- zend-session
- added "session.cookie_samesite" option
- general: php 8.0 compatibility (#51)
- Remove default values from method signatures (#78)
- Fix iterators usage (#82)
- Fix Zend_Form_ElementTest (#81)
- Enforce types for PHP 8.0 (#80)
- Fix vsprintf TypeError for php 8.0 (#79)
- Fixed reflection deprecations for php 8.0 (#76)
- Make Zend_Validate_Date work as expected under PHP 8.0 (#75)
- Zend_Session Fix error handler for PHP8 usage (#99)
- Remove openssl deprecation for php 8.0 (#73)
- Remove libxml deprecations for php 8.0 (#65)
- Missing default values caused errorHandlerIgnore to fail under PHP 8.0 (#63)
- Replace version_compare on PHP_VERSION with PHP_VERSION_ID check (#53)
- Do not check get_magic_quotes_gpc value for php 5.4+ (#56)
- Remove usage of $php_errormsg (#42)
- Drop tests covering php older than 5.3.3 (#55)
- Drop code supporting php older than 5.3.3 (#54)
- Add guard on fclose in Zend_Mail_Storage_Mbox (#70)
- Fix Zend_Db issues with php8 (#106)
- php8 Zend_Log compatibility fixes (#107)
- [zend-paginator] prevent fatal error on php8 (#109)
- [zend-queue] prevent TypeError on md5 of non-string message (#110)
- [zend-loader] refactor broken resolvePharParentPath static method (#111)
- zend-acl
- Increase Performance in unsetting rules in ACL (#60)
- zend-application
- fix autoloading of Useragent class (#113)
- zend-db
- zend-exception
- allow Throwable in $previous (#112)
- zend-paginator
- fixed phpdoc typo (#86)
- zend-queue
- Adding support for durable subscribers and persistent message sending (#105)
- zend-view
- fix Zend_View_Abstract::__get() phpdoc (#87)
- Security
- Backport of fix for CVE-2021-3007 in Zend_Http_Response_Stream (#43)
- Infrastructure
- Restore locales before calling test assertions (#45)
- Enable "fail-fast" env for setup-php (#52)
- Move MySQL testing from Travis to GitHub Actions (#49)
- Use ubuntu-16.04 by default for faster setup-php (#72)
- Add php 8.0 to GitHub Actions ignoring its errors (#59)
- Allow newer php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint for php 8.0 (#58)
- Move composer.json validate of sub-packages to GitHub Actions (#40)
- Use parallel-lint for GitHub actions (#50)
- Move memcache testing from Travis to GitHub Actions (#47)
- GitHub Actions: Install composer dependencies (#41)
- Use staabm/annotate-pull-request-from-checkstyle to report violatons in GitHub (#66)
- Use gnu parallel for validating composer.json (#84)
- CI: Switch to Ubuntu 20.04 (#94)
- ditch travis in favor of gha workflow (#108)
- enable postgres on gha (#114)
- use mysql v5.7 in gha (#115)
- zend-db
- Fix Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql being broken on Postgres 12 that removed d.adsrc (#29)
- zend-xml
- zend-locale
- Add Croatia to the European Union (#21)
- zend-validate
- fixed Zend_Validate_Barcode_IntelligentMail class name for psr-0 autoloading compatibility with composer 2.0 (#24)
- zend-search-lucene
- fixed "Trying to access array offset on value of type int" when passed a non-string value to
- fixed "Trying to access array offset on value of type int" when passed a non-string value to
- zend-service-rackspace
- restore back
in place ofisset
- reverted unnecessary changes from #16
- restore back
- general
- php 7.4 compatibility (#16)
- zend-crypt
- fixed Zend_Crypt_Math::rand() method returning random bytes when random integer was expected (removed broken /dev/urandom implementation) (#16)
- zend-file-transfer
- zend-view
- fix @method annotations in Zend_View_Helper_Navigation (#13)
- general
- re-introduce original tests suite and adjust it to run on php 5.3-7.3 (using modded zf1s/phpunit)
- tests adjustments
- composer autoloader and zend loader compatibility fixes
- adjustments for changed folders structure of framework packages
- Zend_DebugTest fixes backported from diablomedia/zf1@ba8cf7 (thanks!)
- fix restoring initial locale properties and HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE in Zend_LocaleTest
- silence 'tempnam(): file created in the system's temporary directory' errors in zend-config writer tests
- fix property exists assertion in zend-amf test
- skip 'resources' tests - those i18n resources were failing / unfinished on original repo
- skip tests using mcrypt (deprecated since php 7.1)
- Zend_VersionTest fix
- commit test files for Zend_Filter_Compress for deterministic results
- fix doctype inconsistencies when testing rendered html in Zend_Form_Decorator_ViewHelperTest
- fixed tests sensitive to line endings in test files (expected CRLF)
- BC Zend_Amf_RequestTest fix from diablomedia/zf1@ba8cf7 (thanks!)
