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Repository of scripts used to convert dataservice metadata and DRC processed data into cbio portal loading format.


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Outline on ETL for converting data from CAVATICA and Data Warehouse to PedcBioportal format

In general, we are creating upload packages converting our data and metadata to satisfy the requirements outlined here. Further general loading notes can be found in this Notion page. See below for special cases like publications or collaborative efforts

Software Prerequisites

cBio load package v5.4.10 is used in this tool. Refer to and for more details.

Install tool

Run on Mgmt-Console-Dev-chopd3bprod@684194535433 EC2 instance

git clone
pip install /path/to/kf-cbioportal-etl/

If the install was successful, you should be able to run cbioportal_etl --help, which will give you the following menu:

usage: cbioportal_etl [-h] [--steps {1,2,3,4,5,all} [{1,2,3,4,5,all} ...]] -db DB_INI [-p PROFILE] [-mc META_CONFIG] [-r REF_DIR] [-a] [-u URL] -s STUDY [-t TOKEN] [-ds DATASHEET_SAMPLE] [-dp DATASHEET_PATIENT] [-m MANIFEST] [-f FILE_TYPES] [-at AWS_TBL]
                      [-sp SBG_PROFILE] [-c CBIO] [-ao] [-rm] [-d] [-o] [-ms MANIFEST_SUBSET] [-dc DATA_CONFIG] [-dgd {both,kf,dgd}] [-l]

Run cBioPortal ETL pipeline

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --steps {1,2,3,4,5,all} [{1,2,3,4,5,all} ...]
                        Steps to execute (e.g., 1 2 3 or all)
  -db DB_INI, --db-ini DB_INI
                        Database config file
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        Profile name (default: postgresql)
  -mc META_CONFIG, --meta-config META_CONFIG
                        Metadata configuration file. Default: value inputted for --study + '_case_meta_config.json'
  -r REF_DIR, --ref-dir REF_DIR
                        Reference directory. Defaults to tool's ref dir if not provided.
  -a, --all             Include all relevant files, not just status=active files, NOT RECOMMENDED
  -u URL, --url URL     URL to search against
  -s STUDY, --study STUDY
                        Cancer study ID
  -t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                        Token file obtained from Web API. Required if running Step 2
                        File containing cBio-formatted sample metadata (default: datasheets/data_clinical_sample.txt from Step 1 output)
                        File containing cBio-formatted patient metadata (default: datasheets/data_clinical_patient.txt from Step 1 output)
  -m MANIFEST, --manifest MANIFEST
                        Manifest file (default: cbio_file_name_id.txt from Step 1 output)
  -f FILE_TYPES, --file-types FILE_TYPES
                        Comma-separated file types to download
  -at AWS_TBL, --aws-tbl AWS_TBL
                        AWS table with bucket name and keys
  -sp SBG_PROFILE, --sbg-profile SBG_PROFILE
                        SBG profile name
  -c CBIO, --cbio CBIO  cBio manifest to limit downloads
  -ao, --active-only    Only include active files
  -rm, --rm-na          Remove entries where file_id and s3_path are NA
  -d, --debug           Enable debug mode
  -o, --overwrite       Overwrite files if they already exist
  -ms MANIFEST_SUBSET, --manifest-subset MANIFEST_SUBSET
                        Check that files were downloaded. Default: manifest_subset.tsv from Step 3
  -dc DATA_CONFIG, --data-config DATA_CONFIG
                        Data processing configuration file. Default: value inputted for --study + '_data_processing_config.json'
  -dgd {both,kf,dgd}, --dgd-status {both,kf,dgd}
                        Flag to determine load will have pbta/kf + dgd(both), kf/pbta only(kf), dgd-only(dgd). Default: kf
  -l, --legacy          Enable legacy mode

Run tool

cbioportal_etl \
    --steps all \
    --db-ini /path/to/db.ini \
    --token /path/to/cbioportal_data_access_token.txt \
    --study oligo_nation \
    --sbg-profile default

Required credentials files

  • Copy the credentials_templates/template.db.ini template to /path/to/db.ini and replace placeholders with your credentials.
  • Copy the credentials_templates/template.sevenbridges.ini template to ~/.sevenbridges/credentials and replace placeholders with your credentials.
  • Download a reusable access token for PedcBioPortal cbioportal_data_access_token.txt from here.

