This process gives you a native iOS app for testing changes to mapbox-gl-native on a simulator or device. Normally production use of the library is via a precompiled binary linked into the app target: this process instead compiles Mapbox GL Native from source along with your application, so it can include latest development and your own modifications.
Developing for iOS implies an OS X host system.
make iproj
Which which will create and open an Xcode project which can build the entire library from source, as well as an Objective-C test app.
If you don't have an Apple Developer account, change the destination from "My Mac" to a simulator such as "iPhone 6" before you run and build the app.
The demo applications use Mapbox vector tiles, which require a Mapbox account and API access token. Obtain an access token on the Mapbox account page.
Set up the access token by editing the scheme for the application target, then adding an environment variable with the name MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN
make itest
To run the included integration tests on the command line.
If you want to run the tests in Xcode instead, first make ipackage
to create a local static library version, then open test/ios/ios-tests.xcodeproj
, and lastly Command + U
on the Mapbox GL Tests
application target.
- Pan to move
- Pinch to zoom
- Use two fingers to rotate
- Double-tap to zoom in one level
- Two-finger single-tap to zoom out one level
- Double-tap, long-pressing the second, then pan up and down to "quick zoom" (iPhone only, meant for one-handed use)
- Use the debug menu to add test annotations, reset position, and cycle through the debug options.