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[codelab-intro-mnist-feedback]:build #609

wanglj-lanzer opened this issue Jul 25, 2019 · 31 comments

[codelab-intro-mnist-feedback]:build #609

wanglj-lanzer opened this issue Jul 25, 2019 · 31 comments


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kustomize build .

Error: no matches for OriginalId kubeflow.org_v1beta1_TFJob|~X|$(trainingName); no matches for CurrentId kubeflow.org_v1beta1_TFJob|~X|$(trainingName); failed to find unique target
for patch kubeflow.org_v1beta1_TFJob|$(trainingName)

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I encountered the same issue. What can we do to solve it?

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@wanglj-lanzer Which version of kustomize you used? we hit some problems due to kustomize bug, and seuggested (noted) using kustomize v2.0.3 in README file.

And which platform you tried, GCP or on-prem cluster? Thanks.

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I installed the kustomize via go get

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jinchihe commented Jul 26, 2019

See notes in the readme file
Note: kustomize v2.0.3 is recommented since the problem in kustomize v2.1.0

Could you please try this by using v2.0.3 and following the Readme file? New kustomize has bug here.

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new errors after reinstall kustomize as the recommended version

Error: rawResources failed to read Resources: Load from path ../base failed: '../base' must be a file (got d='~/examples/mnist/training/base')

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I have also experienced same issues as @wanglj-lanzer – both on latest kustomize and v2.0.3.

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Following the README in the repo, that should work fine. Thanks.

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Unfortunately it doesn't work as expected on my machine. I have ensured I am running v2.0.3 using cloned latest from (this) examples repo. I have followed README instructions and error:

Error: rawResources failed to read Resources: Load from path ../base failed: '../base' must be a file (got d='~/kubeflow_examples/mnist/training/base')

Note: I ran this from mnist/training/GCS directory.

I was able to successfully build from local directory.

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jinchihe commented Jul 30, 2019

@andrewcantos @wanglj-lanzer I'm not sure which steps has the problem? But that works fine on my env, below is a example, thanks.:

[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize version
Version: {KustomizeVersion:2.0.3 GitCommit:a6f65144121d1955266b0cd836ce954c04122dc8 BuildDate:2019-03-05T20:37:42Z GoOs:linux GoArch:amd64}
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# BUCKET=distributed-test
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=name=mnist-train-dist
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit set image
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# ../base/ --numPs 1 --numWorkers 2
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=trainSteps=200
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=batchSize=100
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=learningRate=0.01
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# MODEL_PATH=my-model
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=modelDir=gs://${BUCKET}/${MODEL_PATH}
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=exportDir=gs://${BUCKET}/${MODEL_PATH}/export
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=secretName=user-gcp-sa
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=secretMountPath=/var/secrets
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/var/secrets/user-gcp-sa.json
[root@jinchi1 GCS]# kustomize build . |kubectl apply -f -
configmap/mnist-map-training-gfththd74g created created

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ricoms commented Aug 6, 2019

I'm following this tutorial. I'm pretty sure I followed the instructions correctly and I reached the same problem at step kustomize build .

$ kustomize build .
Error: no matches for OriginalId kubeflow.org_v1beta2_TFJob|~X|$(trainingName); no matches for CurrentId kubeflow.org_v1beta2_TFJob|~X|$(trainingName); failed to find unique target for patch kubeflow.org_v1beta2_TFJob|$(trainingName)

I installed kustomize from "Quickly curl the latest" here

my version is as below:
Version: {KustomizeVersion:3.1.0 GitCommit:95f3303493fdea243ae83b767978092396169baf BuildDate:2019-07-26T18:11:16Z GoOs:linux GoArch:amd64}

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jinchihe commented Aug 6, 2019

@ricoms use kustomize v2.0.3 please, new kustomize has bugs here.

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ricoms commented Aug 6, 2019

using v2.0.3 I fell on the issue you opened @jinchihe #1029 when I applied kustomize edit set image training-image=$IMAGE_PATH

I created a tag with export TAG=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y") and add it to the IMAGE_PATH like this export$PROJECT_ID/kubeflow-train:$TAG.

Then I was able to apply kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f - with success, the respose was a yaml file and below:

configmap/mnist-map-training-4c92g6hh6b unchanged unchanged

But the original "bug" seems so "simple"... the problem appears to be the trainingName variable, as pointed here. The kustomization.yaml requires trainingName variable and it is not being set anywhere, it seems. I would like to solve this problem by upgrading the tutorial to kustomize 3.1.0. Is it very hard? Could someone point me to the problem and where could I help?

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jinchihe commented Aug 7, 2019

@ricoms See here kubernetes-sigs/kustomize#1295 I think that has been fixed, and code may be merged in 3.x.

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Calling kustomize_3.x.x edit [...] once replaces

- ../base


- ../base

which leads to Error: rawResources failed to read Resources: Load from path ../base failed. Reverting that change and using kustomize_2.0.3 fixed it for me.

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Getting the same error
kustomize build . |kubectl apply -f - Error: no matches for OriginalId extensions_v1beta1_Deployment|~X|$(svcName); no matches for CurrentId extensions_v1beta1_Deployment|~X|$(svcName); failed to find unique target for patch extensions_v1beta1_Deployment|$(svcName) error: no objects passed to apply
Any solution for this?
Thanks in advance.

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@aicdp1010 try it using kustomize v2.0.3 please.

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Above error is resolved using v2.0.3 but now I am getting

$ kustomize build . |kubectl apply -f -
configmap/mnist-map-training-2fg9c7886m created
error: unable to recognize "STDIN": no matches for kind "TFJob" in version ""

I am new to this, Is the issue related to kubernetes cluster. Please guide me.
Thank you.

