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LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation)

LDA is a widely-used topic-modeling technique, a Bayesian generative model for discovering hidden topical patterns that helps in dimension reduction and text analysis.

1. Introduction


A text corpus $ C $ contains a set of documents $ \{D_1, \cdots, D_{M}\} $, and each document $ D_i $ contains a set of words, $ D_i = (t_1, t_2, \cdots, t_{N_i}) $. A word is a basic unit of a vocabulary denoted by $ V $. The number of topics in LDA, $ K $, needs to be specified. In LDA, each document is modeled as a random mixture over $ K $ latent topics, $ \theta_d $, whereas each topic is modeled as a $ V $ dimensional distribution over words, $ \phi_k $.

LDA models the generative process for each document in the corpus. It draws a $ K $ dimensional topic distribution, $ \theta_d $, from a Dirichlet distribution, $ Dir(\alpha) $, where $ \alpha $ is the parameter vector of the Dirichlet (hyperparameter of the LDA). To generate each word $ t_{dn} $ in document $ d $, LDA first draws the topic of the word, $ z_{dn} $, from a multinomial distribution $ Mult(\theta_d) $, and then draws the word $ w_{dn} \in V $ from a multinomial distribution $ Mult(\phi_{z_{dn}}) $.

Gibbs Sampling

A common inference technique for LDA is Gibbs Sampling, which is a MCMC method for sampling from the posterior distribution of $ z_{dn} $ and infer the distribution over topics and the distribution over words for each document. Some commonly used Gibbs Sampling variants include the Collapsed Gibbs Sampling(CGS), SparseLDA, AliasLDA, F+LDA, LightLDA and WarpLDA, to name a few, and our experiment results suggest F+LDA as most suitable for training LDA on Angel.

Collapsed Gibbs Sampling (CGS)

We use $ Z=\{z_d\}_{d=1}^D $ to represent the set of topics for all words, $ \Phi = [\phi_1 \cdots \phi_{V}] $ to represent the $ V \times K $ topic-word matrix, and $ \Theta = [\theta_1 \cdots \theta_D] $ to represent the matrix whose columns are the topic distributions for all documents, then, training LDA requires inferring the posterior of the latent variable $ (\Theta, \Phi, Z) $, given the observed variable $ Z $ and the hyperparameters. Useing conjugate prior, CGS gives a closed-form expression for the posterior of $ Z $, resulting in simple iterations for sampling $ z_{dn} $ following the conditional probability below:

$$p(z_{dn} = k| t_{dn} = w, Z_{\neg dn}, C_{\neg dn}) \propto \\\ \frac{C_{wk}^{\neg dn} + \beta}{C_{k}^{\neg dn} \\\ + V\beta}~(C_{dk}^{\neg dn} + \alpha)$$


F+LDA factorizes the probability into two parts, $ C_{dk} \frac{C_{wk} + \beta}{C_k + V\beta} $ and $ \alpha \frac{C_{wk} + \beta}{C_k + V\beta} $. Because $ C_d $ is sparse, sampling will be only done for its non-zero elements; for the rest, F+LDA uses the F+ tree for searching, thus reducing the complexity to O(logK). Overall, F+LDA's complexity is $ O(K_d) $, where $ K_d $ is the number of non-zero elements in the document-topic matrix.

2. Distributed Implementation on Angel

The overall framework for training LDA on Angel is shown in the figure below. There are two comparatively large matrices in LDA, $ C_w $ and $ C_d $, and we slice C_d to different workers, and C_w to different servers. In each iteration, workers pull C_w from the servers for drawing topics, and send the updates on C_w back to the servers.

Architecture for LDA on Angel

3. Execution & Performance

Input Format

  • Each line is a document, and each document consists of a set of word ids; word ids are separated by ,.
$$wid_0 wid_1 ... wid_n$$


  • Data Parameters
    • input path
    • save path for trained model
  • Algorithm Parameters
    • ml.epoch.num: number of iterations
    • ml.lda.word.num:number of words
    • ml.lda.topic.num:number of topics
    • ml.worker.thread.num:number of threads within each worker
    • ml.lda.alpha: alpha
    • ml.lda.beta: beta


  • Data

    • PubMED
  • Resource

    • worker: 20
    • ps: 20
  • Angel vs Spark: Training time with 100 iterations

    • Angel:15min
    • Spark:>300min