # entity_id: fan.sovrum_anslut
- # action:
- # - choose:
- # - conditions: >
- # {{ trigger.from_state.attributes.speed == 'high' and trigger.to_state.attributes.speed == 'medium' or
- # trigger.from_state.attributes.speed == 'medium' and trigger.to_state.attributes.speed == 'low' or
- # trigger.from_state.attributes.speed == 'low' and trigger.to_state.attributes.speed == 'high' }}
- # sequence:
- # - repeat:
- # count: 2
- # sequence:
- # - service: remote.send_command
- # data:
- # entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
- # command: !secret ir_fan_speed
- # - conditions: >
- # {{ trigger.from_state.attributes.speed == 'high' and trigger.to_state.attributes.speed == 'low' or
- # trigger.from_state.attributes.speed == 'medium' and trigger.to_state.attributes.speed == 'high' or
- # trigger.from_state.attributes.speed == 'low' and trigger.to_state.attributes.speed == 'medium' }}
- # sequence:
- # - service: remote.send_command
- # data:
- # entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
- # command: !secret ir_fan_speed
- # ###temp
- # - alias: sovrum_anslut_speed_fix1_sync
- # mode: queued
- # initial_state: true
- # trigger:
- # - platform: template
- # value_template: >
- # {{ is_state('binary_sensor.gosund_fan', 'off') and not is_state('input_number.sovrum_anslut_speed', '0') }}
- # action:
- # - service: automation.turn_off
- # target:
- # entity_id: automation.sovrum_anslut_speed
- # - service: input_number.set_value
- # data:
- # entity_id: input_number.sovrum_anslut_speed
- # value: 0
- # - service: automation.turn_on
- # target:
- # entity_id: automation.sovrum_anslut_speed
- # - alias: sovrum_anslut_speed_fix2_restore
- # mode: queued
- # initial_state: true
- # trigger:
- # - platform: template
- # value_template: >
- # {{ is_state('binary_sensor.gosund_fan', 'on') and is_state('input_number.sovrum_anslut_speed', '0') }}
- # action:
- # - service: automation.turn_off
- # target:
- # entity_id: automation.sovrum_anslut_speed
- # - service: input_number.set_value
- # data:
- # entity_id: input_number.sovrum_anslut_speed
- # value: 33
- # - service: automation.turn_on
- # target:
- # entity_id: automation.sovrum_anslut_speed
- ####################################################
- # #
- # #
- ####################################################
- # - alias: air_purifier_speed
- # id: '3692857919366'
- # mode: queued
- # initial_state: true
- # trigger:
- # - platform: state
- # entity_id: input_number.air_purifier_speed
- # action:
- # - choose:
- # - conditions:
- # - condition: template
- # value_template: >
- # {% set from_1 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 0 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 25 ) %}
- # {% set to_2 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 25 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 50 ) %}
- # {% set from_2 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 25 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 50 ) %}
- # {% set to_3 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 50 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 75 ) %}
- # {% set from_3 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 50 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 75 ) %}
- # {% set to_4 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 75 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 100 ) %}
- # {{ from_1 and to_2 or from_2 and to_3 or from_3 and to_4 }}
- # sequence:
- # - service: remote.send_command
- # data:
- # entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
- # command: !secret ir_purifier_speed_up
- # - conditions:
- # - condition: template
- # value_template: >
- # {% set from_1 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 0 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 25 ) %}
- # {% set to_3 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 50 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 75 ) %}
- # {{ from_1 and to_3 }}
- # sequence:
- # - repeat:
- # count: 2
- # sequence:
- # - service: remote.send_command
- # data:
- # entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
- # command: !secret ir_purifier_speed_up
- # - conditions:
- # - condition: template
- # value_template: >
- # {% set from_2 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 25 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 50 ) %}
- # {% set to_1 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 0 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 25 ) %}
- # {% set from_3 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 50 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 75 ) %}
- # {% set to_2 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 25 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 50 ) %}
- # {% set from_4 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 75 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 100 ) %}
- # {% set to_3 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 50 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 75 ) %}
- # {{ from_2 and to_1 or from_3 and to_2 or from_4 and to_3 }}
- # sequence:
- # - service: remote.send_command
