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+id: oauth-dex-concept
+title: Authentication process in ChaosCenter
+sidebar_label: Authentication in ChoasCenter
+## Prerequisites
+- [OAuth](https://oauth.net/specs/)
+ChaosCenter allows OAuth as well as local authentication using Dex and the authentication server.
+## Authentication Architecture
+Litmus portal uses two components for authentication of users:
+- Authentication Server
+- Dex OIDC Server (Optional)
+By default litmus-portal comes with then authentication server as part of the `litmusportal-server` deployment and it allows local authentication that is based of mongo database. Client services such as `litmus-ctl` and `litmusportal-frontend` make use of this server.
+In order to provide enhanced and seamless login features, we wanted to integrate OAuth and other authentication mechanisms such as OpenID connect. To have flexibility, litmus-portal makes use of an additional component, [Dex OIDC server](https://dexidp.io/).
+Dex is a highly extensible cloud-native OIDC provider that is able to take care of various authentication mechanisms. With Dex being deployed, the authentication-server can communicate with the dex-server, enabling integration of various OAuth providers. GitHub and Google auth has been tested at present.
+## Resources
+- [Deploying OAuth in ChaosCenter](../user-guides/chaoscenter-oauth-dex-installation.md)
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+id: chaoscenter-oauth-dex-installation
+title: ChaosCenter with OAuth2 Login Support
+sidebar_label: OAuth2 Support using Dex
+# Prerequisites
+Before deploying LitmusChaos, make sure the following items are there
+- Kubernetes 1.17 or later
+- A Persistent volume of 20GB
+ :::note
+ Recommend to have a Persistent volume(PV) of 20GB, You can start with 1GB for test purposes as well. This PV is used as persistent storage to store the chaos config and chaos-metrics in the Portal. By default, litmus install would use the default storage class to allocate the PV. Provide this value
+ :::
+- [kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/#kubectl)
+- [Deployed ChaosCenter](../getting-started/installation.md)
+- Atleast one of the following
+ - Google Oauth credentials
+ - GitHub Oauth credentials
+## Deploy Dex OIDC provider
+In order to enable OAuth2 and to be able to login via Google and GitHub, litmus uses [Dex OIDC](https://dexidp.io/)
+Make sure you have your Google and GitHub Client credentials ready, if you do not have them, you can generate one yourself
+- [Guide to generating Google Oauth Client Credentials](https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158849?hl=en#zippy=)
+- [Guide to generating GitHub OAuth Client Credentials](https://docs.github.com/en/developers/apps/building-oauth-apps/creating-an-oauth-app)
+### Configuring Dex OIDC provider
+curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/litmuschaos/litmus/8d025a2f3101990a1acc002612fbe7281dcbfb4d/litmus-portal/dex-server/dex-deployment.yaml --output dex-deployment.yaml
+1. Open the file with your favorite text-editor
+2. You will find the following `config-map` with some data, replace your data as the comments suggests
+ ```yaml
+ issuer: http://:32000 # Replace your NODE_IP here
+ storage:
+ type: kubernetes
+ config:
+ inCluster: true
+ web:
+ http:
+ staticClients:
+ - id: LitmusPortalAuthBackend
+ redirectURIs:
+ - '/auth/dex/callback'
+ - 'http://localhost:8080/auth/dex/callback' # Included for local testing purposes
+ name: 'LitmusPortalAuthBackend'
+ secret: ZXhhbXBsZS1hcHAtc2VjcmV0
+ oauth2:
+ skipApprovalScreen: true
+ connectors:
+ - type: google
+ id: google
+ name: Google
+ config:
+ clientID: # Add your Google Client ID here
+ clientSecret: # Add your Google Client Secret here
+ redirectURI: http://:32000 # Replace your NODE_IP here
+ - type: github
+ id: github
+ name: GitHub
+ config:
+ clientID: # Add your GitHub Client ID here
+ clientSecret: # Add your GitHub Client Secret here
+ redirectURI: http://:32000/callback # Replace your NODE_IP here
+ ```
+**Note: The Dex OIDC provider runs at `NODE_IP:32000` by default**
+After the configuration, deploy the Dex deployment using the following command:
+kubectl apply -f dex-deployment.yaml
+You should now see the dex-server deployed in the litmus namespace!
+kubectl get pods -n litmus
+Expected Output
+litmusportal-dex-server-7f7658b57-lbbxc 1/1 Running 0 107s
+litmusportal-frontend-74d456746f-56v9x 1/1 Running 0 5m57s
+litmusportal-server-9c4d85f57-5r6km 2/2 Running 0 5m57s
+mongo-0 1/1 Running 0 5m57s
+### Configuring `litmusportal-server` to enable Dex features
+To set up Dex, we would require to modify our litmusportal-server a bit in order to communicate with Dex. This will be achieved by adding some environment variables
+- `OIDC_ISSUER`: The place where the Dex OIDC lives, i.e `NODE_IP:32000`
+- `DEX_ENABLED`: This variable enables dex features in the litmusportal-server
+- `CALLBACK_URL`: This is the url that will be called back after user completes thier OAuth, this will be the litmusportal-frontend service
+Set your variables using
+kubectl set env deployment/litmusportal-server -n litmus --containers="auth-server" DEX_SERVER="true", OIDC_ISSUER=:32000, CALLBACK_URL=
+Your litmusportal-server pod will be restarted and Dex features will be enabled!
+### Verifying if OAuth2 is enabled
+Go to http://litmusportal-frontend-service/auth/dex/login, you should be prompted with Google or GitHub login
+## Resources
+- [Dex OIDC Provider configurations](https://dexidp.io/docs/)
+## Learn more
+- [Install ChaosCenter in Namespace Scope](../user-guides/chaoscenter-namespace-scope-installation.md)
+- [Connect External ChaosAgents to ChaosCenter](../user-guides/chaosagents-installation.md)
+- [Setup Endpoints and Access ChaosCenter without Ingress](../user-guides/setup-without-ingress.md)
+- [Setup Endpoints and Access ChaosCenter with Ingress](../user-guides/setup-with-ingress.md)
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- 'concepts/gitops'
+ 'concepts/gitops',
+ 'concepts/oauth-dex-concept'
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'Advanced Installation': [
ChaosCenter: [
+ 'user-guides/chaoscenter-oauth-dex-installation',