Remove world variable contiguity-index
, and replace with mean-patch-size
and fragmentation-index
Update UI to graph these two variables instead of contiguity-index
Pollination value can now be 0.5, as well as 0 and 1.
No longer randomly assigned to farmers. Now, a network is all farmers with the same attitude and initial land use, except those with land use 1,2,5,8 who have no network.
Now will only alter land use of farms with specified current land use.
The effects of these rules now takes place after any incentivised choice and over rides these. These rules are now controlled by sliders affecting the percentage of patches affected, rather than toggles.
Now it is the mean size of contiguous land use clusters (no diagonal connections). Also added world plot options to show clustering.
Introduced new variables landuse-decision-interval-minimum and landuse-decision-interval-maximum and made decision-interval a patch-owned variable that is randomly selected between these two.
A farmer's land use choice is now the land use with maximum weight, with random selection in case of a tie.
Remove rules applying to the business-as-usual behaviour class.
Converted toggle controls to weight sliders.
To compute value
Removed livestock-yield and crop-yield and replaced with product-yield and product-value
Generate random initial land use with values closely matching the requested weights. Previously the mean of the generated land use was correct but with significant variance.
First version used for research purposes.