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Aline Manera edited this page Jan 10, 2020 · 3 revisions

Virtualization tab was not loaded

When wokd service is running and you can access Wok in your browser https://localhost:8001 but you don't see any virtualization tab, it means Wok was not able to load Kimchi and there will be a message like:

Failed to import plugin wok.plugins.kimchi.Kimchi, error: XXX

You can easily get this message by running wokd manually:

# Stopping wokd service
sudo service wokd stop

# Start wokd manually and looking at the output
sudo python3 /bin/wokd --environment=dev

To stop wokd you started manually, do Ctrl+C

In most of the cases, it is a dependency issue. Otherwise, open an issue at

Template configuration

By default, Kimchi templates relies on default network and default storage pools created by libvirt.

Default network

If you are not able to get Virtualization tab loaded and see the following message:

Failed to import plugin plugins.kimchi.Kimchi, error: Network default does not exist or is not active.
Please, check the configuration in /etc/kimchi/template.conf to ensure it lists only valid networks.

You probably need to check if the default network is up and running:

sudo virsh net-list --all
sudo virsh net-start default

When running Kimchi in a nested virtualized environment, you might probably change the default network configuration as it may be bind to 192.168.122.X which will be already in use (by the host).

Change to 192.168.123.X or any other available IP range in your system:

sudo virsh net-edit default

Replace 191.169.122.X in the XML

  <forward mode='nat'/>
  <bridge name='virbr0' stp='on' delay='0'/>
  <ip address='' netmask=''>
      <range start='' end=''/>

If you don't see any network created in your system, you can create one by using the above XML:

sudo virsh net-define net.xml

Otherwise, change /etc/kimchi/template.conf to point to a different network name rather than default

Default storage pool

If you are not able to get Virtualization tab loaded and see the following message:

Failed to import plugin plugins.kimchi.Kimchi, error: Storage pool default does not exist or is not active.     
Please, check the configuration in /etc/kimchi/template.conf to ensure it lists only valid storage pools.

You probably need to check if the default storage pool is up and running:

sudo virsh pool-list --all
sudo virsh pool-start default

In CentOS system, the storage pool name is image, so make sure you update /etc/kimchi/template.conf accordingly.

If you don't see any storage pool in your system, add one by using the following XML and make sure the given path exists:

<pool type='dir'>
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