9 | 9 | "Galicia-Telegram": {"id": "Galicia-Telegram", "type": "telegram", "includeLocations": ["galicia.geojson"], "languageCodes": ["es", "gl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Galicia Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Telegram for Galicia", "url": "https://t.me/joinchat/AAHZsRBs-mY3hrquk2kpig"},
10 | 10 | "Galicia-Twitter": {"id": "Galicia-Twitter", "type": "twitter", "includeLocations": ["galicia.geojson"], "languageCodes": ["es", "gl"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Galicia Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osmgalicia"},
11 | 11 | "GeoPhilly": {"id": "GeoPhilly", "type": "meetup", "includeLocations": ["philly_metro.geojson"], "countryCodes": ["us"], "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "GeoPhilly", "description": "Meetup for map enthusiasts in the Philadelphia area", "extendedDescription": "GeoPhilly unites developers, geographers, data geeks, open source enthusiasts, civic hackers and map addicts in our shared love of maps and the stories they tell. If you use maps as part of your work or just want to learn more, this is the meetup for you! Our events aim to be open, friendly, educational and social and range from happy hours to lightning talks or even workshops. Come create a diverse, inspiring geospatial community in the Philadelphia with us!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/GeoPhilly/", "contacts": [{"name": "Dan Ford", "email": "dford@azavea.com"}], "order": 5},
12 |
| - "LATAM-Facebook": {"id": "LATAM-Facebook", "type": "facebook", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latam Facebook", "description": "OpenStreetMap Latam on Facebook", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/osmlatam/", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 3}, |
13 |
| - "LATAM-Telegram": {"id": "LATAM-Telegram", "type": "telegram", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latam Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Telegram for Latin America", "url": "https://t.me/OSMLatam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}]}, |
14 |
| - "LATAM-Twitter": {"id": "LATAM-Twitter", "type": "twitter", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latam Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osmlatam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}]}, |
15 | 12 | "MapMinnesota": {"id": "MapMinnesota", "type": "meetup", "includeLocations": ["minneapolis_st_paul_metro.geojson"], "countryCodes": ["us"], "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "MapMinnesota", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in the Twin Cities area", "extendedDescription": "Connecting OpenStreetMap enthusiasts in Minnesota and the Twin Cities!", "url": "https://www.meetup.com/Map-Minnesota/", "contacts": [{"name": "Ian Dees", "email": "ian.dees@gmail.com"}], "order": 5},
16 | 13 | "Mapping-DC-meetup": {"id": "Mapping-DC-meetup", "type": "meetup", "includeLocations": ["dc_metro.geojson"], "countryCodes": ["us"], "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Mapping DC", "description": "Improve OpenStreetMap in the DC area", "extendedDescription": "We are a group of volunteer mappers who aim to improve the OpenStreetMap in the DC area. We also aim to teach others about the OSM ecosystem, data analytics, cartography, and GIS. We gather every other month at meetups to focus on one area of our city.", "url": "https://mappingdc.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "Brian DeRocher", "email": "brian@derocher.org"}], "order": 5},
17 | 14 | "MappingWR": {"id": "MappingWR", "type": "slack", "includeLocations": [[-80.4925, 43.4518]], "countryCodes": ["ca"], "name": "MappingWR", "description": "Making low carbon routes around Waterloo Region easy to find.", "url": "https://mappingwr.slack.com/", "signupUrl": "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeUswpQfyzwQugdLugtYh4WTMTce0EEjrnOS6xhQ416V4BFHg/viewform", "contacts": [{"name": "David Trueman", "email": "dwtrueman@gmail.com"}]},
206 | 203 | "it-mailinglist": {"id": "it-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "includeLocations": ["it"], "countryCodes": ["it"], "languageCodes": ["it"], "name": "Talk-it Mailing List", "description": "Talk-it is the official mailing list for the Italian OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it", "contacts": [{"name": "Simone Cortesi", "email": "simone@cortesi.com"}, {"name": "Stefano", "email": "sabas88@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Alessandro Palmas", "email": "alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}], "order": -3},
