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File metadata and controls

885 lines (783 loc) · 25.2 KB

SData is an elegant data interchange solution. It has three parts: schema language, data format and programming language mapping.

Why SData? 1)Schema is the description of data, data is the instance of schema. 2)A data interchange solution is statically typed if schema and programming languages are mapped at compile time(a.k.a. generating programming language code from schema), a solution is dynamically typed if data and programming languages are mapped at run time. Because the generated programming language code is intrinsically aware of the data structures and types, statically typed solutions have better performance and safety but less flexibility than dynamically typed solutions, these are the same differences between statically typed programming languages and dynamically typed programming languages. Statically typed data interchange solutions include Google's Protocol Buffers, Microsoft's Bond and SData, dynamically typed solutions include JSON and XML(normal use). 3)SData schema is elegant and powerful, it is object-oriented and has rich types, the programming language mapping mechanism is graceful and flexible, programmers may feel at home when using SData.

Schema Language

Schema is the description of data.

Type system:

  |-GlobalType // namespace member
  |  |-ClassType //syntax: class ClassName [abstract|sealed] [extends BaseClassQualifiableName]
  |  |           // [key PropertyName, PropertyName.PropertyName] { PropertyName as LocalType }
  |  |-SimpleGlobalType
  |    |-AtomType //String, Int32, Boolean, Guid, etc
  |    |-EnumType //syntax: enum EnumName as AtomQualifiableName { MemberName = AtomLiteral }
     |-NullableType //syntax: nullable<NonNullableType>
       |-GlobalTypeRef //syntax: Alias::GlobalTypeName or GlobalTypeName
         |-ListType //syntax: list<LocalType>
         |-SetType //syntax: set<GlobalTypeRef>
         |-MapType //syntax: map<GlobalTypeRef, LocalType>

Atom type table:

Name Meaning Literal Examples
String unicode character string "normal\r\nstring\u0041\u0042" @"verbatim string""123"
IgnoreCaseString ignore case when comparing value same as String
Char single unicode character 'a' '\u0041'
Decimal 128 bit fixed point number, 28 digit precision 42 -42.42 .42
Int64 64 bit signed integer 42 -42
Int32 32 bit signed integer 42 -42
Int16 16 bit signed integer 42 -42
SByte 8 bit signed integer 42 -42
UInt64 64 bit unsigned integer 42
UInt32 32 bit unsigned integer 42
UInt16 16 bit unsigned integer 42
Byte 8 bit unsigned integer 42
Double 64 bit double precision floating point number 42 42.42 -.42E-7 "INF" "-INF" "NaN"
Single 32 bit single precision floating point number same as Double
Boolean true or false true false
Binary byte string "AAECAw==" (base64 encoded)
Guid 128 bit unique number "A0E10CD5-BE6C-4DEE-9A5E-F711CD9CB46B"
TimeSpan duration "73.14:08:16.367" (73 days, 14 hours, 8 minutes and 16.367 seconds) "-00:00:05" (minus 5 seconds)
DateTimeOffset date time point "2015-01-24T15:32:03.418+07:00" "2015-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"

Get Your Hands Dirty!

  1. Visual Studio 2015 is required.

  2. Download and install the latest SData VSIX package(SData-*.vsix).

  3. Open VS 2015, create or open a C# project, unload and edit the .csproj file, insert the following code at the end of the file:

<!--Begin SData-->
<Import Project="$([System.IO.Directory]::GetFiles($([System.IO.Path]::Combine($([System.Environment]::GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData)), `Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\Extensions`)), `SData.targets`, System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories))" />
<!--End SData-->

