This contains the files needed for SecurityTube SLAE exam
- Configurable listening port
- C source code
- Assembly source
- Bash compile script
- Wrapper C program
- Configurable destination IP and port
- C source code
- Assembly source
- Bash compile script
- Wrapper C program
- access() egghunter (39 bytes)
- access() egghunter reloaded (35 bytes)
- sigaction() egghunter 30 bytes
- sigaction() egghunter reloaded 28 bytes
- Custom encoder scheme
- Configurable garbage amount
Create a new user with UID 0 -
Spawn a shell on an established connection -
Connect back to the attacker, Staged meterpreter server
- Original: setuid(); execve(); exit(0)
- Original: execve-chmod 0777 /etc/shadow
- Original: push reboot()
- AES-128 CBC encrypted shellcode
- python crypter (python-crypto)
- C decrypter (PolarSSL)
- Change hostname shellcode
- TCP Shell Bind + password