- # data:
- # entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
- # command: !secret ir_purifier_speed_down
- # - conditions:
- # - condition: template
- # value_template: >
- # {% set from_3 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 50 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 75 ) %}
- # {% set to_1 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 0 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 25 ) %}
- # {% set from_4 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 75 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 100 ) %}
- # {% set to_2 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 25 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 50 ) %}
- # {{ from_3 and to_1 or from_4 and to_2 }}
- # sequence:
- # - repeat:
- # count: 2
- # sequence:
- # - service: remote.send_command
- # data:
- # entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
- # command: !secret ir_purifier_speed_down
- # - conditions:
- # - condition: template
- # value_template: >
- # {% set to_4 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 75 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 100 ) %}
- # {{ to_4 }}
- # sequence:
- # - service: remote.send_command
- # data:
- # entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
- # command: !secret ir_purifier_turbo
- # - conditions:
- # - condition: template
- # value_template: >
- # {% set from_4 = ( trigger.from_state.state | int > 75 and trigger.from_state.state | int <= 100 ) %}
- # {% set to_1 = ( trigger.to_state.state | int > 0 and trigger.to_state.state | int <= 25 ) %}
- # {{ from_4 and to_1 }}
- # sequence:
- # - repeat:
- # count: 3
- # sequence:
- # - service: remote.send_command
- # data:
- # entity_id: remote.broadlink_remote
- # command: !secret ir_purifier_speed_down
- # ###temp
- # - alias: air_purifier_speed_fix1_sync
- # mode: queued
- # initial_state: true
- # trigger:
- # - platform: template
- # value_template: >
- # {{ is_state('binary_sensor.gosund_air_purifier', 'off') and not is_state('input_number.air_purifier_speed', '0') }}
- # action:
- # - service: automation.turn_off
- # target:
- # entity_id: automation.air_purifier_speed
- # - service: input_number.set_value
- # data:
- # entity_id: input_number.air_purifier_speed
- # value: 0
- # - service: automation.turn_on
- # target:
- # entity_id: automation.air_purifier_speed
- # - alias: air_purifier_speed_fix2_restore
- # mode: queued
- # initial_state: true
- # trigger:
- # - platform: template
- # value_template: >
- # {{ is_state('binary_sensor.gosund_air_purifier', 'on') and is_state('input_number.air_purifier_speed', '0') }}
- # action:
- # - service: automation.turn_off
- # target:
- # entity_id: automation.air_purifier_speed
- # - service: input_number.air_purifier_speed
- # data:
- # entity_id: input_number.air_purifier_speed
- # value: 25
- # - service: automation.turn_on
- # target:
- # entity_id: automation.air_purifier_speed
- # ###
# #
@@ -738,27 +473,6 @@ automation:
# #
- - alias: hdmi_input_select
- id: '9559814521978'
- mode: parallel
- initial_state: true
- trigger:
- - platform: state
- entity_id: input_select.hdmi
- - platform: state
- entity_id: input_select.hdmi2
- action:
- - service: media_player.select_source
- data:
- entity_id: >
- {% if trigger.entity_id == 'input_select.hdmi' %}
- media_player.sony_bravia_tv
- {% elif trigger.entity_id == 'input_select.hdmi2' %}
- media_player.samsung_tv
- {% endif %}
- source: >
- {{ states(trigger.entity_id) }}
- alias: turn_on_tv_fail_safe
id: '0703991107325'
mode: parallel
@@ -788,11 +502,6 @@ automation:
{% elif trigger == 'media_player.samsung_tv' %}
{% endif %}
- # - delay:
- # seconds: 1
- # - repeat:
- # count: 2
- # sequence:
- service: remote.send_command
entity_id: >
@@ -847,75 +556,28 @@ automation:
- service: tts.cloud_say
entity_id: media_player.c2080cea_6627150a
- message: >
- {{ ['Tvätten är färdig', 'Tvätten är klar', 'Dags att gå ner!'] | random }}
- language: sv-SE
- - service: notify.mobile_app_mattias_iphone_ios
- data:
- message: >
+ message: &laundry >
{{'\U0001F9FA'}} {{ ['Tvätten är färdig', 'Tvätten är klar', 'Dags att gå ner'] | random }}
- - service: shell_command.imac_notify_laundry
- - delay:
- seconds: 3
- ####################################################
- # #
- # VACUUM #
- # #
- ####################################################
- - alias: vacuum_last_cleaned
- id: '8482831137092'
- initial_state: true
- trigger:
- - platform: state
- entity_id: vacuum.valetudo_robot
- from: cleaning
- to: returning
- action:
- - service: notify.vacuum_last_cleaned
- data:
- message: ''
- - alias: roborock_speed
- id: '0054872718027'
- initial_state: true
- trigger:
- - platform: state
- entity_id: input_select.roborock_speed
- action:
- - service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
- data:
- entity_id: vacuum.valetudo_robot
- fan_speed: >
- {% if is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'Tyst') %} low
- {% elif is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'Standard') %} medium
- {% elif is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'Medium') %} high