  1. Reload project, open "Add New Item" dialog box -> Visual C# Items -> SData, create a new SData Schema file, make sure the "Build Action" is set to SDataSchema, write your own schema or copy the following schema into the file:
namespace ""
    class Person abstract key Id
        Id as Int32
        Name as String
		Phones as list<String>
        RegDate as nullable<DateTimeOffset>

    class Customer extends Person
        Reputation as Reputation
        Orders as nullable<set<Order>>

    enum Reputation as Int32
        None = 0
        Bronze = 1
        Silver = 2
        Gold = 3
        Bad = -1

    class Order key Id
		Id as Int64
        Amount as Decimal
        IsUrgent as Boolean

    class Supplier extends Person
        BankAccount as String
        Products as map<Int32, String>

namespace ""
    import "" as biz

    class DataSet
        People as set<Person>
		ETag as Binary

In building the project, the schema compiler will check the correctness of schema files:

Data Format

Data is the instance of schema, it is text-based.

Programming Language Mapping

Map schema to programming languages. Currently only C# is supported, other object-oriented programming languages(Java, C++, etc) are definitely possible.

Get Your Hands Dirty!

  1. Add SData runtime library NuGet package to the project:
PM> Install-Package SData -Pre
  1. In a C# file, use SData.SchemaNamespaceAttribute to specify schema-namespace-to-C#-namespace mapping:
using SData;

[assembly: SchemaNamespace(""/*schema namespace URI*/,
                            "Example.Business"/*C# namespace name*/)]
//all schema namespaces must be mapped
[assembly: SchemaNamespace("", "Example.Business.API")]

In building the project, after checking the correctness of schema files, the schema compiler will analyze C# files and generate the following C# code in __SDataGenerated.cs:

//__SDataGenerated.cs. Auto-generated, DO NOT EDIT.

namespace Example.Business
    //keyed schema class will implement IEquatable<T>
    public abstract partial class Person : IEquatable<Person>
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public List<string> Phones { get; set; }
        public DateTimeOffset? RegDate { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<string, object> __UnknownProperties { get; set; }
        //try to load and validate data
        public static bool TryLoad(string filePath/*it's just an identifier*/, 
            TextReader reader/*data source!*/, SData.LoadingContext context, out Person result)
        public void Save(TextWriter writer, string indentString = "\t",
            string newLineString = "\n")
        public void Save(StringBuilder stringBuilder, string indentString = "\t",
            string newLineString = "\n")
        //keyed schema class will implement operator == and !=
        public static bool operator ==(Person left, Person right)
        public static bool operator !=(Person left, Person right)

    public static partial class Reputation
        public const int None = 0;
        public const int Bronze = 1;
        public const int Silver = 2;
        public const int Gold = 3;
        public const int Bad = -1;

    public partial class Customer : Person
        public int Reputation { get; set; }
        public HashSet<Order> Orders { get; set; }
        public static bool TryLoad(string filePath, TextReader reader,
            LoadingContext context, out Customer result)

    public partial class Supplier : Person
        public string BankAccount { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<int, string> Products { get; set; }
        public static bool TryLoad(string filePath, TextReader reader,
            LoadingContext context, out Supplier result)

namespace Example.Business.API
    public partial class DataSet
        public HashSet<Person> People { get; set; }
        public SData.Binary ETag { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<string, object> __UnknownProperties { get; set; }
        public static bool TryLoad(string filePath, TextReader reader,
            LoadingContext context, out DataSet result)
        public void Save(TextWriter writer, string indentString = "\t",
            string newLineString = "\n")
        public void Save(StringBuilder stringBuilder, string indentString = "\t",
            string newLineString = "\n")
public static class SData_ConsoleApplication1
//if the assembly name is 'MyCompany.MyProject', this class name will be
//  'SData_MyCompany_MyProject'
    public static void Initialize() { }//Initialize the metadata

Type mapping table:

Schema Type CLR Type
String System.String
IgnoreCaseString SData.IgnoreCaseString
Char System.Char
Decimal System.Decimal
Int64 System.Int64
Int32 System.Int32
Int16 System.Int16
SByte System.SByte
UInt64 System.UInt64
UInt32 System.UInt32
UInt16 System.UInt16
Byte System.Byte
Double System.Double
Single System.Single
Boolean System.Boolean
Binary SData.Binary
Guid System.Guid
TimeSpan System.TimeSpan
DateTimeOffset System.DateTimeOffset
nullable<T> System.Nullable<T>(if T is CLR value type) or T(if T is CLR ref type)
list<T> System.Collections.Generic.List<T>
set<T> System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<T>
map<TKey, TValue> System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<TKey, TValue>

