This is an alternative alignment and quantification method currently in beta phase. It uses a patient's DNA variant calls to create a "personal genome" (PG) for improved alignment. It is purported to have fewer multi-mapping/better unique mapping for potentially improved gene and isoform level quantification. It cannot be used in fusion calling The STAR Diploid mode has a known bug with an unknown cause manifests as a seg fault for up to 20% of normal sample inputs and 100% of tumor inputs.
This pipeline runs the following steps:
- STAR Genome Generate per individual, or will skip if one has been generated already.
- Strip existing annotations as defined by the user. Since STAR requires an uncompressed VCF, this helps make the input file size smaller as only variant calls and
info are needed - Filtering steps for input patient DNA variant calls in order to focus on higher quality calls. Recommended filtering criteria recommendations are still being established, but various scenarios and suggestions from our and partner institutions can be found in the inputs section.
- Use a genome FASTA and GTF - recommend FASTA matches input DNA calls - in conjunction with filtered DNA VCF to create PG
- Strip existing annotations as defined by the user. Since STAR requires an uncompressed VCF, this helps make the input file size smaller as only variant calls and
- If needed, convert input BAM reads to FASTQ
- If needed, Cutadapt to remove any adapters
- Run STAR aligner
- Use PG as refs
- Align input reads
- Run custom tool to filter BAM for RSEM. Removes indels and soft-clipped reads
- RSEM quantification
Cutadapt v3.4 Cut adapter sequences from raw reads if needed.
STAR v2.7.11b_alpha_2024-03-29 RNA-Seq raw data alignment.
A brief note - many references and filtering requirements take a bit of up front work. In the Filtering and Input Appendix section, we try to lay this out. The workflow has more inputs that this README will not cover, but can be tweaked by an advanced user.
These are inputs used in multiple steps
: String to prepend to results files from STAR and RSEM
If a pre-existing PG does not exist, need the following inputs to create:
: Currently not standardized, matched DNA variant calls. For INCLUDE dataset, trio calls were used when available, otherwise singe sample genotyping - both from GATK workflowsstrip_info
: Given that input vcf needs to be uncompressed, strippingINFO
is a good way to reduce file size. Current recommended strip based on typical KF runs:INFO/CLNDISDB,INFO/CLNDISDBINCL,INFO/CLNDN,INFO/CLNDNINCL,INFO/CLNHGVS,INFO/CLNREVSTAT,INFO/CLNSIG,INFO/CLNSIGCONF,INFO/CLNSIGINCL,INFO/CLNVC,INFO/CLNVCSO,INFO/CLNVI,INFO/CSQ,INFO/ClippingRankSum,INFO/DB,INFO/DP,INFO/DS,INFO/END,INFO/ExcessHet,INFO/FS,INFO/HaplotypeScore,INFO/InbreedingCoeff,INFO/Intervar,INFO/Intervar_STATUS,INFO/MLEAC,INFO/MLEAF,INFO/MQ,INFO/MQRankSum,INFO/NEGATIVE_TRAIN_SITE,INFO/OLD_VARIANT,INFO/POSITIVE_TRAIN_SITE,INFO/QD,INFO/RAW_MQ,INFO/ReadPosRankSum,INFO/SOR,INFO/VQSLOD,INFO/culprit,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AC,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AC_controls_and_biobanks,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AC_popmax,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AF,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AF_controls_and_biobanks,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AF_non_cancer,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AF_popmax,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AN,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AN_controls_and_biobanks,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_AN_popmax,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_nhomalt,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_nhomalt_popmax,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_primate_ai_score,INFO/gnomad_3_1_1_splice_ai_consequence
: Filters DNA vcf for high quality variants. Current recommended:- Trio called VCF:
STRLEN(REF)<=50 && STRLEN(ALT)<=50 && FILTER="PASS" && GT="alt"
- Single sample VCF:
- Trio called VCF:
: Recommend to filter regions from repeat and low complexity regions. Recommend obtaining repeat-masker bed file from UCSC, run bedtools sort + merge to simplify. Removes variant calls frominput_vcf
from notoriously difficult regionsvcf_sample_name
: If input is trio, provide the patient sample name to ensure desiredinclude_expression
is applied to the specific patientgenome_fa
: Should match input used for DNA. For KF/INCLUDE, recommendHomo_sapiens_assembly38_noALT_noHLA_noDecoy.fasta
, set by defaultgtf
: RecommendPRI
assembly from GENCODE version 45 for CFDEsjdbOverhang
: Default is 100. Normally fine as-is, but for PG should probably just set it to read length minus 1
: BAM/CRAM/FASTQ reads input. If BAM/CRAM workflow will convert to FASTQ. If FASTQ, read 1 file would go herereads2
: If FASTQ and paired end, mates file, aka read 2 goes herecram_reference
: If input reads are CRAM, provide alignment FASTA reference used for it hereoutSAMattrRGline
: Output alignment read group. With tabs separating the tags, format is: ID:sample_name LB:aliquot_id PL:platform SM:BSID for example ID:7316-242 LB:750189 PL:ILLUMINA SM:BS_W72364MNgenomeDir
: If pre-built tar-gzipped PG exists, provide here to skip STAR Genome step
: Strandedness of input reads. Default isrf-stranded
. Use 'default' for unstranded/auto, 'rf-stranded' if read1 in the fastq read pairs is reverse complement to the transcript, 'fr-stranded' if read1 same sense as transcriptRSEMgenome
: RSEM reference tar ball.
