The roadmap provides a high level overview of key areas that will likely span multiple releases.
The roadmap provides links to critical user journeys(CUJs) that we want to deliver. A CUJ shows how a user would accomplish some critical task (for example build, train, and deploy a model).
Kubeflow does a major release at the end of every quarter. Minor releases occur as needed to fix important bugs.
For detailed information about what will be in a release look for the issues tagged "area/X.Y.Z".
If you are a member of the Kubeflow org you can use these search queries
- Issues for 0.4.0
0.6 was released in mid-july; blog post
- kustomize replaced ksonnet for application configuration
- kfctl can now take a single YAML file specifying a KFDef describing Kubeflow (example)
- ISTIO used as the service mesh
- Introduced support for artifact tracking via a UI and python SDK
- Predefined schemas for models, datasets, and evaluation metrics
Multi-user support
- ISTIO and RBAC for AuthZ
- Dex provides a reference implementation for AuthN
- Integration with GCP and AWS AuthN services
- Profile resource to manage per-team namespaces
- Kubeflow identity management API to manage multiple users/teams
- TFJob and PyTorch to 1.0
- UI improvements:
- 10x Perf improvement (e.g. load list of runs)
- API performance optimization
- streamlined run creation
- stackdriver integration for logs (better debugging)
- better visualization of metadata outputs
- Tensorboard CRD
- versioning for data volumes
Following Kubeflow's quarterly relese schedule Kubeflow 0.7 will be released in October 2019.
- Notebook infrastructure to beta quality in 0.7
- 1.0 in the following release
- The notebook infrastructure has 2 primary pieces; the jupyter notebook controller and web application for managing notebooks
- Kanban board
- kfctl to beta quality in 0.7
- 1.0 in the following release
- v1beta1 for KfDef
- Create a more consistent and clean API for describing Kubeflow deployments
- Handle plugins and platforms consistently
- Clean up kfctl flags and semantics
- Upgradability between minor and major releases (issue)
- Kanban board
- Kubernetes' applications provide a unified view of the deployed Kubeflow applications and their state
- Generic logger to auto log K8s resources to metadata store
- Kanban board
Enterprise support
- Restrict kubeflow access to subset of namespaces (kubeflow/kubeflow#3623)
- Profile controller to beta
- Kubeflow identity management API and UI to beta
Onpremise support
- E2E CI for setup and multi-user support in on premise environments
- Kanban board
Data management
- Persistent volume management via a central dashboard UI
- Remove ksonnet from E2E testing
- CI for applications in scope for 1.0 (notebooks, job operators, central dashboard etc..)
- Kanban board
Support for hardware accelerated training and inference
- Automatic injection of device configuration needed to use hardware accelerators for training and inference
We are targeting a 1.0 release in January 2020. Our 1.0 release consists of the following key pieces
- A core set of applications targeting the critical user journey of build-train-deploy
- Scaffolding to securely deploy and manage multi-user Kubeflow environments on-prem and in the cloud.
We are currently targeting the following applications to graduate to 1.0 as part of the initial Kubeflow release
- kfctl for deployment and upgrades
- TFJob and PyTorch for distributed training (already 1.0)
- Jupyter notebook controller and web app
- Profile controller and UI for multiuser management
The following applications will likely be of beta quality for the 1.0 release with a goal of graduating to 1.0 in Q1 2020
- Katib for hyper-parameter tuning
- fairing SDK to facilite use of notebooks for build-train-deploy
- Metadata SDK, UI, and backend
- KFServing for model deployment and inference
Here is a preliminary list of limitations and requirements that will be part of our 1.0 release
ISTIO will be required as a service mesh and for AuthN and AuthZ support
We will only support a single shared Kubeflow deployment per Kubernetes cluster
- Users can consume Kubeflow in their own, isolated namespace
Upgrades will require downtime
Upgradability will not support advanced customization (e.g. custom overlays) for Kustomize packages
- We expect application to expose a list of parameters that can be customized without breaking upgradability
- Customization beyond these parameters will require manual configuration on upgrade