SData.IgnoreCaseString is a wrapper of string:

namespace SData
    public sealed class IgnoreCaseString : IEquatable<IgnoreCaseString>,
        public IgnoreCaseString(string value, bool isReadOnly = false);
        public static implicit operator IgnoreCaseString(string value);
        public static implicit operator string(IgnoreCaseString obj);
        public string Value { get; set; }
        public static bool operator ==(IgnoreCaseString left, IgnoreCaseString right);
        public static bool operator !=(IgnoreCaseString left, IgnoreCaseString right);

Usage example:

IgnoreCaseString ics1 = "abc";
IgnoreCaseString ics2 = "ABC";
Console.WriteLine(ics1 == ics2);//True
string s1 = ics1;//"abc"
string s2 = ics2;//"ABC"

SData.Binary is a wrapper of byte[]:

namespace SData
    public sealed class Binary : IEquatable<Binary>, IList<byte>
        public Binary(byte[] bytes, bool isReadOnly = false);
        public Binary();
        public static implicit operator Binary(byte[] bytes);
        public byte[] ToBytes();
        public byte[] GetBytes(out int count);
        public void AddRange(byte[] array);
        public void InsertRange(int index, byte[] array);
        public static bool operator ==(Binary left, Binary right);
        public static bool operator !=(Binary left, Binary right);

Usage example:

Binary bin1 = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Binary bin2 = new Binary();
bin2.AddRange(new byte[] { 3, 4, 5 });
bin2.InsertRange(0, new byte[] { 1, 2 });
Console.WriteLine(bin1 == bin2);//True
var s = bin2.ToString();//"AQIDBAU="
byte[] by1 = bin1.ToBytes();
byte[] by2 = bin2.ToBytes();

About SData.LoadingContext and diagnostics:

namespace SData
    public class LoadingContext
        public LoadingContext();
        public readonly List<Diagnostic> DiagnosticList;
        public bool HasDiagnostics { get; }
        public bool HasErrorDiagnostics { get; }
        public void AddDiagnostic(DiagnosticSeverity severity, int code, string message,
            TextSpan textSpan);
        public virtual void Reset();

    public enum DiagnosticSeverity
        None = 0,
        Error = 1,
        Warning = 2,
        Info = 3

    public struct Diagnostic
        public Diagnostic(DiagnosticSeverity severity, int code, string message,
            TextSpan textSpan);
        public readonly DiagnosticSeverity Severity;
        public readonly int Code;
        public readonly string Message;
        public readonly TextSpan TextSpan;
  1. Copy the following C# code into Program.cs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using SData;
using Example.Business;
using Example.Business.API;

[assembly: SchemaNamespace("", "Example.Business")]
[assembly: SchemaNamespace("", "Example.Business.API")]

class Program
    static void Main()
        //IMPORTANT: call SData_Assembly_Name.Initialize() at application startup
        //  to initialize the metadata

        var ds = new DataSet
            People = new HashSet<Person>
                new Customer
                    Id = 1, Name = "Tank", RegDate = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                    Phones = new List<string> { "1234567", "2345678"},
                    Reputation = Reputation.Bronze,
                    Orders = new HashSet<Order>
                        new Order { Id = 1, Amount = 436.99M, IsUrgent = true},
                        new Order { Id = 2, Amount = 98.77M, IsUrgent = false},
                new Customer
                    Id = 2, Name = "Mike",
                    Phones = new List<string>(),
                    Reputation = Reputation.Gold,
                new Supplier
                    Id = 3, Name = "Eric", RegDate = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                    Phones = new List<string> {"7654321" },
                    BankAccount="11223344", Products = new Dictionary<int, string>
                        { 1, "Mountain Bike" },
                        { 2, "Road Bike" },
            ETag = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 },

        using (var writer = new StreamWriter("DataSet.txt"))
            ds.Save(writer, "    ", "\r\n");