Steps Argument

The --steps argument specifies which steps of the pipeline to run. It is outlined as follows:

  1. Generate config JSON
  2. Get study metadata
  3. Compare current DWH data vs cBioPortal build
  4. Get files from manifest
  5. Check downloaded files
  6. Build genomic file package

You can specify the steps in one of the following ways:

  • Run a single step:

    --steps 1

    This will only execute Step 1 (Get study metadata).

  • Run multiple steps:

    --steps 2 3 4

    This will execute Steps 2, 3, and 4 in sequence.

  • Run the whole ETL:

    --steps all

    This will execute Steps 1 through 5.

Run manually without tool installation

Below assumes you have already created the necessary tables from dbt

  1. Run commands as outlined in scripts/ Copy/move those files to the cBio loader ec2 instance

  2. Recommended, but not required: run scripts/ It will give a summary of metadata changes between what is currently loaded and what you plan to load, to potentially flag any suspicious changes Also will output delta files and ID changes lists for server incremental upload functionality

  3. Copy over the appropriate aws account key and download files. Example using pbta_all study:

     python3 cbioportal_etl/scripts/ -s turbo -m cbio_file_name_id.txt -r

    aws_bucket_key_pairs.txt is a headerless tsv file with bucket name + object prefixes and aws profile name pairs

  4. Copy and edit cbioportal_etl/STUDY_CONFIGS/pbta_all_data_processing_config.json and cbioportal_etl/STUDY_CONFIGS/pbta_all_case_meta_config.json as needed

  5. Run pipeline script - ignore manifest section, it is a placeholder for a better function download method

    cbioportal_etl/scripts/ -t cbio_file_name_id.txt -c pbta_all_case_meta_config.json -d pbta_all_data_processing_config.json -f both
  6. Check logs and outputs for errors, especially validator.errs and validator.out, assuming everything else went fine, to see if any ERROR popped up that would prevent the pakcage from loading properly once pushed to the bucket and Jenkins import job is run

Final output example

In the end, if you named your output dir processed, you'll end up with this example output from pbta_all study:

└── pbta_all
    ├── case_lists
│   ├── cases_3way_complete.txt
│   ├── cases_RNA_Seq_v2_mRNA.txt
│   ├── cases_all.txt
│   ├── cases_cna.txt
│   ├── cases_cnaseq.txt
│   ├── cases_sequenced.txt
│   └── cases_sv.txt
├── data_CNA.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/merged_cnvs/pbta_all.discrete_cnvs.txt
├── data_clinical_patient.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/datasheets/data_clinical_patient.txt
├── data_clinical_sample.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/datasheets/data_clinical_sample.txt
├── data_clinical_timeline_clinical_event.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/datasheets/data_clinical_timeline_clinical_event.txt
├── data_clinical_timeline_imaging.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/datasheets/data_clinical_timeline_imaging.txt
├── data_clinical_timeline_specimen.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/datasheets/data_clinical_timeline_specimen.txt
├── data_clinical_timeline_surgery.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/datasheets/data_clinical_timeline_surgery.txt
├── data_clinical_timeline_treatment.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/datasheets/data_clinical_timeline_treatment.txt
├── data_cna.seg.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/merged_cnvs/pbta_all.merged_seg.txt
├── data_linear_CNA.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/merged_cnvs/pbta_all.predicted_cnv.txt
├── data_mutations_extended.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/merged_mafs/pbta_all.maf
├── data_rna_seq_v2_mrna.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/merged_rsem/pbta_all.rsem_merged.txt
├── data_rna_seq_v2_mrna_median_Zscores.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/merged_rsem/pbta_all.rsem_merged_zscore.txt
├── data_sv.txt -> /home/ubuntu/volume/PORTAL_LOADS/pbta_all/merged_fusion/pbta_all.fusions.txt
├── meta_CNA.txt
├── meta_clinical_patient.txt
├── meta_clinical_sample.txt
├── meta_clinical_timeline_clinical_event.txt
├── meta_clinical_timeline_imaging.txt
├── meta_clinical_timeline_specimen.txt
├── meta_clinical_timeline_surgery.txt
├── meta_clinical_timeline_treatment.txt
├── meta_cna.seg.txt
├── meta_linear_CNA.txt
├── meta_mutations_extended.txt
├── meta_rna_seq_v2_mrna.txt
├── meta_rna_seq_v2_mrna_median_Zscores.txt
├── meta_study.txt
└── meta_sv.txt

Note! Most other studies won't have a timeline set of files.