- {% elif is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'Turbo') %} max
- {% elif is_state(trigger.entity_id, 'Av') %} off
- {% endif %}
- - alias: roborock_speed_update
- id: '3154087574817'
- initial_state: true
- trigger:
- - platform: state
- entity_id: vacuum.valetudo_robot
- - platform: homeassistant
- event: start
- action:
- - service: input_select.select_option
- data:
- entity_id: input_select.roborock_speed
- option: >
- {% set entity_id = 'vacuum.valetudo_robot' %}
- {% if is_state_attr(entity_id, 'fan_speed', 'low') %} Tyst
- {% elif is_state_attr(entity_id, 'fan_speed', 'medium') %} Standard
- {% elif is_state_attr(entity_id, 'fan_speed', 'high') %} Medium
- {% elif is_state_attr(entity_id, 'fan_speed', 'max') %} Turbo
- {% elif is_state_attr(entity_id, 'fan_speed', 'off')
- or state_attr(entity_id, 'fan_speed') == None %} Av
- {% endif %}
+ language: sv-SE
+ - choose:
+ - conditions: >
+ {{ is_state('switch.computer_imac', 'on') }}
+ sequence:
+ - service: shell_command.imac_notify_laundry
+ - choose:
+ - conditions: >
+ {{ is_state('person.matte', 'home') }}
+ sequence:
+ - service: notify.mobile_app_mattias_iphone_ios
+ data:
+ message: *laundry
+ - choose:
+ - conditions: >
+ {{ is_state('person.sanja', 'home') }}
+ sequence:
+ - service: notify.mobile_app_sanja_iphone
+ data:
+ message: *laundry
# #
diff --git a/include/customize.yaml b/include/customize.yaml
index d8e406cf..b3599493 100644
--- a/include/customize.yaml
+++ b/include/customize.yaml
@@ -89,23 +89,34 @@ homeassistant:
friendly_name: Systemhälsa
friendly_name: VPN
+ select.hdmi_bravia:
+ friendly_name: Källa
+ icon: custom:hdmi-source
+ select.hdmi_samsung:
+ friendly_name: Källa
+ icon: custom:hdmi-source
- vacuum.valetudo_robot:
+ vacuum.morty:
friendly_name: Roborock S5
icon: custom:roborock-vacuum
friendly_name: Senast städat
icon: mdi:calendar-clock
device_class: timestamp
- sensor.template_roborock_filter:
+ sensor.template_vacuum_filter:
friendly_name: Filter
- sensor.template_roborock_mainbrush:
+ sensor.template_vacuum_mainbrush:
friendly_name: Huvudborste
- sensor.template_roborock_sidebrush:
+ sensor.template_vacuum_sidebrush:
friendly_name: Sidoborste
- sensor.template_roborock_sensors:
+ sensor.template_vacuum_sensors:
friendly_name: Sensorer
+ sensor.template_vacuum_lastclean:
+ friendly_name: Senast städat
+ select.vacuum_speed:
+ friendly_name: Rengöringsläge
+ icon: mdi:format-list-bulleted
@@ -143,23 +154,23 @@ homeassistant:
friendly_name: Tänd Tv-lampa
# studio_dator.yaml
- sensor.template_imac_cpu:
+ sensor.imac_cpu:
friendly_name: Processor
icon: mdi:chip
- sensor.template_imac_mem:
+ sensor.imac_mem:
friendly_name: Minne
icon: mdi:memory
friendly_name: Mottag notiser
icon: mdi:bell
- sensor.template_imac_uptime:
+ sensor.imac_uptime:
friendly_name: Senaste omstart
icon: mdi:update
device_class: timestamp
- sensor.template_imac_system_ssd:
+ sensor.imac_system_ssd:
friendly_name: System SSD
icon: custom:imac-ssd
- sensor.template_imac_macintosh_hd:
+ sensor.imac_macintosh_hd:
friendly_name: Macintosh HD
icon: mdi:harddisk
diff --git a/include/homekit.yaml b/include/homekit.yaml
index 0e4f0ba6..52db1ebc 100644
--- a/include/homekit.yaml
+++ b/include/homekit.yaml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ homekit:
- script.home_leave
- script.home_arrive
- script.samsung_tv_energy_saving
- - vacuum.valetudo_robot
+ - vacuum.morty
- fan.climate_fan_only
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ homekit:
name: Hemma
name: Eko
- vacuum.valetudo_robot:
+ vacuum.morty:
name: Morty
name: AC Fläkt
diff --git a/include/input.yaml b/include/input.yaml
index 662a22bf..77bf8f54 100644
--- a/include/input.yaml
+++ b/include/input.yaml
@@ -9,10 +9,6 @@ input_boolean:
- sovrum_anslut_oscillate:
- name: Oscillera
- icon: mdi:arrow-left-right
name: Avstängningslås
icon: custom:lock
@@ -41,28 +37,6 @@ input_number:
max: 12
unit_of_measurement: h
- sovrum_anslut_timer:
- name: Stäng efter
- icon: mdi:timer-outline
- initial: 12
- min: 1
- max: 12
- unit_of_measurement: h
- sovrum_anslut_speed:
- name: Fläkthastighet
- initial: 0
- min: 0
- max: 100
- unit_of_measurement: '%'
- air_purifier_speed:
- name: Hastighet
- initial: 0
- min: 0
- max: 100
- unit_of_measurement: '%'
@@ -71,59 +45,6 @@ input_select:
# #
- hdmi:
- name: Källa
- options:
- - HDMI 1
- - HDMI 2/MHL
- - HDMI 3
- - HDMI 4
- initial: HDMI 1
- icon: custom:hdmi-source
- hdmi2:
- name: Källa
- options:
- - TV
- - HDMI
- initial: HDMI
- icon: custom:hdmi-source
- roborock_speed:
- name: Rengöringsläge
- icon: mdi:format-list-bulleted
- options:
- - Tyst
- - Standard
- - Medium
- - Turbo
- - Av
- sovrum_anslut_speed:
- name: Fläkthastighet
- options:
- - Tyst
- - Medium
- - Max
- air_purifier_speed:
- name: Hastighet
- options:
- - Tyst
- - Låg
- - Hög
- - Turbo
- roborock_zone:
- initial: Ingen vald
- options:
- - Ingen vald
- - Hall
- - Kök
- - Vardagsrum
- - Studio
- - Sovrum
initial: Senast nedladdat
diff --git a/include/script.yaml b/include/script.yaml
index a353481a..87b1a2a4 100644
--- a/include/script.yaml
+++ b/include/script.yaml
@@ -14,34 +14,6 @@ script:
message: Startar om Home Assistant container...