        DataSet result;
        var context = new LoadingContext();
        using (var reader = new StreamReader("DataSet.txt"))
            if (!DataSet.TryLoad("**DataSet.txt**", //it's just an identifier
                reader, context, out result))
                foreach (var diag in context.DiagnosticList)
        context.Reset();//after calling Reset(), context object can be reused

After running the program, open DataSet.txt to view the content. Set a breakpoint at line var context = new LoadingContext();, after the program hits the breakpoint, open DataSet.txt, invalidate any data you want, for example, delete line Name = @"Tank",, because property Name's type is non-nullable, that is, the property is required, TryLoad() will fail and the following diagnostic string will write to console:

Error -293: Property 'Name' missing.
    **DataSet.txt**: (23,9)-(23,9)
  1. Because every generated class is marked with partial modifier, user code can be added to it:
namespace Example.Business
    partial class Person : SomeClass, ISomeInterface
        public int MyProperty { get; set; }
        public abstract void MyMethod();

    partial class Customer
        //NOTE: parameterless constructor is required for non-abstract class.
        public override void MyMethod() { }
  1. Customer validation can be added:
using System;
using SData;

public class MyLoadingContext : LoadingContext
    public bool CheckCustomerReputation { get; set; }
    public override void Reset()

public enum MyDiagnosticCode
    PhonesIsEmpty = 1,//user code must be greater than zero

namespace Example.Business
    partial class Person
        //OnLoading() is called by the serializer just after the object is created
        private bool OnLoading(LoadingContext context, TextSpan textSpan)
            return true;
        //OnLoaded() is called just after all properties are set
        private bool OnLoaded(LoadingContext context, TextSpan textSpan)
            if (Phones.Count == 0)
                    (int)MyDiagnosticCode.PhonesIsEmpty, "Phones is empty.", textSpan);
                return false;
            return true;
//if error diagnostics are added to the context, the method must return false.
//if any OnLoading() or OnLoaded() returns false, TryLoad() will return false immediately 

    partial class Customer
        //the serializer will call base method(Person.OnLoading()) first
        private bool OnLoading(LoadingContext context, TextSpan textSpan)
            return true;
        //the serializer will call base method(Person.OnLoaded()) first
        private bool OnLoaded(MyLoadingContext context, TextSpan textSpan)
            if (context.CheckCustomerReputation && Reputation == Business.Reputation.Bad)
                    (int)MyDiagnosticCode.BadReputationCustomer, "Bad reputation customer.",
//if non-error diagnostics are added to the context, the method should return true.
            return true;
        var context = new MyLoadingContext() { CheckCustomerReputation = true };
        using (var reader = new StreamReader("DataSet.txt"))
            if (!DataSet.TryLoad("**DataSet.txt**", reader, context, out result))
  1. Use SData.SchemaClassAttribute to map schema class to C# class explicitly, use SData.SchemaPropertyAttribute to map schema property to C# property/field explicitly. The schema compiler is aware of these attributes.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using SData;

namespace Example.Business
    [SchemaClass("Person"/*schema class name*/)]
    partial class Contact
        [SchemaProperty("RegDate"/*schema property name*/)]
        public DateTimeOffset? RegistrationDate { get; internal set; }

        //same-named schema property and C# property/field are mapped implicitly
        public string Name { get; internal set; }

        private Collection<string> _phones;
        public Collection<string> Phones
            get { return _phones ?? (_phones = new Collection<string>()); }
//list<T> can be mapped to System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T> or implementing class
//set<T> can be mapped to System.Collections.Generic.ISet<T> or implementing class
//map<TKey, TValue> can be mapped to System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
//  or implementing class

    //same-named schema class and C# class are mapped implicitly
    partial class Supplier
        public IDictionary<int, string> Products { get; internal set; }

namespace Example.Business.API
    partial class DataSet
        public ISet<Contact> Contacts { get; set; }

SData.SchemaNamespaceAttribute, SData.SchemaClassAttribute and SData.SchemaPropertyAttribute are compile-time attributes, they have nothing to do with runtime. Yeah, welcome to the metaprogramming world.

