The Inertia.js server-side adapter for Echo Go web framework.
Inertia.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to build a fully JavaScript-based single-page app without complexity. I assume that you are familiar with Inertia.js and how it works. You also need to familiarize yourself with Echo, a Go web framework. The inertia-echo assists you in developing web applications that leverage both of these technologies.
go get
Please see Hello World example.
The inertia-echo provides a helper function for shorthand routes like Official Laravel Adapter.
e.GET("/about", inertia.Handler("About"))
See also the official document: Routing
Creating responses.
func ShowEventsHandler(c echo.Context) error {
event := // retrieve a event...
return inertia.Render(c, http.StatusOK, "Event/Show", map[string]interface{}{
"Event": event,
Root template data.
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{ .page.Props.Event.Title }}">
Sometimes you may even want to provide data that will not be sent to your JavaScript component.
func ShowEventsHandler(c echo.Context) error {
event := // retrieve a event...
return inertia.RenderWithViewData(c, http.StatusOK, "Event/Show", map[string]interface{}{
"Event": event,
}, map[string]interface{}{
"Meta": "Meta data...",
You can then access this variable like a regular template variable.
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{ .Meta }}">
See also the official document: Responses
You can use Echo's standard way to redirect.
return c.Redirect(http.StatusFound, "/")
The following is a way to redirect to an external website in Inertia apps.
return inertia.Location(c, "/path/to/external")
See also the official document: Redirects
Set shared data via middleware.
Share: func(c echo.Context) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
user := // get auth user...
return map[string]interface{}{
"AppName": "App Name",
"AuthUser": user,
}, nil
Set shared data manually.
inertia.Share(c, map[string]interface{}{
"AppName": "App Name",
"AuthUser": user,
See also the official document: Shared data
inertia.Render(c, http.StatusOK, "Index", map[string]interface{}{
// ALWAYS included on first visit
// OPTIONALLY included on partial reloads
// ALWAYS evaluated
"users": users,
// ALWAYS included on first visit...
// OPTIONALLY included on partial reloads...
// ONLY evaluated when needed...
"users": func() (interface{}, error) {
users, err := // get users...
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return users
// NEVER included on first visit
// OPTIONALLY included on partial reloads
// ONLY evaluated when needed
"users": inertia.Lazy(func() (interface{}, error) {
users, err := // get users...
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return users, nil
See also the official document: Partial reloads
Configure asset version via middleware.
VersionFunc: func() string { return version },
Configure asset version manually.
inertia.SetVersion(c, func() string { return version })
See also the official document: Assset versioning
The inertia-echo supports SSR. Please see SSR Node.js example.
See also the official document: Server-side Rendering (SSR)
The inertia-echo does not support validation, as Echo lacks built-in validation. The implementation of validation is up to you. If you wish to handle validation errors with inertia-echo, you will need to implement it yourself.
See also the official document: Validation
- Hello World
- SSR Node.js
- pingcrm-echo (but it was implemented with the old version of inertia-echo)
Kohki Makimoto
The MIT License (MIT)