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Spatter Scaling Experiments


This repository contains a few scripts and gather/scatter patterns of LANL codes in the form of Spatter JSON input files:

  1. Build Spatter with MPI support for scaling experiments.
  2. Performing on-node weak scaling experiments with Spatter given patterns from LANL codes
  3. Performing on-node GPU throughput experiments with Spatter given patterns from LANL codes



  • CMake
  • MPI
  • C/C++ Compiler
  • Python 3 (+matplotlib +pandas)


git clone --recursive
cd spatter


The setup script will initialize your CPU configuration file (scripts/ with ATS-3 defaults and the GPU configuration file (scripts/ with A100 defaults, and will build Spatter for CPU and GPU. See the Spatter documentation and other build scripts (scripts/ and scripts/ for further instructions for building with different compilers or for GPUs.

The scripts/ script has the following options:

  • c: Toggle CPU Build (default: off)
  • g: Toggle GPU Build (default: off)
  • h: Print usage message

To setup and build for both the CPU and GPU, run the following:

bash scripts/ -c -g

This setup script performs the following:

  1. Untars the Pattern JSON files located in the datafiles directory
    • datafiles/flag/static_2d/001.fp.json
    • datafiles/flag/static_2d/001.nonfp.json
    • datafiles/flag/static_2d/001.json
    • datafiles/xrage/asteroid/spatter.json
  2. Extracts patterns from datafiles/xrage/asteroid/spatter.json to separate JSON files located at datafiles/xrage/asteroid/spatter{1-9}.json
  3. Generates a default module file located in modules/cpu.mod and modules/gpu.mod
    • Contains generic module load statements for CPU and GPU dependencies
  4. Populates the CPU configuration file (scripts/ with reasonable defaults for a ATS-3 system
    • HOMEDIR is set to the directory this repository sits in
    • MODULEFILE is set to modules/cpu.mod
    • SPATTER is set to path of the Spatter CPU executable
    • ranklist is set to sweep from 1-112 ranks respectively for a ATS-3 type system
    • sizelist is set to reasonable defaults for strong scaling experiments (specifies the size of the pattern to truncate at)
    • countlist is set to defaults of 1.
  5. Populates the GPU configuration file (scripts/ with reasonable defaults for single-GPU throughput experiments on a V100 or A100 system
    • HOMEDIR is set to the directory this repository sits in
    • MODULEFILE is set to modules/gpu.mod
    • SPATTER is set to path of the Spatter GPU executable
    • ranklist is set to a constant of 1 for 8 different runs (8 single-GPU runs)
    • sizelist is set to reasonable defaults for throughput experiments (specifies the size of the pattern to truncate at)
    • countlist is set to reasonable defaults to control the number of gathers/scatters performed by an experiment. This is the parameter that is varied to perform throughput experiments.
  6. Attempts to build Spatter on CPU with CMake, GCC, and MPI and on GPU with CMake and nvcc
    • You will need CMake, GCC, and MPI loaded into your environment for the CPU build (include them in your modules/cpu.mod)
    • You will need CMake, cuda, and nvcc loaded into your environment for the GPU build (include them in your modules/gpu.mod)

Running a Scaling Experiment

This will perform a weak scaling experiment

The scripts/ script has the following options:

  • a: Application name
  • p: Problem name
  • f: Pattern name
  • n: User-defined run name (for saving results)
  • c: Core binding (optional, default: off)
  • g: Toggle GPU (optional, default: off)
  • m: Toggle Atomics (optional, default: off)
  • r: Toggle count parameter on pattern with countlist (default: off)
  • s: Toggle pattern size limit (optional, default: off for weak scaling, will be overridden to on for strong scaling)
  • t: Toggle throughput plot generation (optional, default: off)
  • w: Toggle weak/strong scaling (optional, default: off = strong scaling)
  • x: Toggle plotting/post-processing (optional, default: on)
  • h: Print usage message

The Application name, Problem name, and Pattern name each correspond to subdirectories in this repository containing patterns stored as Spatter JSON input files.

Current options for Application name, Problem name, and Pattern name are listed below:

  • Application name: flag, xrage
  • Problem name: static_2d, asteroid
  • Pattern name: 001 (for flag only), 001.fp (for flag only), 001.nonfp (for flag only), or spatter (for xrage only), spatter{1-9} (for xrage only)


Weak-Scaling experiment (-w) on the CPU with core-binding (-c) turned on and plotting enabled (on by default). Results will be found in spatter.weakscaling/ATS3/flag/static_2d/001 and Figures will be found in figures/spatter.weakscaling/ATS3/flag/static_2d/001.

bash scripts/ -a flag -p static_2d -f 001 -n ATS3 -c -w

Strong-Scaling experiment on the CPU with core-binding (-c) turned on and plotting enabled (on by default). Results will be found in spatter.strongscaling/ATS3/flag/static_2d/001 and Figures will be found in figures/spatter.strongscaling/ATS3/flag/static_2d/001.

bash scripts/ -a flag -p static_2d -f 001 -n ATS3 -c

Throughput experiment on the GPU (-g) with throughput plotting (-t) and atomics enabled (-m), pattern truncating using the values in sizelist (-s), and multiple scatters/gathers using the values in countlist (-r). Results will be found in spatter.strongscaling/H100/flag/static_2d/001 and Figures will be found in figures/spatter.strongscaling/H100/flag/static_2d/001.

bash scripts/ -a flag -p static_2d -f 001 -n H100 -g -s -r -t -m

The scripts/ script has been provided if you need to use mpirun to launch jobs rather than srun.

Running Spatter Serially

Simply update the ranklist variables in scripts/ to the value of ( 1 )

bash scripts/ -a flag -p static_2d -f 001 -n H100 -g -m


Editing the Module Environment

Add your module load statements or path variables to the modules/cpu.mod or modules/gpu.mod file. The appropriate module file is loaded prior to performing any scaling experiments.

For plotting (see scripts/, you will need a Python 3 installation with matplotlib and pandas

For CPU builds, you need CMake, an GNU or Intel compiler, and MPI at a minimum For GPU builds (CUDA), you need CMake, nvcc, gcc, and MPI

Copy an existing Module Environment File

For a base CPU Module file: cp modules/ats3.mod modules/<name>.mod

For a base GPU Module file: cp modules/darwin_a100.mod modules/<name>.mod

Edit the modules required on your system

Editing the Configuration

Edit the configuration bash script

vim scripts/
vim scripts/
  • Change the HOMEDIR to the path to the root of this repository (absolute path).
  • Change the MODULEFILE to your new module file (absolute path).
  • You may leave SPATTER unchanged unless you have another Spatter binary on your system. If so, you may update this variable to point to you Spatter binary.
  • Change ranklist as appropriate for your system. This sets the number of MPI ranks Spatter will scale through.
  • Change sizelist as appropriate for strong scaling experiments. This defines the pattern length to truncate at as we scale. The defaults provided should work for the provided patterns. Only change if you know what you are doing.
  • Change countlist as appropriate for strong scaling experiments. This defines the number of scatters/gathers to perform, each shifted by a default delta of 8. See hpcgarage/spatter for further documentation on the count and delta parameters.

Building Spatter

See the main Spatter repository for more in depth instructions. We have included a few basic scripts to get you started. Modify as needed.

Building Spatter on CPUs

bash scripts/

Building Spatter on NVIDIA GPUs

bash scripts/


Authors and acknowledgment


BSD-3 License