  1. Suppose Biz.sds is mapped in assembly ClassLibrary1, some months later, Administrator is added:

namespace ""
	import ""

    class Administrator extends Person

In project ClassLibrary2, both Biz.sds and Biz2.sds are added to it. Can we reuse the code in assembly ClassLibrary1? Yes, add assembly ClassLibrary1.dll to project ClassLibrary2, and only "" need to be mapped:

[assembly: SchemaNamespace("", "Example.Business2")]


The MIT License.

Questions, suggestions or contributions are welcomed

Appendix A: Lexical grammar of data

unicode-category-Zs | '\u0009' | '\u000B' | '\u000C'
'\u000D' | '\u000A' | '\u0085' | '\u2028' | '\u2029'
(white-space | new-line)+
'//' (!new-line)*
'/*' (!'*/')* '*/'
normal-name-token | verbatim-name-token
'@' normal-name-token
name-start-char name-part-char*
letter-char | '_'
letter-char | decimal-digit-char | connecting-char | combining-char | formatting-char
normal-string-value-token | verbatim-string-value-token
'"' normal-string-value-char* '"'
!('"' | '\\' | new-line) | simple-escape-sequence | unicode-escape-sequence
'\\' ('\'' | '"' | '\\' | '0' | 'a' | 'b' | 'f' | 'n' | 'r' | 't' | 'v')
'\\u' hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit hex-digit
'0'..'9' | 'A'..'F' | 'a'..'f'
'@"' (!'"' | '""')* '"'
'\'' char-value-char '\''
!('\'' | '\\' | new-line) | simple-escape-sequence | unicode-escape-sequence
('+' | '-')? decimal-digit+
('+' | '-')? decimal-digit* '.' decimal-digit+
('+' | '-')? (decimal-digit* '.')? decimal-digit+ ('E' | 'e') ('+' | '-')? decimal-digit+

Appendix B: Parsing grammar of data

alias-uri-list? type-indicator? '{' (property (',' property)* ','?)? '}'
'<' (alias-uri (',' alias-uri)* ','?)? '>'
name-token '=' string-value-token
'(' qualified-name ')'
name-token colon-colon-token name-token
name-token '=' value
null-value | atom-value | enum-value | list-or-set-value | map-value | class-value
string-value-token | char-value-token | integer-value-token | decimal-value-token
    | real-value-token | 'true' | 'false'
qualified-name '.' name-token
'[' (value (',' value)* ',')? ']'
dollar-open-bracket-token (key-value (',' key-value)* ','?)? ']'
value '=' value

Appendix C: Lexical grammar of schema

Same as lexical grammar of data.

Appendix D: Parsing grammar of schema

'namespace' string-value-token '{' import* global-type* '}'
'import' string-value-token ('as' name-token)?
(name-token colon-colon-token)? name-token
class-type | enum-type
'enum' name-token 'as' qualifiable-name '{' enum-member* '}'
name-token '=' atom-value
string-value-token | char-value-token | integer-value-token | decimal-value-token
    | real-value-token | 'true' | 'false'
'class' name-token ('abstract' | 'sealed')? ('extends' qualifiable-name)?
    ('key' key (',' key)*)? '{' property* '}'
name-token ('.' name-token)*
name-token 'as' local-type
nullable-type | non-nullable-type
'nullable' '<' non-nullable-type '>'
global-type-ref | list-type | set-type | map-type
'list' '<' local-type '>'
'set' '<' global-type-ref '>'
'map' '<' global-type-ref ',' local-type '>'