## Ino
Source : ino file for an atom matrix m5 controlling a drv8834
21:22:12.751 -> M0:0
21:22:12.751 -> M1:1
21:22:12.751 -> DIR:0
ledcAttachPin(STP, 0); // broche 18, canal 0.
ledcSetup(0, 32*60/4, 12); // canal = 0, frequence = 5000 Hz, resolution = 12 bits
ledcWrite(0, 2048); // canal = 0, rapport cyclique = 2048 (half at 12bits)
Automated image of 20200608a experiment. 200ns at shooting time at 75V pulse
2D array of acquisition with brd35
Acquisition with BRD35
Experiment: 20200608a-11. Duration: 95.0us (115000 - 20000), for 320 repeats each 250.0us. Fech = 16.0Msps, total of 1520.0 pts per line, Nacq = 320. 200ns at shooting time at 75V pulse, probe: brd35, target = wirephantom.
after scan conversion
FFT of the of 20200608a experiment. 200ns at shooting time at 75V pulse (category: FFT).
Automated image of 20200608a experiment. 200ns at shooting time at 75V pulse (category: graph).
FFT of the of 20200608a experiment. 200ns at shooting time at 75V pulse (category: FFT).
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