Since its initial release in 2013, many people and groups have contributed to the project, from bug reports to major feature additions. If your name is missing from the list, please send an email to
Names are sorted within groups by last name. Groups are in order of commit magnitude.
- Project lead
Kentucky JavaScript Users Group
- November 2013: Added gamepad support
- November 2013: Added loop option to playTheme
- November 2013: Added logic to unset sound.used if resume is false
- November 2013: Various bug fixes (missing map entries, horizontal pipe entrances, audio playing/resuming, character behavior)
- November 2013: Renamed
- November 2013: Added Luigi as sprite option
- November 2013: Bug fix for numFire as int/string
- November 2013: Renamed
- March 2015: Supported MapsHandlr expansion
- February 2014: Added initial key mappings menu
- October 2013: Bug fix for 8-1 pipe exit point
- October 2013: Bug fix for shells not hitting Mario after enemy
- October 2013: Bug fix for Firefox JIT
- October 2013: Bug fix for Mario skid reversal direction
- April 2015: Bug fix for uglify in Grunt
- March 2015: Bug fix for Grunt builds
- October 2013: Bug fix for fireball/enemy collision sound
- October 2013: Bug fix for duplicate line
- September 2014: Bug fix for mute status storage
- October 2013: Bug fix for jumping noises during pipes
- October 2013: Bug fix for missing end-level fireworks
- October 2013: Bug fix for fireball/solid collision sound
- May 2015: Added castle strech failed sounds
- October 2013: Style fixups for triggers.js
- November 2013: Added instructions