Retrohacking the probe
- Retroengineering of 10PV
- version: V0.1
- date: 18/06/2016
- technology: Hacking the ATL10PV
- language: n/a
- author: Kelu124
Tri-Piezo Head
Tri-Piezo Head
The aim of this echOmod is to get the mechanical movement of the piezos. Salvaged from a former ATL10PV.
->Tri-Piezo Head
- Simple to use
- We have removed the position system : we don't have the encoding system
- Tough to find a old 10PV probe
Motor is a 12V... doesn't move below 10V ... using 300mA@10V -- we could use a 5V to 12V DC/DC boost similar to this one. Could feed onto the 5V entry and leave on the 12V output. Can be found on Gotronics and such. Or the 12V could be delivered to the board itself.
3 piezos are fixed frequency
Oil to be found to replace lost one =) Feeback: linseed oil seems good !
Tested with murgen : not really pratical to use, maybe to be replaced with a simple 3MHz probe. Read the full test on murgen's repo.
It seems that the noise previously seen with the bitscope was due to the computer! Not to the bitscope.
We have found an interesting doc: the ATL manual for the ultrasound machine - and specs for the whole set of transducers -- found here
- Control the motor with a 12V PWM
- Integrate 12V+PWM in the probe body
- Put plugs into the probe body
- Repair the probe
- Simplify it
- BiVi
The echOmods project and its prototypes (amongst which we find the retro10PV module) are open hardware, and working with open-hardware components.
Licensed under TAPR Open Hardware License (
Copyright Kelu124 ( 2015-2018
The following work is base on a previous TAPR project, Murgen - and respects its TAPR license.
Copyright Kelu124 ( 2015-2018