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File metadata and controls

200 lines (146 loc) · 7.35 KB

Work your Demandware/Salesforce Cloud code

A VS Code extension to work with Demandware/Salesforce Cloud code on Sandbox that support the Script Debugger API (SDAPI) 1.0

Supported features

  • Upload cartridges and watch changes
  • Syntax highlight for isml and ds files
  • Advanced support of ISML syntax
    • hover information
    • autocomplete tags
    • auto formatting
    • find Symbols
    • highlighting selected tags
  • Setting breakpoints
  • Stepping
  • Change variables values in running threads
  • Locals scope variables via the VARIABLES panel
  • View variables on hover
  • Variable watches
  • Console/evaluate code
  • Open files trought Storefront Toolkit
  • Quick open isinclude templates and custom tags via Ctrl+Click (as links)
  • Cartridges overview in explorer
  • Server logs viewer with syntax highlight

WARNING: Some users had reported that debugger completely halts sandbox. Currently, this issue is not fixed and no known steps to reproduce. If you have some info about it please share. So please, before debugger usage make sure that you have availability to restart sandbox for the case if extension halts yours.

Getting Started

To use this extension, you must first open the folder containing the cartridges you want to work on or one of subfolders contain folder cartridges.

Using the debugger

When your launch config is set up, you can debug your project! Pick a launch config from the dropdown on the Debug pane in Code. Press the play button or F5 to start.


The extension operates in one mode - it launch an adapter that connects to sandbox. Just like when using the other debugger, you configure with a .vscode/launch.json file in the root directory of your project. You can create this file manually, or Code will create one for you if you try to run your project, and it doesn't exist yet.


Example launch.json configs with "request": "launch". You must specify hostname and other credentials. cartridgeroot could be set to auto so extention will try do detect path, othervise please set absolute path to folder that contains cartridges. Note: workspaceroot should be set to ${workspaceRoot} unless you know what you doing.

    "version": "0.1.0",
    "configurations": [
          "type": "prophet",
          "request": "launch",
          "name": "Attach to Sandbox",
          "hostname": "*",
          "username": "<username>",
          "password": "<password>",
          "codeversion": "version1",
          "cartridgeroot": "auto",
          "workspaceroot": "${workspaceRoot}"

Note: for windows user cartridgeroot should be set as absolute path to cartridges folder, i.e. C:\\some\\folder\\path\\to\\cartridges

If you want to use a different sandboxes, you can also setup several configurations.

Other optional launch config fields

  • trace: When true, the adapter logs its own diagnostic info to console. This is often useful info to include when filing an issue on GitHub.

Using the uploader

Configuration for uploader should live in the file named dw.json (similar is used by dwupload and is compatible witn the uploader). Configuration should be placed in the directory that contains all cartridges.

├── bc_library
├── bm_integrationframework
├── dw.json
├── jsconfig.json
└── modules

Example of file:

    "hostname": "",
    "username": "user",
    "password": "password",
    "cartridge": ["cartridgeA", "cartridgeB"],// optional
    "code-version": "version2"

The second step: enabling the uploader in workspace preferences. Open preferences, switch to workspace preferences and set value to true for "extension.prophet.upload.enabled". Detailed log information is written in output channel Prophet Uploader. (Note: once you change dw.json you should run 'Clean Project/Upload all' from command menu to apply it).

You can temporarily disable watching or force upload cartridges (i.e. clean project) via commands.

  • Prophet: Enable Upload
  • Prophet: Disable Upload
  • Prophet: Clean Project/Upload all

(press F1 and select command)

Other configuration

  • extension.prophet.cartridges.path - List of cartridges separated by colon. Allows quick open don't ask a user to choose the file. Automatically open file that match first cartridge in list.
  • extension.prophet.ismlServer.activateOn - allow activate isml server for non standatd (isml) files, ex. html
  • extension.prophet.clean.on.start - allows to enable/disable code upload on editor startup (enabled by default)

Improve experience

Experience can be improved by using follow jsconfig.json in the folder with cartridges. It allows resolve absolute paths in scripts correctly, (except it starts with ~ or *).

Note: client side JS files must have it's own jsconfig.json file.

Code assistance can be improved even more by adding d.ts definition for the project. Definitions for Commerce Cloud objects can be downloaded from repo

    "compilerOptions": {
        "noLib": true,
        "target": "es5",
        "baseUrl": "./",
        "paths": {
            "*" : ["./*", "modules/*", "../types/*"]
    "typeAcquisition": {
        "enable": true
    "include": [
  • Replace cartridge1...cartridgeN for your real cartriges
  • Replace ../types/ to path where you are unpacked type definitions

To help VSCode determinate type of variable/argument JSDoc can be used. For instance:

// local variable

/ @type {dw.catalog.Product}
var product = someMethod();

// arguments types

/ @param {dw.util.Iterator.<dw.catalog.Product>} products
/ @param {dw.order.Basket} basket
/ @returns {Array.<dw.catalog.Product>}
function doSomething(product, basket) {

Reporting a bug

To report a bug simply create a new GitHub Issue and describe your problem or suggestion. All kinds of feedback are welcome regarding extention including but not limited to:

  • When Prophet doesn't work as expected
  • When you simply want a new option or feature

Before reporting a bug, please look around to see if there are any open or closed tickets that discuss your issue.


There are many ways to contribute to Prophet.

  • Submit bugs and help to verify fixes as they are checked in.
  • Review the source code changes.
  • Engage with other Prophet users and developers.
  • Contribute bug fixes.
  • Contribute tests.

Pull requests

If you have made or wish to make some features/fixes, please, make a fork of this repo, do your changes, and send your pull request to this repo into develop branch. After review it will be merged to develop, and during some time it will be available in master and extention itself. Before making pull request, please, make that it doesn't break anything. (currently there no tests, so test that covers current functionality are welcomed)
