MagnaChip HV7131GP CMOS Camera Module
- 640x480 (actual 652 x 488 )
- datasheet
- on sale at Sparkfun for $19.95
- SMD Connector is a DF18 Hirose Connector
- SMD Connect available from Sparkfun for $0.95
- Break out Board
- SparkfunCameraFPGA
- AVR project based on a similiar cameras -
8-Bit Output Format Support:
YCbCr 4:2:2
the libdc1394 howto provides an excellent introduction to the Bayer format.
the starting row and column determine the Bayer format
- even
- odd
basically because the camera is slightly larger than 640x480 you can set the window for usage:
- Row 2 and Column 2 with Window Heigh 640 and Width 480 produces
Bayer BGGR
- Row 1 and Column 1 with Window Heigh 640 and Width 480 produces
Bayer GRBG
the odd/even are dependent on the orientation of the scan.
Information gathered from the Sparkfun Forums
although the camera does support a 16-bit mode, the ribbon cable only provides support for the 8-bit mode.
ENB | 11 1 | Y0
RST | 12 2 | Y1
GND | 13 3 | Y2
VDD | 14 4 | Y3
SCL | 15 5 | Y4
SDA | 16 6 | Y5
FVALID | 17 7 | Y6
LVALID | 18 8 | Y7
PCLK | 19 9 | VDD
MCLK | 20 10 | GND
NOTE: Pins 14 + 9 are connected to VDD :
V+ --|
|----[B1]--------------#--------- Pin 9
| |
| |
|----[B2]-------#------)--------- Pin 14
| |
| |
[C1] [C2]
| |
----- -----
--- ---
- -
busonerd states - "My guess for the parts values would be a ~600ohm @ 100MHZ ferrite bead (B1 and B2), current capacity ~100-200 ma, and a 0.1uf caps(C1 and C2). You really can't go wrong with the ferrite bead - just get a higher impedance + higher current capacity one if in doubt. For the caps(C1 and C2) - if you really want to be paranoid, use an 0.47uf, an 0.1uf and an 0.01uf - with the smaller values nearer the connector - but that is guaranteed overkill."
- the i2c interface needs to be level shifted from the 2.8v to either 3.3v or 5v depending on your host device
- application note on i2c level shifting