- service: shell_command.ha_dockermon_restart_container
- zone_cleaning:
- sequence:
- - condition: not
- conditions:
- - condition: state
- entity_id: input_select.roborock_zone
- state: Ingen vald
- - service: vacuum.stop
- entity_id: vacuum.valetudo_robot
- - delay:
- seconds: 2
- - service: mqtt.publish
- data:
- topic: valetudo/robot/ZoneCleaningCapability/start/set
- payload_template: >
- {% set input = states('input_select.roborock_zone') %}
- {% if input == 'Hall' %}
- ["c1d8cb12-a5c0-4c9d-9706-32d6a5c68e11"]
- {% elif input == 'Kök' %}
- ["3d568085-1b0f-44b6-8423-66abf77ea005"]
- {% elif input == 'Vardagsrum' %}
- ["7a87e3b2-73be-4b7d-8313-5b51f24cde0c"]
- {% elif input == 'Studio' %}
- ["e75f6ab1-5d8b-4f72-b922-9fc47d5f5d02"]
- {% elif input == 'Sovrum' %}
- ["1c586206-b624-4804-86a4-baa02f2c04bb"]
- {% endif %}
alias: Eko-läge
icon: mdi:leaf
diff --git a/include/sensor.yaml b/include/sensor.yaml
index 47df6c7d..72c3c626 100644
--- a/include/sensor.yaml
+++ b/include/sensor.yaml
@@ -19,10 +19,6 @@ sensor:
source: container
beta: true
- - platform: file
- file_path: vacuum_last_cleaned.txt
- name: vacuum_last_cleaned
- platform: filesize
- /config/home-assistant.log
@@ -52,34 +48,6 @@ sensor:
- time
- date
- - platform: netdata
- host: !secret netdata_host
- port: !secret netdata_port
- name: netdata_imac
- resources:
- cpu_user:
- data_group: system.cpu
- element: user
- cpu_system:
- data_group: system.cpu
- element: system
- ram_free:
- data_group: system.ram
- element: free
- uptime:
- data_group: system.uptime
- element: uptime
- disk_system:
- data_group: disk_space./
- element: avail
- disk_macintosh_hd:
- data_group: disk_space./Volumes/Macintosh HD
- element: avail
- scan_interval: 86400
- # code /usr/local/etc/netdata/netdata.conf
- # bind to =
- # http://localhost:19999/api/v1/allmetrics?format=json
- platform: unifigateway
username: !secret unifi_username
password: !secret unifi_password
@@ -90,8 +58,8 @@ sensor:
- wan
- platform: rest
- name: valetudo_version_latest
- resource: https://api.github.com/repos/Hypfer/Valetudo/releases/latest
+ name: esphome_version_latest
+ resource: https://api.github.com/repos/esphome/esphome/releases/latest
authentication: basic
username: !secret github_username
password: !secret github_access_token
@@ -99,13 +67,6 @@ sensor:
{{ value_json.tag_name }}
scan_interval: 86400
- - platform: rest
- name: esphome_version_latest
- resource: https://api.github.com/repos/esphome/esphome/releases/latest
- value_template: >
- {{ value_json.tag_name }}
- scan_interval: 86400
- platform: scrape
name: synology_dsm_latest
resource: https://www.synology.com/en-global/releaseNote/DSM
@@ -260,3 +221,34 @@ sensor:
name: monitors_volume
command: !secret monitors_update_volume
scan_interval: 86400
+ - platform: command_line
+ name: imac_system_ssd
+ command: !secret imac_system_ssd
+ unit_of_measurement: '%'
+ scan_interval: 86400
+ - platform: command_line
+ name: imac_macintosh_hd
+ command: !secret imac_macintosh_hd
+ unit_of_measurement: '%'
+ scan_interval: 86400
+ - platform: command_line
+ name: imac_cpu
+ command: !secret imac_cpu
+ unit_of_measurement: '%'
+ scan_interval: 86400
+ - platform: command_line
+ name: imac_mem
+ command: !secret imac_mem
+ unit_of_measurement: '%'
+ scan_interval: 86400
+ - platform: command_line
+ name: imac_uptime
+ command: !secret imac_uptime
+ value_template: >
+ {{ value | int | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') }}
+ scan_interval: 86400
diff --git a/include/switch.yaml b/include/switch.yaml
index 4503cc60..e8de5c0b 100644
--- a/include/switch.yaml
+++ b/include/switch.yaml
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ switch:
friendly_name: Tv
icon_template: custom:tv
value_template: >
- {{ is_state('media_player.sony_bravia_tv', 'on') }}
+ {{ is_state('media_player.sony_bravia_tv', 'on') or
+ is_state('media_player.sony_bravia_tv', 'playing') }}
- service: remote.send_command
diff --git a/include/template.yaml b/include/template.yaml
index 9574fe46..2ac01fcd 100644
