A collection of code developed over the COE 115 (Intro to Embedded Microcontrollers) course. The code developed was made for the Microchip PIC24FJ64GB002.
The two projects have dependencies on libraries that are under the 'libraries' folder.
Project 1
Project 1 is an arithmetic game, with an interface of a dot matrix LCD, a 4x3 numeric keypad, a pushbutton, and a potentiometer.
The user can select from:
- two game modes (typing the answer in using the keypad, or choosing from a set of choices using the potentiometer and pushbutton)
- three levels of difficulties (easy, medium, and hard, with corresponding timers and kinds of operations included like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, which have corresponsding points)
The game also has an LED that indicates the time left by starting out with a slow pulse of light that pulses faster as the timer counts down. At the end, the total player score is shown.
Project 2
Project 2 is a home automator project.
The PDF COE115_WRU_HIPOLITO.pdf documents the usage and implementation of Project 2.