This is a simple task/todo list written in PHP. It uses a JSON text file for the tasks, and the visual side is created with the HTML5 Kickstart framework by Joshua Gatcke.
- No ads
- Nobody selling your data
- Nobody monitoring your activity
- Data is easy to get out (no vendor lock-in) and to backup.(see .htaccess for more info)
- Offline mode? Host it on your local machine with a LAMP/WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP server.
- Sync? Use a syncing service on the hosts (owncloud and sparkleshare are quite good) and point the program to a json file in that folder.
- Offline sync? Combine above 2 points, or put the software in a git, svn or other version control system repo.
- Added ajax
- Upload to github
- fixed auth
- Added auth
- Added total task deletion
- Added task restore
- Added language choose
- Added russian language
- Added js libs to /js
- Added 2 row styles
- Refactor code
- Css improvements and fixes
- Sort language files
- Fixed security issue in readme(it was recommended 777)
- Some other improves
- Easy auth on/off
- Add/Remove/Update tasks
- Prioritize tasks
- Due date on tasks, time left/late shown
- Trash bin for deleted tasks
- No database required
- Language select(ru and en available)
Either git clone the github repo:
git clone git://
Unzip the file and upload to the web-directory (public_html, /var/www/, /srv/httpd etc..) and make sure that the webserver can write to the json file(660 + chgrp www-data). you can get perms faq here
The MIT License (MIT)
Code by Remy van Elst (c) 2012
improvements by littleguga (c) 2015