Upload the final packages

Upload all of the directories named as study short names to s3://kf-strides-232196027141-cbioportal-studies/studies/. You may need to set and/or copy your aws saml key before uploading. See "access to repo" bullet point in Software Prerequisites to load the study.

Load into QA/PROD

An AWS step function exists to load studies on to the QA and PROD servers.

  • Create a branch in the d3b-center/aws-infra-pedcbioportal-import git repo (MUST START WITH feature/) and edit the import_studies.txt file with the study name you which to load. Can be an MSKCC datahub link or a local study name
  • Push the branch to remote - this will kick off a github action to load into QA
  • To load into prod, make a PR. On merge, load to prod will kick off
  • aws stateMachinePedcbioImportservice Step function service is used to view and manage running jobs
  • To repeat a load, click on the ▶️ icon in the git repo to select the job you want to re-run
  • Note, if your branch importStudies.txt is the same as main, you may have tot rigger it yourself. To do so, go to actions, on the left panel choose which action you want, then from the drop down in the right panel, pick which branch you want that action to run on

Details - ETL Steps

Use this section as a reference in case your overconfidence got the best of you


In case you want to use different reference inputs...

  • From data_processing_config.json bed_genes:
    • This is used to collate ControlFreeC results into gene hits
    • For VEP 105, gtf was downloaded from
    • Then, using bedops and a perl-one-liner:
    cat Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.105.chr.gtf | perl -e 'while(<>){@a=split /\t/; if($a[2] eq "gene" && $a[8] =~ /gene_name/){print $_;}}'  | convert2bed -i gtf --attribute-key=gene_name  > Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.105.chr.gtf_genes.bed

To get aws bucket prefixes to add key (meaning aws profile names) to:

cat *genomic* | cut -f 15 | cut -f 1-3 -d "/" | sort | uniq > aws_bucket_key_pairs.txt

Just remove the s3_path and None entries

Starting file inputs

Most starting files are exported from the D3b Warehouse. An example of file exports can be found here cbioportal_etl/scripts/, we now use cbioportal_etl/scripts/ to get the files. However, a python wrapper script that leverages the x_case_meta_config.json is recommended to use for each study.


usage: [-h] [-d DB_INI] [-p PROFILE] [-c CONFIG_FILE]

Pull clinical data and genomics file etl support from D3b data warehouse.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DB_INI, --db-ini DB_INI
                        Database config file - formatting like aws or sbg creds
  -p PROFILE, --profile PROFILE
                        ini profile name
                        json config file with meta information; see REFS/pbta_all_case_meta_config.json example
  -r REF_DIR, --ref-dir REF_DIR
                        dir name containing template data_clinical* header files

From D3b Warehouse

- Data clinical sample sheet

This is the cBioportal-formatted sample sheet that follows guidelines from here

- Data clinical patient sheet

This is the cBioportal-formatted patient sheet that follows guidelines from here

- Genomics metadata file

Seemingly redundant, this file contains the file locations, BS IDs, file type, and cBio-formatted sample IDs of all inputs. It helps simplify the process to integrate better into the downstream tools. This is the file that goes in as the -t arg in all the data collating tools


- Data processing config file

This is a json formatted file that has tool paths, reference paths, and run time params. An example is given in cbioportal_etl/STUDY_CONFIGS/pbta_all_data_processing_config.json. This section here:

  "file_loc_defs": {
    "_comment": "edit the values based on existing/anticipated source file locations, relative to working directory of the script being run",
    "mafs": {
      "kf": ["annotated_public_outputs", "consensus_public_outputs","mutect2_public_outputs"],
      "dgd": "annotated_public",
      "header": "/home/ubuntu/tools/kf-cbioportal-etl/REFS/maf_KF_CONSENSUS_r105.txt"
    "cnvs": {
      "pval": "ctrlfreec_pval",
      "info": "ctrlfreec_info",
      "seg": "ctrlfreec_bam_seg"
    "rsem": "RSEM_gene",
    "fusion": "annofuse_filtered_fusions_tsv",
    "dgd_fusion": "fusion-dgd.tsv.gz"

Will likely need the most editing existing based on your input, and should only need to updated if something changes after initial load.

