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Oracle ORDS Dockerfile

This docker container will run Oracle ORDS in standalone mode.

The reason why this image is not posted on Docker Hub is due to Oracle requiring that you download and accept their terms and conditions for ORDS.


Download ORDS. I'll assume that this is stored in your ~/Downloads directory. The downloaded file will look like ~/Downloads/

# Clone this repo
git clone
cd docker-oracle-ords

# Copy the ords*.zip file to files/ folder
# Make sure only one ords file is in files directory
cp ~/Downloads/ords-*.zip files/

Build ORDS Docker Image

Note: tagging with ORDS version number allows you to have multiple ORDS images for each ORDS release.

docker build \
  -t oracle-ords:$ORDS_VERSION \
  -t oracle-ords:latest \

Run Container

This image allows you to run the ORDS container to either generate the ORDS configuration or use an existing one. Full explanations of all the supported parameters is below.

Generate Configuration

Running the ORDS container this way will setup the ORDS configuration in the mapped volume drive (/opt/ords) and only needs to be run once. The following commands demonstrate how to do this. It also has an optional --rm parameter that will remove the container after first use. This is used since we can use a "simpler" run command once the ORDS configuration exists. It also prevents the -e variables which contain the passwords to be attached to a container.

#Note: DB_PORT is NOT the port that you mapped to your Oracle DB Docker image. It's the port that the database natively has open.
# It's recommended to leave it as 1521
# Optional: If DB is in another Docker machine include: --network=<docker_network_name> \
# ~/docker/ords/ords-18.1.1/config is the directory where the ORDS configuration will be saved. If it doesn't exist Docker will create it.
# ORACLE XE Changes:
# DB_HOSTNAME=oracle-xe \

docker run -it --rm \
  --network=oracle_network \
  -e TZ=America/Edmonton \
  -e DB_HOSTNAME=oracle-xe \
  -e DB_PORT=1521 \
  -e APEX_LISTENER_PASS=oracle \
  -e APEX_REST_PASS=oracle \
  -e ORDS_PASS=oracle \
  -e SYS_PASS=Oracle18 \
  --volume $ORDS_CONF_DIR/config:/opt/ords \
  --volume $ORDS_APEX_IMG_DIR:/ords/apex-images \
  -p 32513:8080 \

On your laptop go to localhost:32513/ords. For SQL Developer Web go to: http://localhost:32513/ords/sql-developer

Configuration Exists

In this case ORDS will assume that your configuration exists (found in the mapped /opt/ords folder). A few differences to note from previous run command:

  • Includes a name attribute. This will allows to reference the container by name when using docker start ords and docker stop ords.
  • Does not include all database login information (since exists in configuration file)
  • Does not self-remove
  • -d (detached mode - optional) is used so that it does not lock the current terminal screen
docker run -it -d \
  --name=ords \
  --network=oracle_network \
  -e TZ=America/Edmonton \
  --volume ~/docker/ords/19.4.0/config:/opt/ords \
  --volume ~/docker/files/apex/19.2.0/images:/ords/apex-images \
  -p 32513:8080 \

Health Check

This container includes a healthcheck to ensure that ORDS is working properly:

docker ps

# Should result in something like the following
# Note the (healthy) status
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE        COMMAND                 CREATED       STATUS                  PORTS                    NAMES
b7694a2d62ba  ords:18.1.1  "/ords/config-run-or…"  15 hours ago  Up 15 hours (healthy)>8080/tcp  ords


If you want to see the logs from ORDS that would normally output on the screen you can run:

docker logs ords

Where ords is the name of your container.

Container Parameters

Parameter Description
--name Optional: Name to label container
--network Optional: If your database is part of a Docker network, attach this container to same network.
-e TZ Optional: Timezone for ORDS
-e DB_HOSTNAME Hostname of Oracle DB
-e DB_PORT TNS port to DB. Note: If on a Docker Network don't use the mapped port. Most likely this will always be 1521
-e DB_SERVICENAME DB servicename
-e APEX_PUBLIC_USER_PASS APEX_PUBLIC_USER password (to be created)
-e APEX_LISTENER_PASS APEX_LISTENER password (to be created)
-e APEX_REST_PASS APEX_REST password (to be created)
-e ORDS_PASS ORDS_PUBLIC_USER password (to be created)
-e SYS_PASS SYS password
-e REST_SQL REST enabled SQL. Default: true
-e FEATURE_SDW SQL Developer Web. Default: true. Note: REST_SQL must be true as well
--volume <local dir>:/ords/apex-images Directory that contains images for APEX
--volume <local dir>:/opt/ords Optional: Directory to/that contains ORDS config. If this is not provided, the configuration will be saved in the container and will not be available if the container is deleted. If defaults.xml is not found in the folder ORDS will try to install.
-p 1234:8080 Port mapping, 8080 is the port in the container and can not be modified.


Please read the development documentation for more info on how to help develop this Docker image.