: If existinggenomeDir
tar ball was not, workflow will have created and provided the patient's PG. This can be re-used in the event a user wants to align another sample frm the patient and/or try different aligner parametersdebug_log
: Log output from STAR GEnome GenerateSTAR_sorted_genomic_cram
: Aligned reads to genome in CRAM formatSTAR_transcriptome_bam
: Typically not kept as it's seldom re-used, given that this is in beta phase, we'll keep thisSTAR_gene_count
: Gene counts from STARSTAR_junctions_out
: STAR junctions fileSTAR_final_log
: STAR metrics log file of unique, multi-mapping, unmapped, and chimeric readsRSEM_isoform
RSEM isoform expression estimatesRSEM_gene
: RSEM gene expression estimates
was generated by first downloading the complete hg38 FASTA from Broad, then creating a chr1-22,X,Y,M chromosome list, and running the following commands to get the FASTA file and index:samtools faidx Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta -r chr_list.txt > Homo_sapiens_assembly38_noALT_noHLA_noDecoy.fasta samtools faidx Homo_sapiens_assembly38_noALT_noHLA_noDecoy.fasta
was generated by navigating to, then set the following:- group:
- track:
- output format:
- Result was then piped to
bedtools sort | bedtools merge | gzip > rpt_merge_sort.bed.gz
- group:
Two main sources of soft FILTER
are added during creation using this workflow:
- Adding tranches during VQSR
- Adding
filterGQ < 20.0
These variants get removed during bcftools step of filtering onPASS
These have even more FILTER
added that are dropped on PASS
- Common
- ExcessHet:
ExcessHet > 54.69
- QD2:
QD < 2.0
- QUAL30:
QUAL < 30.0
- ExcessHet:
- SNP only:
SOR > 3.0
- FS60_SNP:
FS > 60.0
- MQ40_SNP:
MQ < 40.0
- MQRankSum-12.5_SNP:
MQRankSum < -12.5
- ReadPosRankSum-8_SNP:
ReadPosRankSum < -8.0
- INDEL only:
- QD2:
QD < 2.0
- QUAL30:
QUAL < 30.0
- FS200_INDEL:
FS > 200.0
- ReadPosRankSum-20_INDEL:
ReadPosRankSum < -20.0
- QD2:
Provided by our collaborators at Broad, these are recommended for joint cohort calls:
- Genotype-quality (GQ): filter out genotypes with a quality below this threshold. Default: 20 -
- Allelic-balance: filter out genotypes with allelic balance outside of [1-{allelic-balance}, {allelic-balance}]. Default: 0.8 -
- Missingness-threshold: filter out variants with missingness above this threshold. Default: 0.02 -
- HWE N-individuals: minimum number of individuals within a subpopulation to perform HWE test. Default: 100 -
- HWE: the autosomal (or non-pseudoautosomal X in females only) site failed Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations in (sub)population(s). Minimum acceptable p-value for HWE: Default: 1e-8 -
- hmiss pval-threshold: minimum acceptable p-value for hmiss: Default: 1e-8 -
- Sample-blacklist: list of samples to exclude. -
- ExcessHet (excess of heterozygosity):filter out variants > 54.69 -
- LCR (low-complexity regions): filter out variants in low-complexity regions -
- Monomorphic alleles: filter out monomorphic alleles (0/0) -
- VQSR: Variant Quality Score Recalibration. It is a sophisticated filtering technique applied on the variant callset that uses machine learning to model the technical profile of variants in a training set and uses that to filter out probable artifacts from the callset. We remove variants with VQSR filter. -
- Use LCR-hg38-noHLA.interval_list to filter out calls in those regions