--- a/include/template.yaml
+++ b/include/template.yaml
@@ -6,6 +6,56 @@ template:
# #
+ select:
+ - name: vacuum_speed
+ state: >
+ {{ state_attr('vacuum.morty', 'fan_speed') }}
+ options: >
+ {{ state_attr('vacuum.morty', 'fan_speed_list') }}
+ select_option:
+ service: vacuum.set_fan_speed
+ target:
+ entity_id: vacuum.morty
+ data:
+ fan_speed: >
+ {{ option }}
+ - name: hdmi_bravia
+ state: >
+ {% set entity_id = 'media_player.sony_bravia_tv' %}
+ {% if state_attr(entity_id, 'source') == None %}
+ {{ state_attr(entity_id, 'source_list')[1] }}
+ {% else %}
+ {{ state_attr(entity_id, 'source') }}
+ {% endif %}
+ options: >
+ {{ state_attr('media_player.sony_bravia_tv', 'source_list') }}
+ select_option:
+ service: media_player.select_source
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.sony_bravia_tv
+ data:
+ source: >
+ {{ option }}
+ - name: hdmi_samsung
+ state: >
+ {% set entity_id = 'media_player.samsung_tv' %}
+ {% if state_attr(entity_id, 'source') == None %}
+ {{ state_attr(entity_id, 'source_list')[1] }}
+ {% else %}
+ {{ state_attr(entity_id, 'source') }}
+ {% endif %}
+ options: >
+ {{ state_attr('media_player.samsung_tv', 'source_list') }}
+ select_option:
+ service: media_player.select_source
+ target:
+ entity_id: media_player.samsung_tv
+ data:
+ source: >
+ {{ option }}
- unique_id: sidebar
state: template
@@ -108,7 +158,7 @@ template:
{%- endif -%}
vacuum: |
- {% set entity_id = 'vacuum.valetudo_robot' %}
+ {% set entity_id = 'vacuum.morty' %}
{%- if is_state(entity_id, 'cleaning') -%}
Morty dammsuger
{%- elif is_state(entity_id, 'returning') -%}
@@ -219,13 +269,6 @@ template:
{% if installed != latest %}
ESPHome {{ installed + ' \u279e ' + latest }}
{% endif %}
- valetudo: >
- {% set installed = device_attr(device_id('vacuum.valetudo_robot'), 'sw_version').split(' ')[0] %}
- {% set latest = states('sensor.valetudo_version_latest') %}
- {% set url = 'https://github.com/Hypfer/Valetudo/releases/latest' %}
- {% if installed != latest %}
- Valetudo {{ installed + ' \u279e ' + latest }}
- {% endif %}
playactor: >
{% set installed = states('sensor.playactor_version_installed') %}
{% set latest = states('sensor.playactor_version_latest') %}
@@ -257,46 +300,6 @@ template:
Synology DSM {{ installed + ' \u279e ' + latest }}
{% endif %}
- - unique_id: imac_cpu
- icon: mdi:chip
- unit_of_measurement: '%'
- state: >
- {{ ((states('sensor.netdata_imac_cpu_system') | float
- + states('sensor.netdata_imac_cpu_user') | float)) | round(1) }}
- - unique_id: imac_mem
- icon: mdi:memory
- unit_of_measurement: '%'
- state: >
- {% set entity_id = states('sensor.netdata_imac_ram_free') | float %}
- {% set capacity = 32000 %}
- {{ (100 - (entity_id / capacity * 100)) | round(1) }}
- - unique_id: imac_system_ssd
- icon: custom:imac-ssd
- unit_of_measurement: '%'
- state: >
- {% set entity_id = states('sensor.netdata_imac_disk_system') | float %}
- {% set convert_gb = 1.07374182 %}
- {% set capacity = 255.85 %}
- {{ 100 - (entity_id * convert_gb / capacity * 100) | round }}
- - unique_id: imac_macintosh_hd
- icon: mdi:harddisk
- unit_of_measurement: '%'
- state: >
- {% set entity_id = states('sensor.netdata_imac_disk_macintosh_hd') | float %}
- {% set convert_gb = 1.07374182 %}
- {% set capacity = 999.86 %}
- {{ 100 - (entity_id * convert_gb / capacity * 100) | round }}
- - unique_id: imac_uptime
- icon: mdi:update
- device_class: timestamp
- state: >
- {% set seconds = states('sensor.netdata_imac_uptime') | int %}
- {{ (as_timestamp(now()) - seconds) | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') }}
- unique_id: dockermon_mem
icon: mdi:memory
state: >
@@ -327,29 +330,35 @@ template:
{{ prt('idle', 'Viloläge') }}
{{ prt('Off', 'Av') }}
- - unique_id: roborock_filter
+ - unique_id: vacuum_filter
icon: custom:roborock-filter
unit_of_measurement: '%'
state: >
- {{ (states('sensor.main_filter') | float / 60 / 150 * 100) | round }}
+ {{ (state_attr('vacuum.morty', 'filter_left') / 1.5) | round }}
- - unique_id: roborock_mainbrush
+ - unique_id: vacuum_mainbrush