207 | 204 | "it-telegram": {"id": "it-telegram", "type": "telegram", "includeLocations": ["it"], "countryCodes": ["it"], "languageCodes": ["it"], "name": "@OpenStreetMapItalia on Telegram", "description": "OpenStreetMap Italy Telegram chat", "url": "https://t.me/OpenStreetMapItalia", "contacts": [{"name": "Simone Cortesi", "email": "simone@cortesi.com"}, {"name": "Stefano", "email": "sabas88@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Alessandro Palmas", "email": "alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}], "order": 4},
208 | 205 | "it-twitter": {"id": "it-twitter", "type": "twitter", "includeLocations": ["it"], "countryCodes": ["it"], "languageCodes": ["it"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Italy Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter at {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/OpenStreetMapIt", "contacts": [{"name": "Simone Cortesi", "email": "simone@cortesi.com"}, {"name": "Stefano", "email": "sabas88@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Alessandro Palmas", "email": "alessandro.palmas@wikimedia.it"}], "order": 2},
209 |
| - "kosovo-matrix": {"id": "kosovo-matrix", "type": "matrix", "includeLocations": ["xk"], "countryCodes": ["xk"], "languageCodes": ["en", "sq", "sr"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Matrix (bridged with the one in Telegram)", "description": "Semi-official all-Kosovo public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.", "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/#telegram_osmkosovo:t2bot.io"}, |
| 206 | + "kosovo-matrix": {"id": "kosovo-matrix", "type": "matrix", "includeLocations": ["xk"], "countryCodes": ["xk"], "languageCodes": ["en", "sq", "sr"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Matrix (bridged with the one in Telegram)", "description": "Semi-official all-Kosovo public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.", "url": "https://riot.im/app/#/room/#osmkosovo:matrix.org"}, |
210 | 207 | "kosovo-telegram": {"id": "kosovo-telegram", "type": "telegram", "includeLocations": ["xk"], "countryCodes": ["xk"], "languageCodes": ["en", "sq", "sr"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Kosovo on Telegram", "description": "Semi-official all-Kosovo Telegram public group. We welcome all mappers from anywhere in any language.", "url": "https://t.me/osmkosovo", "contacts": [{"name": "Guillaume Rischard", "email": "guillaumenospam@openstreetmapnospam.lu"}], "order": 1},
| 208 | + "latam-facebook": {"id": "latam-facebook", "type": "facebook", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Facebook", "description": "Mappers and OpenStreetMap on Facebook in Latin America", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/osmlatam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 1}, |
| 209 | + "latam-irc": {"id": "latam-irc", "type": "irc", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America IRC", "description": "Join #osm-latam on irc.oftc.net (port 6667)", "url": "http://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=osm-latam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 3}, |
| 210 | + "latam-mailinglist": {"id": "latam-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "Talk-latam Mailing List", "description": "Talk-latam is the official mailing list for the Latinamerican OpenStreetMap community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-latam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 2}, |
| 211 | + "latam-matrix": {"id": "latam-matrix", "type": "matrix", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Matrix", "description": "Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Telegram chat", "url": "https://matrix.to/#/#osm-latam:matrix.org", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 3}, |
| 212 | + "latam-telegram": {"id": "latam-telegram", "type": "telegram", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Telegram", "description": "Chat with other members of the Latinamerican OSM community, it is bridged with the Matrix chat", "url": "https://t.me/osmlatam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 3}, |
| 213 | + "latam-twitter": {"id": "latam-twitter", "type": "twitter", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latin America Twitter", "description": "OpenStreetMap Latin America on Twitter: {url}", "url": "https://twitter.com/osmlatam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 3}, |
| 214 | + "latam-wiki": {"id": "latam-wiki", "type": "wiki", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["en", "es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Wikiproject Latin America", "description": "Everything you need to know about mapping in Latin America", "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/ES:OSM_Latam", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM Community", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}], "order": 2}, |
