- System-Level Dependencies:
Before using this tool, ensure the following are installed:
: Perl module that can be installed via CPANsudo cpan install Try::Tiny
Not required, but depending on your system, might be needed:
- pkg-config
: May be required for building some Python libraries.
- libmysqlclient-dev
: May be required for mysqlclient
- build-essential
: Provides gcc
for compiling Python extensions.
- Install these on Ubuntu/Debian:
bash sudo apt update sudo apt install pkg-config libmysqlclient-dev build-essential
db.ini File:
- Make a db.ini file and paste this (replacing
with your actual credentials):[postgresql] database=postgres host=<host> user=<user> password=<password>
- Make a db.ini file and paste this (replacing
Seven Bridges Credentials:
- Set up credentials:
mkdir -p ~/.sevenbridges vim ~/.sevenbridges/credentials
- Paste this into the credentials file (replacing
with your actual token):[default] api_endpoint = <api_endpoint> auth_token = <token> advance_access = false
- Set up credentials:
Seven Bridges Tools:
- Install Seven Bridges CLI tools (not needed for ETL, but in case you want it installed):
bash -c 'curl https://igor.sbgenomics.com/downloads/sb/install.sh -sSf | sudo -H sh' pip3 install pipx pipx ensurepath source ~/.bashrc pipx install sbpack
- Install Seven Bridges CLI tools (not needed for ETL, but in case you want it installed):
PedcBioPortal Access Token:
- Required for running step 2.
- File obtained from here, then clicking on
Download Token
. File is reusable until expired, then a new one will have to be downloaded.