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@aicdp1010 please check your cluster, what the TFJob version installed in your cluster?

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using v2.0.3 I fell on the issue you opened @jinchihe #1029 when I applied kustomize edit set image training-image=$IMAGE_PATH

I created a tag with export TAG=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y") and add it to the IMAGE_PATH like this export$PROJECT_ID/kubeflow-train:$TAG.

Then I was able to apply kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f - with success, the respose was a yaml file and below:

configmap/mnist-map-training-4c92g6hh6b unchanged unchanged

But the original "bug" seems so "simple"... the problem appears to be the trainingName variable, as pointed here. The kustomization.yaml requires trainingName variable and it is not being set anywhere, it seems. I would like to solve this problem by upgrading the tutorial to kustomize 3.1.0. Is it very hard? Could someone point me to the problem and where could I help?

Hi I tried to add trainingName but it already existed
kustomize edit add configmap mnist-map-training --from-literal=trainingName=test_kubeflow
Error: cannot add key trainingName, another key by that name already exists: map[GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS:/var/secrets/user-gcp-sa.json batchSize:100 exportDir:gs://my_bucket_kubeflow/my-model/export learningRate:0.01 modelDir:gs://my_bucket_kubeflow/my-model name:my-train-1 secretMountPath:/var/secrets secretName:user-gcp-sa trainSteps:200 trainingName:test_kubeflow]

But when I am again trying to build it gives error

cloudshell:~/examples/mnist/training/GCS$ kustomize build
Error: no matches for OriginalId kubeflow.org_v1beta2_TFJob|~X|$(trainingName); no matches for CurrentId kubeflow.org_v1beta2_TFJob|~X|$(trainingName); failed to find unique target for patch kubeflow.org_v1beta2_TFJob|$(trainingName)

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jinchihe commented Oct 9, 2019

@shreya-verma19 you executed twice? if yes, need to remove the frist one, seems kustomize does not support rewriting the value.

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bruscar010 commented Oct 31, 2019

hi @jinchihe

Following this guide here

configmap/mnist-map-training-45h47275m7 unchanged error: unable to recognize "STDIN": no matches for kind "TFJob" in version ""
I've been reading through a couple of these threads and I can't find a solution. Looking for any advice on what I can do

Version: {KustomizeVersion:2.0.3 GitCommit:a6f65144121d1955266b0cd836ce954c04122dc8 BuildDate:2019-03-05T20:37:42Z GoOs:linux GoArch:amd64}

I ran kubectl describe crd and this is what returned

API Version:
Kind:         CustomResourceDefinition
  Creation Timestamp:  2019-10-29T23:53:03Z
  Generation:          1
  Resource Version:    2620
  Self Link:           /apis/
  UID:                 3eb96b55-faa7-11e9-9ab9-42010a840fdc
  Additional Printer Columns:
    JSON Path:  .status.conditions[-1:].type
    Name:       State
    Type:       string
    JSON Path:  .metadata.creationTimestamp
    Name:       Age
    Type:       date
    Strategy:  None
    Kind:       TFJob
    List Kind:  TFJobList
    Plural:     tfjobs
    Singular:   tfjob
  Scope:        Namespaced
            Tf Replica Specs:
                      Maximum:  1
                      Minimum:  1
                      Type:     integer
                      Minimum:  1
                      Type:     integer
                      Minimum:  1
                      Type:     integer
  Version:                      v1
    Name:     v1
    Served:   true
    Storage:  true
  Accepted Names:
    Kind:       TFJob
    List Kind:  TFJobList
    Plural:     tfjobs
    Singular:   tfjob
    Last Transition Time:  2019-10-29T23:53:03Z
    Message:               no conflicts found
    Reason:                NoConflicts
    Status:                True
    Type:                  NamesAccepted
    Last Transition Time:  <nil>
    Message:               the initial names have been accepted
    Reason:                InitialNamesAccepted
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Established
  Stored Versions:
Events:  <none>

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jinchihe commented Nov 1, 2019

You tfjob CRD is V1, so we need to update the tfjobs version to v1.

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@jinchihe is that as simple as changing one of the yaml files from v1beta2 to v1?

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jinchihe commented Nov 1, 2019

@FrancisLennon17 I think need to update all yaml files, I will update this once get chance. thanks

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tarrade commented Nov 19, 2019

I got the same issues and I did the following (as mention aboved):

  • use PATH=${WORKING_DIR}/bin:$PATH so it will start with KustomizeVersion:2.0.3 and not some other version you have installed
  • in mnist/training/GCS/kustomization.yam replace: "ressources" by "bases" and it should look like:
- ../base

you can also look at the correct YAML for serving as an example: mnist/serving/GCS/kustomization.yam

Then everything is working fine on my side.

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@jinchihe I tried replacing all v1beta2 with v1 in all .yaml files but I get the same issue with v1:

unable to recognize "STDIN": no matches for kind "TFJob" in version ""

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I had the same issue as reported by @plaffitte.

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paulkarayan commented Dec 24, 2019

based on @lucastheis 's situation, i downgraded to older Kustomize package
(you can do this will brew, following
brew install

then if i edit GCS/kustomization.yaml to replace "resources" with "bases" e.g.

- name: training-image
  newTag: latest
- ../base


then this works. really obnoxious.

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/area example/mnist
/area kustomize
/priority p2

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stale bot commented Apr 15, 2020

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

@stale stale bot closed this as completed Apr 23, 2020
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