'use strict' const multiaddr = require('multiaddr') const errCode = require('err-code') const TimeoutController = require('timeout-abort-controller') const anySignal = require('any-signal') const debug = require('debug') const log = debug('libp2p:dialer') log.error = debug('libp2p:dialer:error') const { DialRequest } = require('./dial-request') const getPeer = require('../get-peer') const { codes } = require('../errors') const { DIAL_TIMEOUT, MAX_PARALLEL_DIALS, MAX_PER_PEER_DIALS } = require('../constants') class Dialer { /** * @class * @param {object} options * @param {TransportManager} options.transportManager * @param {Peerstore} options.peerStore * @param {number} [options.concurrency = MAX_PARALLEL_DIALS] - Number of max concurrent dials. * @param {number} [options.perPeerLimit = MAX_PER_PEER_DIALS] - Number of max concurrent dials per peer. * @param {number} [options.timeout = DIAL_TIMEOUT] - How long a dial attempt is allowed to take. * @param {object} [options.resolvers = {}] */ constructor ({ transportManager, peerStore, concurrency = MAX_PARALLEL_DIALS, timeout = DIAL_TIMEOUT, perPeerLimit = MAX_PER_PEER_DIALS, resolvers = {} }) { this.transportManager = transportManager this.peerStore = peerStore this.concurrency = concurrency this.timeout = timeout this.perPeerLimit = perPeerLimit this.tokens = [...new Array(concurrency)].map((_, index) => index) this._pendingDials = new Map() for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(resolvers)) { multiaddr.resolvers.set(key, value) } } /** * Clears any pending dials */ destroy () { for (const dial of this._pendingDials.values()) { try { dial.controller.abort() } catch (err) { log.error(err) } } this._pendingDials.clear() } /** * Connects to a given `peer` by dialing all of its known addresses. * The dial to the first address that is successfully able to upgrade a connection * will be used. * * @param {PeerId|Multiaddr|string} peer - The peer to dial * @param {object} [options] * @param {AbortSignal} [options.signal] - An AbortController signal * @returns {Promise<Connection>} */ async connectToPeer (peer, options = {}) { const dialTarget = await this._createDialTarget(peer) if (!dialTarget.addrs.length) { throw errCode(new Error('The dial request has no addresses'), codes.ERR_NO_VALID_ADDRESSES) } const pendingDial = this._pendingDials.get(dialTarget.id) || this._createPendingDial(dialTarget, options) try { const connection = await pendingDial.promise log('dial succeeded to %s', dialTarget.id) return connection } catch (err) { // Error is a timeout if (pendingDial.controller.signal.aborted) { err.code = codes.ERR_TIMEOUT } log.error(err) throw err } finally { pendingDial.destroy() } } /** * @typedef DialTarget * @property {string} id * @property {Multiaddr[]} addrs */ /** * Creates a DialTarget. The DialTarget is used to create and track * the DialRequest to a given peer. * If a multiaddr is received it should be the first address attempted. * * @private * @param {PeerId|Multiaddr|string} peer - A PeerId or Multiaddr * @returns {Promise<DialTarget>} */ async _createDialTarget (peer) { const { id, multiaddrs } = getPeer(peer) if (multiaddrs) { this.peerStore.addressBook.add(id, multiaddrs) } let knownAddrs = this.peerStore.addressBook.getMultiaddrsForPeer(id) || [] // If received a multiaddr to dial, it should be the first to use // But, if we know other multiaddrs for the peer, we should try them too. if (multiaddr.isMultiaddr(peer)) { knownAddrs = knownAddrs.filter((addr) => !peer.equals(addr)) knownAddrs.unshift(peer) } const addrs = [] for (const a of knownAddrs) { const resolvedAddrs = await this._resolve(a) resolvedAddrs.forEach(ra => addrs.push(ra)) } return { id: id.toB58String(), addrs } } /** * @typedef PendingDial * @property {DialRequest} dialRequest * @property {TimeoutController} controller * @property {Promise} promise * @property {function():void} destroy */ /** * Creates a PendingDial that wraps the underlying DialRequest * * @private * @param {DialTarget} dialTarget * @param {object} [options] * @param {AbortSignal} [options.signal] - An AbortController signal * @returns {PendingDial} */ _createPendingDial (dialTarget, options) { const dialAction = (addr, options) => { if (options.signal.aborted) throw errCode(new Error('already aborted'), codes.ERR_ALREADY_ABORTED) return this.transportManager.dial(addr, options) } const dialRequest = new DialRequest({ addrs: dialTarget.addrs, dialAction, dialer: this }) // Combine the timeout signal and options.signal, if provided const timeoutController = new TimeoutController(this.timeout) const signals = [timeoutController.signal] options.signal && signals.push(options.signal) const signal = anySignal(signals) const pendingDial = { dialRequest, controller: timeoutController, promise: dialRequest.run({ ...options, signal }), destroy: () => { timeoutController.clear() this._pendingDials.delete(dialTarget.id) } } this._pendingDials.set(dialTarget.id, pendingDial) return pendingDial } getTokens (num) { const total = Math.min(num, this.perPeerLimit, this.tokens.length) const tokens = this.tokens.splice(0, total) log('%d tokens request, returning %d, %d remaining', num, total, this.tokens.length) return tokens } releaseToken (token) { // Guard against duplicate releases if (this.tokens.indexOf(token) > -1) return log('token %d released', token) this.tokens.push(token) } /** * Resolve multiaddr recursively. * * @param {Multiaddr} ma * @returns {Promise<Array<Multiaddr>>} */ async _resolve (ma) { // TODO: recursive logic should live in multiaddr once dns4/dns6 support is in place // Now only supporting resolve for dnsaddr const resolvableProto = ma.protoNames().includes('dnsaddr') // Multiaddr is not resolvable? End recursion! if (!resolvableProto) { return [ma] } const resolvedMultiaddrs = await this._resolveRecord(ma) const recursiveMultiaddrs = await Promise.all(resolvedMultiaddrs.map((nm) => { return this._resolve(nm) })) return recursiveMultiaddrs.flat().reduce((array, newM) => { if (!array.find(m => m.equals(newM))) { array.push(newM) } return array }, []) // Unique addresses } /** * Resolve a given multiaddr. If this fails, an empty array will be returned * * @param {Multiaddr} ma * @returns {Promise<Array<Multiaddr>>} */ async _resolveRecord (ma) { try { const multiaddrs = await ma.resolve() return multiaddrs } catch (_) { log.error(`multiaddr ${ma} could not be resolved`) return [] } } } module.exports = Dialer