icon: custom:roborock-mainbrush
unit_of_measurement: '%'
state: >
- {{ (states('sensor.main_brush') | float / 60 / 300 * 100) | round }}
+ {{ (state_attr('vacuum.morty', 'main_brush_left') / 3) | round }}
- - unique_id: roborock_sensors
+ - unique_id: vacuum_sensors
icon: custom:roborock-sensor
unit_of_measurement: '%'
state: >
- {{ (states('sensor.sensor_cleaning') | float / 60 / 30 * 100) | round }}
+ {{ (state_attr('vacuum.morty', 'sensor_dirty_left') / 0.3) | round }}
- - unique_id: roborock_sidebrush
+ - unique_id: vacuum_sidebrush
icon: custom:roborock-sidebrush
unit_of_measurement: '%'
state: >
- {{ (states('sensor.right_brush') | float / 60 / 200 * 100) | round }}
+ {{ (state_attr('vacuum.morty', 'side_brush_left') / 2) | round }}
+ - unique_id: vacuum_lastclean
+ icon: mdi:calendar-clock
+ device_class: timestamp
+ state: >
+ {{ state_attr('vacuum.morty', 'clean_stop') | replace(' ','T') }}
- unique_id: fullykiosk_storage
icon: mdi:sd
diff --git a/popup/sidebar_vacuum.yaml b/popup/sidebar_vacuum.yaml
index ef8c8de5..873e7f87 100644
--- a/popup/sidebar_vacuum.yaml
+++ b/popup/sidebar_vacuum.yaml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ browser_mod:
.: |
:host .content {
- width: calc(385px + 300px + 300px);
+ width: calc(385px + 510px);
max-width: 90vw;
@@ -39,26 +39,11 @@ browser_mod:
#root {
justify-content: space-evenly;
- $hui-picture-elements-card$: |
- #root {
- animation: fadein 0.9s both;
- }
- @keyframes fadein {
- 0% {
- opacity: 0;
- }
- 75% {
- opacity: 0;
- }
- 100% {
- opacity: 1;
- }
- }
type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: custom:grid-layout
- grid-template-columns: 385px repeat(2, 300px)
+ grid-template-columns: 385px 510px
grid-template-rows: 1fr
grid-template-areas: |
"info map map"
@@ -79,91 +64,93 @@ browser_mod:
- type: vertical-stack
+ view_layout:
+ grid-area: info
- - type: entities
- view_layout:
- grid-area: info
- title: Inställningar
- card_mod:
- class: header
+ - type: entities
+ title: Inställningar
+ card_mod:
+ class: header
+ entities:
+ - entity: vacuum.morty
+ - entity: sensor.template_vacuum_lastclean
+ - type: custom:bar-card
+ width: 55%
+ height: 2em
+ decimal: 0
+ unit_of_measurement: '%'
+ positions:
+ icon: outside
+ indicator: 'off'
+ name: outside
+ severity:
+ - color: '#303435'
+ from: 11
+ to: 100
+ - color: '#6d2525'
+ from: 0
+ to: 10
+ entity_row: true
- - entity: vacuum.valetudo_robot
- - entity: sensor.vacuum_last_cleaned
- - type: custom:bar-card
- width: 55%
- height: 2em
- decimal: 0
- unit_of_measurement: '%'
- positions:
- icon: outside
- indicator: 'off'
- name: outside
- severity:
- - color: '#303435'
- from: 11
- to: 100
- - color: '#6d2525'
- from: 0
- to: 10
- entity_row: true
- entities:
- - entity: vacuum.valetudo_robot
- attribute: battery_level
- name: Batteri
- icon: mdi:battery
- - entity: sensor.template_roborock_filter
- - entity: sensor.template_roborock_mainbrush
- - entity: sensor.template_roborock_sidebrush
- - entity: sensor.template_roborock_sensors
- - entity: input_select.roborock_speed
- - type: horizontal-stack
- cards:
- - type: custom:button-card
- entity: vacuum.valetudo_robot
- icon: mdi:play-pause
- tap_action:
- action: call-service
- service: >
- [[[
- return entity.state === 'docked' || entity.state === 'paused'
- ? 'vacuum.start'
- : 'vacuum.pause';
- ]]]
- service_data:
- entity_id: >
- [[[ return entity.entity_id; ]]]
- template: icon_only
- - type: custom:button-card
- entity: vacuum.valetudo_robot
- icon: mdi:battery-charging
- tap_action:
- action: call-service
- service: vacuum.return_to_base
- service_data:
- entity_id: >
- [[[ return entity.entity_id; ]]]
- template: icon_only
- - type: custom:button-card
- icon: mdi:delete-empty
- tap_action:
- action: call-service
- service: mqtt.publish
- service_data:
- topic: valetudo/robot/GoToLocationCapability/go/set
- payload: "c520da4d-7656-4bd1-8d08-62564559d222"
- template: icon_only
+ - entity: vacuum.morty
+ attribute: battery_level
+ name: Batteri
+ icon: mdi:battery
+ - entity: sensor.template_vacuum_filter
