fixColors.js is jQuery plugin to fix contrast ratio of foreground and background color automatically.
Its very simple to use, just include jQuery on your page and fixColor.js Call fixColors every time you want to fix the colors of a content.
Major part of code goes in function
function getColorInfo(strColor){
var match=strColor.match(/rgba[ \t]*\([ \t]*([0-9.]+)[ \t]*,[ \t]*([0-9.]+)[ \t]*,[ \t]*([0-9.]+)[ \t]*,[ \t]*([0-9.]+)[ \t]*\)/);
var isAlpha=true;
match=strColor.match(/rgb[ \t]*\([ \t]*([0-9.]+)[ \t]*,[ \t]*([0-9.]+)[ \t]*,[ \t]*([0-9.]+)[ \t]*\)/);
var r = match[1]*1, g = match[2]*1,b = match[3]*1, a = match[4]*1;
var brightness = (r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114) / 1000, cb = 20;
if (brightness < 127) {
cb = 235;
var rgbOnly='rgb('+r+','+g+','+b+')';
var maxContrast = "rgb(" + cb+"," +cb+"," +cb+")";
return {'r':r,'g':g,'b':b,'a':a,
This function finds some interesting information about a color. e.g. brightness, max Contrasting color, RGB value , if The color is has alpha value, if color is a transparent color etc.
Then there is one more function which finds background or foreground color of a element!
function getComputedColor(el,what) {
var w={'c':{'css':'color','v':'rgb(0,0,0)'},'b':{'css':'background-color','v':'rgb(255,255,255)'}}
if (el === null) {
return w[what].v;
var str = getStyle(el, w[what].css);
return (getColorInfo(str).isTransparent)?getComputedColor(el.parentElement,what):str;
These 2 functions together used to determine and fix colors of a html content.
- This will remove alpha component from the background color, because its not possible to calculate actual, color by having alpha component in it.
- does not work with background images.
You can see working Demo Here
ad88 88 ,ad8888ba, 88 d8" "" d8"' `"8b 88 88 d8' 88 MM88MMM 88 8b, ,d8 88 ,adPPYba, 88 ,adPPYba, 8b,dPPYba, 88 88 `Y8, ,8P' 88 a8" "8a 88 a8" "8a 88P' "Y8 88 88 )888( Y8, 8b d8 88 8b d8 88 88 88 ,d8" "8b, Y8a. .a8P "8a, ,a8" 88 "8a, ,a8" 88 88 88 8P' `Y8 `"Y8888Y"' `"YbbdP"' 88 `"YbbdP"' 88