👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
There are a few ways you can contribute, including:
- Raise issues and pull requests to improve the site
- Raise a pull request to add a blog post
- Raise a pull request to update the site's documentation or READMEs
The blog is built with GitHub Pages. Please set up a local version of your Jekyll GitHub Pages site to test changes locally before creating a pull request.
Follow the issue template and pull request template appropriately, for all purposes of the site (documentation, site construct.)
- Create your new post as a file under _posts, using the following filename format:
yyyy-MM-dd-<name of the blog>.md
- GitHub-style Markdown is fully supported.
- For LaTeX, follow GitHub's guide.
- Each blog article requires a banner image, which should be placed in the folder
. You can use an existing banner or add your own. - If you include images in the content of the article, add them to the folder
. - Please thoroughly test your changes locally before submitting a pull request.
- Each pull request will pass through our review process.
- Set the front matter boolean
(see below) to declare whether your post should be published immediately when your pull request is merged.
- Front matter (standard Jekyll front matter), for example:
- The content of your post, formatted with semantically structured Markdown.
title: Title which will be displayed
published: true
author: First Author, Second Author
description: brief description of the blog as subtext on the site
- yaml list of categories
- yaml list of tags
date: yyyy-MM-dd
image: Image name without path, for example "image.png". Image must to be stored in `/assets/img/banner`