NOTE: The application is not been sold anymore. If you need the APK you can get it from [1], the project is kept for reference only.
Bluetooth Low Energy Enabler for Nexus 7 and 10 installer
This is the project I use to generate:
In order to get a full build you will need an Android AOSP checkout and some patches, this will generate the installer and may reflect the last available binaries.
Init repo as AOSP instructions says
$ repo sync
Merge projects listed in
with upstream ones -
$ source build/ $ launch aosp_<model>-userdebug $ make busybox bluetooth.default -j 4 <copy files into app/src/main/assets/ >
<update AndroidManifest.xml>
./gradlew assembleDebug
Once you got the debug version tested and running you need to create app/ with the following structure:
keystore=<path to your keystore>
keystore.password=<keystore password>
keystore.alias=<keystore alias>
key.password=<password for the key to use>
Then you can build the release ready apk with
./gradlew assembleRelease
You need to build busybox in order to get the installer working, once build you should update app/src/main/assets/xbin/busybox, instructions for building are:
git clone
cd android-busybox
cp <BTLE-checkout>/busybox/config .config
patch -p1 < <BTLE-checkout>/busybox/Makefile.lib.patch
make menuconfig # update your ndk paths, add/remove applets
make all V=1
cp busybox <BTLE-checkout>/app/src/main/assets/xbin
Short instructions on how to build the binaries
source build/
lunch aosp_<model>-userdebug
modify devices/<maker>/<model>/bluetooth/bluedroid_builcfg.h
make bluetooth.default -j 4
<copy files>