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198 lines (154 loc) · 7.84 KB

File metadata and controls

198 lines (154 loc) · 7.84 KB


  • Makes traced binding messages appear less like errors by stripping the first line.
  • Makes sum and average observers more resilient against transient, invalid input.


  • Adds only binder and observer.
  • Adds sortedSet observer.
  • Adds join observer.
  • Makes join and split algebraic inversions which qualifies these operators for binders in addition to observers.


  • Adds the ability to bind to conditionally bind to null, to disable a binding, e.g., unstopableForce <-> never ? imovableObject : null.
  • Adds support to bind to defined(), e.g., value.defined() <- defined, which will bind value to undefined when defined is false. Takes no action when defined becomes true.
  • Short circuit has(value) observers if value is null.
  • Soort circuit object.toMap() if object is null or not an object.


  • Uprev collections
  • Increase fault-tolerance of map change observers


  • Tighten the precedence of the ^ (parent scope) operator. This operator was on the same level as other unary operators, +, -, and !, but now couples even more tightly. Thus ^ was equivalent to ^( but is now equivalent to (^foo).bar().
  • Adds the last operator, for observing the last value in a collection without jitter.
  • Finishes the toMap operator, which can now coerce and incrementally update maps, fixed-shape objects (known as records), and arrays (or other indexed collections) of entries (key value pairs in duple arrays).
  • Throw no errors. It is now clear that FRB should not throw errors if it encounteres invalid input. It must propagate null instead. This is because FRB inputs do not necessarily change atomically. The result is that state must be made consistent by the end of a turn (not enforced), but may pass through invalid states internally. As such, throwing an exception would interfere.
  • Deprecates items in favor of entries and makes the terminology consistent throughout interfaces and documentation.
  • Deprecates asArray in favor of toArray, in keeping with precedent established in v0.2.7.
  • Alters the toString operator such that only numbers and strings can be coerced. All other types propagate null. This is intended to simply the creation of toString operators for cross-language bindings by not entraining JavaScript's string coercion semantics.


  • In keeping with the new && and || bindings, implement binder and assigner for the default operator, ??. The binding will apply the source to the left side of the operator.


  • Implement logic bindings and assignment. && and || can now meaningfully appear on the left side of a binding, or on either side of a two-way binding. The binding preserves the expressed predicate by setting either the left side, right side, or both sides to true or false. If setting the left side of the operator is sufficient to meet the predicate, only that side will be affected. This makes it possible to contrive bindings that account for check boxes that should be unchecked when they are disabled.
  • Changed asString and asNumber to toString and toNumber. The convention hereafter is to use method names consistent with precedent in JavaScript, even in the case of to methods which do not look right on the target side of a binding. Since FRB delegates to JavaScript methods as a fallback, the ship has sailed.
  • Makes flatten fault-tolerant if any input array is null or undefined.


  • Fixes filter blocks. The optimization applied in v0.2.4 was inccorrect. The fix prevents the regression and produces the originally intended optimization.
  • Reintroduces the shortest-possible-transform algorithm and all charges of bugs have been dropped.


  • Adds a concat operator.
  • Removes the shortest-possible-transform algorithm on suspicion of bugs.


  • Adds support for reverters, which are the same interface as converters, but the convert and revert terminals are switched. This is useful for hooking up a converter against the direction of the binding arrow.
  • Fixes stringify when this is passed as an argument to a function. Previously, the argument would be lost.
  • Reduces the jitter on the output filter blocks. This change was later found to introduce bugs that were fixed in v0.2.6.
  • All observers that produce arrays will now apply the shortest possible sequence of splices to update the output array. This feature was removed in v0.2.5, and reintroduced in v0.2.6.
  • Improves the debugging experience by providing meaningful names for all observer and binder functions.


  • Partially fixes two-way range content bindings.
    • Content changes and right to left assignment propagate both ways.
    • Propagation from left to right on assignment is still unsolved.
  • Guarantees that rangeContent() bindings will produce a non-replacing array both from observers and binders.
  • Produces better function names in traces.


stringify can now accept a scope argument, which it will use for the sole purpose of expanding component labels.


Replace the FRB parser with a PEGJS implementation. This extends the grammar for numbers and string literals (double-quotes are allowed) but removes support for certain hacks like using . for an empty expression.

TODO commit 1a3a896464c501f851d1764d219c25bb2e989ab5


This release refactors most of the internals and some of the interface to introduce a parent scope operator, ^. As such, bindings now have a scope chain and the parameters, document object model, component object model, and options are carried by the scope object.

The signature of assign has been extended: assign(target, targetPath, value, parameters) to assign(target, targetPath, value, parameters, document, component)

Backward-incompatible changes


The document and component object models are no longer communicated to bindings through the document and serialization parameters.

Bindings.defineBinding(object, name, descriptor, parameters) has changed to Bindings.defineBinding(object, name, descriptor, commonDescriptor) where commonDescriptor is {parameters, document, components}

In a future release, the default parameters will be undefined. The default parameters are presently the source object which has allowed us to work-around the lack of a parent scope operator. Please migrate your code from using $ (parameters) to ^ (parent scope). You can verify that your bindings will continue to work in the future by passing an empty object {} as the parameters explicitly.


The signature of evaluate functions as returned by compileEvaluator have changed from evaluate(value, parameters) to evaluate(scope) such that evaluate(new Scope(value, null, parameters)) is equivalent to the former rendition.


The signature of assign functions as returned from compileAssigner have changed from assign(value, target, parameters) to assign(value, scope) such that assign(value, new Scope(target, null, parameters) is equivalent to the former rendition.


The signature of the expand function has changed to expand(syntax, scope), where scope is an object with optional value, parameters and components properties. The value and parameters must be syntax nodes to replace value and parameters nodes in place. The components property must be an object with getObjectLabel(component) to get the label for a component, in case the label differs from the one on the syntax tree.


Observers.observeGet now delegates to observeGet method instead of observeKey.