211 | 215 | "lu-mailinglist": {"id": "lu-mailinglist", "type": "mailinglist", "includeLocations": ["lu"], "countryCodes": ["lu"], "languageCodes": ["de", "en", "fr", "lb"], "name": "Talk-lu Mailing List", "description": "Official mailing list for the Luxembourgish OSM community", "url": "https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lu", "contacts": [{"name": "David Morais Ferreira", "email": "contact@openstreetmap.lu"}], "order": -3},
212 | 216 | "mailinglist-sk-googlegroups": {"id": "mailinglist-sk-googlegroups", "type": "mailinglist", "includeLocations": ["sk"], "countryCodes": ["sk"], "languageCodes": ["cz", "en", "sk"], "name": "Slovak mailing list on google groups", "description": "Official mailing list for Slovak community", "url": "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/osm_sk", "contacts": [{"name": "OpenStreetMap Slovakia", "email": "osm_sk@googlegroups.com"}], "order": -3},
213 | 217 | "map-kibera": {"id": "map-kibera", "type": "group", "includeLocations": [[36.8196, -1.2904]], "countryCodes": ["ke"], "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "Map Kibera Trust", "description": "Map Kibera is a registered organization working in Kenya", "extendedDescription": "Map Kibera Trust’s mission is to increase influence and representation of marginalized communities through the creative use of digital tools for action.", "url": "https://mapkibera.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "Map Kibera", "email": "contact@mapkibera.org"}], "order": 4},
243 | 247 | "osm-kenya": {"id": "osm-kenya", "type": "twitter", "includeLocations": ["ke"], "countryCodes": ["ke"], "languageCodes": ["en"], "name": "OSM Kenya", "description": "OSM Kenya is a community of OSM contributors and users", "extendedDescription": "OSM is a local community for individuals interested in OpenStreetMap including organizations, developers, and YouthMappers chapters in the country.", "url": "https://twitter.com/OSMKenya", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM Kenya", "email": "osmkenya@gmail.com"}], "order": 4},
244 | 248 | "osm-kerala-telegram": {"id": "osm-kerala-telegram", "type": "telegram", "includeLocations": ["india_kerala.geojson"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Kerala Telegram", "description": "We map Kerala together. Join our telegram group. {url}", "url": "https://t.me/osmkerala", "contacts": [{"name": "Jaisen Nedumpala", "email": "jaisuvyas@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"}]},
245 | 249 | "osm-kerala-wiki": {"id": "osm-kerala-wiki", "type": "wiki", "includeLocations": ["india_kerala.geojson"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Kerala", "description": "Want to know more about Kerala Mapping: {url}", "url": "https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Kerala", "contacts": [{"name": "Kevin", "email": "muzirian@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Naveen Francis", "email": "naveenpf@gmail.com"}]},
246 |
| - "osm-latam": {"id": "osm-latam", "type": "osm", "includeLocations": ["419"], "languageCodes": ["es", "pt"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Latam", "description": "Supporting OpenStreetMap in Latin America", "url": "https://osmlatam.org/", "contacts": [{"name": "OSM LATAM", "email": "info@osmlatam.org"}]}, |
247 | 250 | "osm-mg-facebook": {"id": "osm-mg-facebook", "type": "facebook", "includeLocations": ["mg"], "countryCodes": ["mg"], "languageCodes": ["fr", "mg"], "name": "OpenStreetMap Madagascar Facebook Group", "description": "Malagasy Facebook group for people interested in OpenStreetMap.", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/1601381123461284/", "contacts": [{"name": "Brice Ramamonjy", "email": "rafaby21@gmail.com"}, {"name": "Dolly Andriatsiferana", "email": "privatemajory@gmail.com"}], "order": 3},
248 | 251 | "osm-ni": {"id": "osm-ni", "type": "group", "includeLocations": ["ni"], "countryCodes": ["ni"], "languageCodes": ["es"], "name": "MapaNica.net", "description": "Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Nicaragua", "url": "https://www.mapanica.net/", "contacts": [{"name": "NI Community", "email": "talk-ni-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},
249 | 252 | "osm-se": {"id": "osm-se", "type": "osm", "includeLocations": ["se"], "countryCodes": ["se"], "languageCodes": ["sv"], "name": "OpenStreetMap.se", "description": "Provide OSM services and information for the local community in Sweden", "url": "http://openstreetmap.se/", "contacts": [{"name": "Talk-se-owner", "email": "talk-se-owner@openstreetmap.org"}]},
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