- Metadata processing config file

This is a json config file with file descriptions and case lists required by the cbioportal. An example is given in cbioportal_etl/STUDY_CONFIGS/pbta_all_case_meta_config.json. Within this file is a _doc section with a decent explanation of the file format and layout. Be sure to review all data types to be loaded by review all meta_* to see if they match incoming data. Likely personalized edits would occur in the following fields:

  • merged_{data type}: The profile_description key in each is a good place to describe any algorithm or nuances used to generate the data of that type. Also be sure to remove any data types not being loaded, as that determines what genomic file collation steps are run.
  • study: Here is where you set the overall study description, it's the banner text that people will see in the study overview page that gives them a sense of what the data is.
    • description: This field is set up as an array so that a generic form of "text describing" "disease" "more text describing" can be used. Put another way, element one is whatever you want to say about the disease/study until you are ready to mention the disease/study, element two anything you may optionally wish to add
    • groups: These are access groups defined is cBioportal. Default is PUBLIC, but another can be named is restrictions are needed. Need to work with Devops for custom groups
    • cancer_study_identifier: This is the short name that you create for the study. It will be the name of the study load folder and will be used by cBioportal to find all relevant information for that study.
    • type_of_cancer: This is the oncotree code used to categorize the study to a disease type that best summarizes all samples in the study. These are the default codes: Internally, we have added phgg and plgg. If your study doesn't fit, propose a new one to be added
    • display_name: This is what will show as a long form title on the site home page
    • short_name: This is the short version. By default, should be the same as cancer_study_identifier

Pipeline script

After downloading the genomic files and files above as needed, and properly editing config files as needed, this script should generate and validate the cBioportal load package


Currently, file locations are still too volatile to trust to make downloading part of the pipeline. Using various combinations of buckets and sbg file ID pulls will eventually get you everything

usage: [-h] [-m MANIFEST] [-f FTS] [-p PROFILE] [-s SBG_PROFILE] [-c CBIO] [-a] [-d]

Get all files for a project.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MANIFEST, --manifest-list MANIFEST
                        csv list of of genomic file location manifests
  -f FTS, --file-types FTS
                        csv list of workflow types to download
  -t AWS_TBL, --aws-tbl AWS_TBL
                        Table with bucket name and keys to subset on
  -s SBG_PROFILE, --sbg-profile SBG_PROFILE
                        sbg profile name. Leave blank if using AWS instead
  -c CBIO, --cbio CBIO  Add cbio manifest to limit downloads
  -a, --active-only     Set to grab only active files. Recommended.
  -r, --rm-na           Remove entries where file_id and s3_path are NA. Useful for studies (like pbta_all) with external files not to be downloaded when using cbio_file_name input file as
  -d, --debug           Just output manifest subset to see what would be grabbed
  -o, --overwrite       If set, overwrite if file exists


usage: [-h] [-t TABLE] [-m MANIFEST] [-c CBIO_CONFIG] [-d DATA_CONFIG] [-f [{both,kf,dgd}]]

Download files (if needed), collate genomic files, organize load package.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TABLE, --table TABLE
                        Table with cbio project, kf bs ids, cbio IDs, and file names
  -m MANIFEST, --manifest MANIFEST
                        Download file manifest, if needed
  -c CBIO_CONFIG, --cbio-config CBIO_CONFIG
                        cbio case and meta config file
  -d DATA_CONFIG, --data-config DATA_CONFIG
                        json config file with data types and data locations
  -f [{both,kf,dgd}], --dgd-status [{both,kf,dgd}]
                        Flag to determine load will have pbta/kf + dgd(both), kf/pbta only(kf), dgd-only(dgd)
  -l, --legacy          If set, will run legacy fusion output

Check the pipeline log output for any errors that might have occurred.

Congratulations, you did it!

Collaborative and Publication Workflows

These are highly specialized cases in which all or most of the data come from a third party, and therefore requires specific case-by-case protocols.


See OpenPedCan README




Repository of scripts used to convert dataservice metadata and DRC processed data into cbio portal loading format.







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