- tell git do not touch line-endings in zend-http-response test files - tests rely on mixed line-endings in raw responses
- portability adjustments - mainly for windows & winux (wsl)
- added missing stdlib and xml tests to Zend/AllTests
- composer: fill ext-* dependencies (#6)
- zend-cloud
- fix lettercase of loaded class Zend_Service_Amazon_Ec2_Availabilityzones
- zend-codegenerator
- fix output of Zend_CodeGenerator_Php_File
- restore commented require_once
- zend-config
- fix regression in reading yaml config - introduced in 1.12.21 (zf1s/zend-config@544edd)
- xml: restore error handler in case of exception
- zend-date
- borrowed a few fixes fixes for zend-date tests from diablomedia/zf1-date (thanks!)
- Fixing DateTest on servers with more recent timezone files diablomedia/zf1-date@ef47f4
- sunrise/sunset calculation differences in php >= 7.2 diablomedia/zf1-date@f69aca
- zend-feed
- php 7.2 compatibility fixes
- zend-filter
- fix auto-loading compress adapters
- zend-gdata
- fix constructing GData-Version header
- zend-loader
- zend-loader and autoloader overhaul
- ensure full compatibility with composer autoloader
- lazy instantiate Zend_Loader_Autoloader in Zend_Application (only if necessary)
- add Zend_Loader_Autoloader::setDisabled() method for turning it off when necessary (to resolve conflicting cases with composer autoloader)
- fixes regression in Zend_Loader_ClassMapAutoloader
- fix for portability of Zend_Loader_ClassMapAutoloader::realPharPath (now works on windows as well)
- Zend_Loader_PluginLoader::useComposerAutoloader() for further sorting conflicting cases
- autoload cache frontends and backends in Zend_Cache::factory by default
- do not instantiate autoloader in Zend_Tool_Framework_Client
- fixed loading zend-translate adapters, validators, encrypt filter adapters
- fixes remaining loader & class_exists calls
- zend-loader and autoloader overhaul
- zend-locale
- format+math+phpmath overhaul
- untangled normalization - removed when value is expected in already normalized form
- fix for issues with locales where e.g. thousand separator is a dot (e.g. german), i.a. zendframework/zf1#706
- apart from zend-currency, it will also have a big impact on zend-measure package (fixing calculations)
- iconv_substr php 7.0.11+ compatibility fixes - borrowed from axot/zf1@4c6400 (thanks!)
- format+math+phpmath overhaul
- zend-mail
- php 7.2 compatibility fixes
- zend-measure
- php 7.3 compatibility fixes
- zend-oauth
- php 7.2 compatibility fixes
- zend-openid
- do not throw error on failed symlink creation
- fix incorrect usage of time() function
- zend-pdf
- php 7.3 compatibility fixes
- zend-reflection
- php7.3 compatibility fixes
- zend-session
- do not ini_set options if unitTestEnabled
- overhaul of session handling in tests - solve conflicting cases
- zend-test
- php 7.3 compatibility fixes
- test case fixes
- portability fixes for loading xml files in tests
- zend-timesync
- fix microtime() usage
- zend-tool
- php 7.2 compatibility fixes
- zend-validate
- idn_to_ascii: use INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 contant, if available
- file size calculation fixed for php 7.x
- file upload validator compatibilty fix
- zend-view
- php 7.2 compatibility fix for PartialLoop helper
- zend-xmlrpc
- fix regression in loading values introduced in 1.12.21 zf1s/zend-xmlrpc@ea5a62
- restore php 5.3 compatibility
- zend-loader
- make the introduced performance optimization for PluginLoader optional (zf1s/zend-loader#4)
- zend-view
- php 5.3 compatibility fixes (zf1s/zend-view#2)
- zend-application
- disable require once call and the autoloader (zf1s/zend-application#1)
- zend-cache
- php 7.2 compatibility fixes
- zend-config
- removed bad usage of count and improved string parsing (zf1s/zend-config#1)
- php 7.2 compatibility fixes
- added: retrieving nested value by
- zend-controller
- composer autoloader compatibility fixes
- zend-date
- Zend_Date::setTime fix for DST change zendframework/zf1#682
- zend-db
- Fixed Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable when $keyValuesCount is not an array (zf1s/zend-db#1)
- zend-feed
- removed uses of deprecated function create_function() (zf1s/zend-feed#1)
- zend-filter
- fixed handling of namespaced classes
- zend-form
- php 7.3 compatibility fixes
- zend-http
- Fix for "Notice: Undefined index: detail", example user-agent: "LightspeedSystemsCrawler Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 9.0; en-US"
- php 7.2 compatibility fixes
- zend-loader
- Drop support for ZendX pseudo namespace (zf1s/zend-loader#1)
- optimize loading plugins - use only composer autoloader
- zend-json
- merged zendframework/zf1#680 to fix "Zend_Json::decode null or empty string throw Zend_Json_Exception on PHP7"
- zend-rest
- updated assemble signature (zf1s/zend-rest#1)
- zend-validate
- Added null check to avoid errors with passing null to a count parameter (zf1s/zend-validate#1)
- fixed invalid assignment $this->_messages = null causing "Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable"
- fixed handling of namespaced classes
- zend-view
- fix for missing combine() variable $extras, causing notice on php 7.3
- zend-xmlrpc
- php 7.2 compatibility fixes
- Final release of the original project, split into individual