Workflow Webhook Action
(2)A Github workflow action to call a remote webhook endpoint with a JSON or form-urlencoded
payload, and support for BASIC authentication. A hash signature is passed with each request,
derived from the payload and a configurable secret token. The hash signature is
identical to that which a regular Github webhook would generate, and sent in a header
field named X-Hub-Signature
. Therefore any existing Github webhook signature
validation will continue to work. For more information on how to valiate the signature,
By default, the values of the following GitHub workflow environment variables are sent in the
. For more information on what is contained in these variables, see
These values map to the payload as follows:
"repository": "GITHUB_REPOSITORY",
"commit": "GITHUB_SHA",
"ref": "GITHUB_REF",
"head": "GITHUB_HEAD_REF",
"workflow": "GITHUB_WORKFLOW"
If you are interested in receiving more comprehensive data about the GitHub event than just the
above fields, then the action can be configured to send the whole JSON payload of the GitHub event,
variable in the environment variable documentation referenced above.
The official documentation and reference for the payload itself can be found here:, and the details on how to configure it,
is further down in the Usage section of this README.
Additional (custom) data can also be added/merged to the payload (see further down).
The following are example snippets for a Github yaml workflow configuration.
Send the JSON (default) payload to a webhook:
- name: Invoke deployment hook
uses: distributhor/workflow-webhook@v3
webhook_url: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_URL }}
webhook_secret: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_SECRET }}
Will deliver a payload with the following properties:
"event": "push",
"repository": "owner/project",
"commit": "a636b6f0861bbee98039bf3df66ee13d8fbc9c74",
"ref": "refs/heads/master",
"head": "",
"workflow": "Build and deploy",
"requestID": "74b1912d19cfe780f1fada4b525777fd"
contains a randomly generated identifier for each request.
Add additional data to the payload:
- name: Invoke deployment hook
uses: distributhor/workflow-webhook@v3
webhook_url: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_URL }}
webhook_secret: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_SECRET }}
data: '{ "weapon": "hammer", "drink" : "beer" }'
The additional information will become available on a data
and now look like:
"event": "push",
"repository": "owner/project",
"commit": "a636b6f0861bbee98039bf3df66ee13d8fbc9c74",
"ref": "refs/heads/master",
"head": "",
"workflow": "Build and deploy",
"data": {
"weapon": "hammer",
"drink": "beer"
"requestID": "74b1912d19cfe780f1fada4b525777fd"
Send a form-urlencoded payload instead:
- name: Invoke deployment hook
uses: distributhor/workflow-webhook@v3
webhook_type: 'form-urlencoded'
webhook_url: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_URL }}
webhook_secret: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_SECRET }}
data: 'weapon=hammer&drink=beer'
Will set the Content-Type
header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and deliver:
Finally, if you prefer to receive the whole original GitHub payload as JSON (as opposed
to the default JSON snippet above), then configure the webhook with a webhook_type
- name: Invoke deployment hook
uses: distributhor/workflow-webhook@v3
webhook_type: 'json-extended'
webhook_url: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_URL }}
webhook_secret: ${{ secrets.WEBHOOK_SECRET }}
data: '{ "weapon": "hammer", "drink" : "beer" }'
You can still add custom JSON data, which will be available on a data
property, included
on the GitHub payload. Importantly, the sending of the whole GitHub payload
is only supported as JSON, and not currently available as urlencoded form parameters.
webhook_url: "https://your.webhook"
Required. The HTTP URI of the webhook endpoint to invoke. The endpoint must accept
an HTTP POST request.
webhook_secret: "Y0uR5ecr3t"
Optional. The secret with which to generate the signature hash. If no secret is configured,
then the URL itself will be used as the value with which to generate the signature hash.
This is useful for use-cases where the webhook URL might be an obscure, random or temporary
link. In general it is advisable to use a webhook secret.
webhook_auth_type: "bearer"
The type of authentication to use when invoking the webhook URL. Valid values are basic
and header
. Defaults to basic
if not specified. In addition, if no value
is set for webhook_auth
, then it is assumed that no authentication is required, and this
value, even if configured, will have no effect. It only takes effect when used in conjunction
with webhook_auth
. The expectations for how each option behaves, is explained in the
section below.
webhook_auth: "username:password"
webhook_auth: "Token:ABC"
webhook_auth: "ABC"
The credentials to be used for authentication of the the endpoint. If not configured,
authentication is assumed not to be required.
If the webhook_auth_type
is set to basic
, then this value is expected to be a
string, used for BASIC authentication against the endpoint. It must follow
this format, as specified in the curl
man pages, since it is passed verbatim to the
curl -u
If the webhook_auth_type
is set to bearer
, then this value is expected to be an
access token. It will set a header named Authorization
with a value of Bearer ${webhook_auth}
If the webhook_auth_type
is set to header
, then the expecation is to receive a string similar
in format to basic
, except that the delimiter (a colon) will delimit a header name and header
value. For example a value of Token:ABC
will set a header named Token
with a value of ABC
If no colon is present (no delimiter specified) then it will default to setting a header named
of which the value will be whatever was configured for ${webhook_auth}
ie (no 'bearer') prefix. As an example, when configured with a value of ABC
, a header named
will be set to the value ABC
webhook_type: "json | form-urlencoded | json-extended"
The default endpoint type is JSON. The argument is only required if you wish to send urlencoded form data.
Otherwise it's optional.
verbose: true
To enable verbose output in curl set the argument verbose
to true
. The default value is false
. See also: curl
docs on option -v
silent: true
To hide the output from curl set the argument silent
to true
. The default value is false
timeout: 30
To set a maximum time, in seconds, by which to establish an initial connection to the server. Once a connection has been
established, the option is not used in any further way with regards to the duration of connection.
max_time: 30
To set a maximum time, in seconds, by which the server needs to respond to the request.
This also includes the time needed for the server to respond. May be used in combination with timeout
curl_opts: '--speed-limit 5000'
curl_opts: '-H "X-Beverage: Beer"'
You can use curl_opts
to pass in arbitrary options to the curl request. NOTE: this is an experimental feature and not
guaranteed to work for all options. The string configured here will be passed in verbatim to curl, and it is quite easy to
break things when using it. For simple curl options it should work, but for others it may not suffice. Also, take care with
escaping characters in YAML.
verify_ssl: false
To disable verification of SSL-certificates in curl set the argument verify_ssl
to false
. The default value is true
See also: curl
docs on option -k
event_name: 'NAME'
Optional. A custom event name sent to the webhook endpoint
data: "Additional JSON or URL encoded data"
Additional data to include in the payload. It is optional. This data will attempted to be merged 'as-is' with the existing payload, and is expected to already be sanitized and valid.
In the case of JSON, the custom data will be available on a property named data
, and it will be
run through a JSON validator. Invalid JSON will cause the action to break and exit. For example, using
single quotes for JSON properties and values instead of double quotes, will show the
following (somewhat confusing) message in your workflow output: Invalid numeric literal
Such messages are the direct output from the validation library
The supplied JSON must pass the validation run through jq
response-body: 'The body of the webook response'
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
Workflow Webhook Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.