A lightweight, LUA powered, 2D game engine built with SDL3.
You can download the current unstable version of the engine from the releases page. Or build it from source.
VoidGEN loads the file pre_init.lua
from the current working directory. VoidGEN will generate on the first run if it is not present.
Ultimately, VoidGEN is a single header file and a single .cpp file linked with SDL and LUA. This means it is possible to compile voidgen using a single command assuming the pre-requisite development libraries are installed and accessible by the compiler.
g++ src/*.cpp -I./includes -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc \
-Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -lpthread \
-Wl,-Bdynamic -lSDL3 \
-lSDL3_image -lSDL3_ttf \
-llua5.3 -o VoidGEN.bin