+ - entity: sensor.template_vacuum_mainbrush
+ - entity: sensor.template_vacuum_sidebrush
+ - entity: sensor.template_vacuum_sensors
+ - entity: select.vacuum_speed
+ - type: horizontal-stack
+ cards:
+ - type: custom:button-card
+ entity: vacuum.morty
+ icon: mdi:play-pause
+ tap_action:
+ action: call-service
+ service: >
+ [[[
+ return entity.state === 'docked' || entity.state === 'paused'
+ ? 'vacuum.start'
+ : 'vacuum.pause';
+ ]]]
+ service_data:
+ entity_id: >
+ [[[ return entity.entity_id; ]]]
+ template: icon_only
+ - type: custom:button-card
+ entity: vacuum.morty
+ icon: mdi:battery-charging
+ tap_action:
+ action: call-service
+ service: vacuum.return_to_base
+ service_data:
+ entity_id: >
+ [[[ return entity.entity_id; ]]]
+ template: icon_only
+ - type: custom:button-card
+ icon: mdi:delete-empty
+ tap_action:
+ action: call-service
+ service: vacuum.send_command
+ service_data:
+ entity_id: vacuum.morty
+ command: app_goto_target
+ params: [16821,23105]
+ template: icon_only
# #
@@ -171,132 +158,30 @@ browser_mod:
# #
- - type: picture-elements
- title: Kartläggning
+ - type: vertical-stack
grid-area: map
- image: "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 50 45' /%3E"
- card_mod:
- class: header
- elements:
- - type: custom:valetudo-map-card
- entity: camera.map_data
- title: null
- rotate: 0
- crop:
- top: 0
- bottom: 15
- left: 43
- right: 0
- min_height: 0
- map_scale: 2
- vacuum_icon: custom:roborock-vacuum-map
- vacuum_color: rgb(224,224,224)
- icon_scale: 1.1
- dock_icon: mdi:battery-charging
- path_color: rgb(30,80,113)
- path_width: 1.5
- floor_color: rgb(46,50,51)
- segment_colors: rgb(46,50,51)
- wall_color: rgba(25,30,30,0.564)
- virtual_wall_color: rgba(255,0,0,0.125)
- virtual_wall_width: 5
- no_go_area_color: rgba(255,0,0,0.082)
- goto_target_icon: mdi:delete-empty
- goto_target_color: rgb(30,80,113)
- style:
- top: 57%
- left: 50%
- width: 100%
- - type: custom:button-card
- aspect_ratio: 1/1
- tap_action:
- action: call-service
- service: input_select.select_option
- service_data:
- entity_id: input_select.roborock_zone
- option: Ingen vald
- styles:
- card:
- - --mdc-ripple-color: none
- - cursor: default
- style:
- top: 50%
- left: 50%
- width: 100%
- - type: custom:button-card
- variables:
- area: Vardagsrum
- template: vacuum_map
- style:
- top: 12%
- left: 74.5%
- - type: custom:button-card
- variables:
- area: Studio
- template: vacuum_map
- style:
- top: 23.5%
- left: 39.2%
- - type: custom:button-card
- variables:
- area: Hall
- template: vacuum_map
- style:
- top: 51.5%
- left: 56.7%
- - type: custom:button-card
- variables:
- area: Kök
- template: vacuum_map
- style:
- top: 55.5%
- left: 19%
- - type: custom:button-card
- variables:
- area: Sovrum
- template: vacuum_map
- style:
- top: 81%
- left: 24.5%
- - type: custom:button-card
- entity: input_select.roborock_zone
- name: Rengöringszon
- label: >
- [[[ return entity.state; ]]]
- show_label: true
- show_icon: false
- styles:
- card:
- - background: '#FFFFFF10'
- - border-radius: 0.6em
- name:
- - font-size: 0.75em
- - color: '#FFFFFF40'
- - margin-bottom: 0.2em
- label:
- - font-size: 1.05em
- - padding: 0 0.8em 0.65em 0.8em
- - color: >
- [[[
- return entity.state == 'Ingen vald'
- ? '#e0e1e170'
- : '#e0e1e1';
- ]]]
- tap_action:
- action: call-service
- service: script.turn_on
- service_data:
- entity_id: script.zone_cleaning
- style:
- top: 89.2%
- left: 82.1%
- width: 10.2em
+ cards:
+ - type: entities
+ title: Kartläggning
+ card_mod:
+ class: header
+ style: |
+ #states {
+ padding-bottom: 0;
+ }
+ entities:
+ - type: custom:xiaomi-vacuum-map-card
+ title: Kartläggning
+ view_layout:
+ grid-area: map
+ entity: vacuum.morty
+ map_camera: camera.vacuum_map
+ camera_calibration: true
+ zones:
+ - [[15250, 17400, 20050, 21000]]
+ - [[15000, 20800, 19100, 23950]]
+ - [[19050, 21050, 23050, 24950]]
+ - [[17900, 24050, 21550, 28650]]
+ - [[21600, 25000, 27600, 28800]]
+ language: se
diff --git a/popup/sovrum_tv2.yaml b/popup/sovrum_tv2.yaml
index f7209479..d36f3c71 100644
--- a/popup/sovrum_tv2.yaml
+++ b/popup/sovrum_tv2.yaml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ browser_mod:
- entity: script.samsung_tv_energy_saving
- - entity: input_select.hdmi2
+ - entity: select.hdmi_samsung
- type: horizontal-stack
diff --git a/popup/studio_dator.yaml b/popup/studio_dator.yaml
index 49b9ab65..2527545f 100644
--- a/popup/studio_dator.yaml
+++ b/popup/studio_dator.yaml
@@ -53,22 +53,22 @@ browser_mod:
entity_row: true
- - entity: sensor.template_imac_cpu
+ - entity: sensor.imac_cpu
action: call-service
service: homeassistant.update_entity
- entity_id: sensor.template_imac_cpu
+ entity_id: sensor.imac_cpu
- - entity: sensor.template_imac_mem
+ - entity: sensor.imac_mem
action: call-service
service: homeassistant.update_entity
- entity_id: sensor.template_imac_mem
+ entity_id: sensor.imac_mem
- entity: automation.macos_notification_motion_hall
- - entity: sensor.template_imac_uptime
+ - entity: sensor.imac_uptime
- entity: sensor.template_imac_vpn
@@ -94,19 +94,19 @@ browser_mod:
entity_row: true
- - entity: sensor.template_imac_system_ssd
+ - entity: sensor.imac_system_ssd
action: call-service
service: homeassistant.update_entity
- entity_id: sensor.template_imac_system_ssd
+ entity_id: sensor.imac_system_ssd
- - entity: sensor.template_imac_macintosh_hd
+ - entity: sensor.imac_macintosh_hd
action: call-service
service: homeassistant.update_entity
- entity_id: sensor.template_imac_macintosh_hd
+ entity_id: sensor.imac_macintosh_hd
- type: horizontal-stack
diff --git a/popup/vardagsrum_tv.yaml b/popup/vardagsrum_tv.yaml
index 87d67ecc..00926fe4 100755
--- a/popup/vardagsrum_tv.yaml
+++ b/popup/vardagsrum_tv.yaml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ browser_mod:
- entity: automation.tv_on_lights
- - entity: input_select.hdmi
+ - entity: select.hdmi_bravia
- type: horizontal-stack
diff --git a/secrets [REDACTED].yaml b/secrets [REDACTED].yaml
index 894399fb..71a8c1f2 100755
--- a/secrets [REDACTED].yaml
+++ b/secrets [REDACTED].yaml
@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@ spotify_client_secret: [REDACTED]
tibber_token: Bearer [REDACTED]
darksky_api_key: [REDACTED]
-netdata_host: [REDACTED]
-netdata_port: [REDACTED]
+xiaomi_vacuum_host: [REDACTED]
+xiaomi_vacuum_token: [REDACTED]
+xiaomi_cloud_username: [REDACTED]
+xiaomi_cloud_password: [REDACTED]
github_username: [REDACTED]
github_access_token: [REDACTED]
@@ -71,6 +73,12 @@ imac_sleep: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USE
imac_restart: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now
imac_ip: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
+imac_system_ssd: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] df / | awk '{print $5}' | tail -n 1 | cut -d '%' -f1
+imac_macintosh_hd: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] df /Volumes/Macintosh\\ HD | awk '{ print $5 }' | tail -n 1 | cut -d '%' -f1
+imac_cpu: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] top -l 1 | awk '/CPU usage/ {printf("%.1f\n", $3)}'
+imac_mem: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] ps -A -o %mem | awk '{ mem += $1} END {print mem}'
+imac_uptime: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] sysctl -n kern.boottime | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/,//g'
monitors_mute_on: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] 'osascript -e "set volume with output muted"'
monitors_mute_off: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] 'osascript -e "set volume without output muted"'
monitors_mute_state: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /config/.ssh/id_rsa [REDACTED USER@IP] 'osascript -e "output muted of (get volume settings)"'
diff --git a/ui-lovelace.yaml b/ui-lovelace.yaml
index 891eab8e..269055c7 100755
--- a/ui-lovelace.yaml
+++ b/ui-lovelace.yaml
@@ -122,6 +122,12 @@ views:
- type: custom:button-card
entity: media_player.sony_bravia_tv
name: Tv
+ state_display: >
+ [[[
+ if (variables.state == 'playing') {
+ return 'På';
+ }
+ ]]]
!include popup/vardagsrum_tv.yaml