The motor controller runs on 48V, so we're using 4 parallell packs of 4x 12V batteries in series.
For the sake of battery health, I like to keep an eye on the voltage of each battery seperately.
To accomplish this, we're using 4 of these voltage hats for raspberry pi.
These can among other things read 4 voltages.
Each of them have their own Raspberry Pi Zero W, which have this config:
- Connected to boat WiFi
- SSH enabled
- Password changed
- Hostname like batterypack1, batterypack2, etc
- Docker and docker-compose installed
- curl -fsSL -o
- sudo sh
- sudo usermod -aG docker pi
- sudo apt install python3-pip libffi-dev -y
- sudo pip3 install docker-compose
- sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
- Replace the ExecStart line with:
- ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
- So Portainer on main Pi can manage and monitor this remote docker instance.
- A small Flask webserver running on docker. See
- docker-compose up --build
- See docker-compose.yml for details
- Home Assistant can now query http://batterypack1.local/1, and get the voltage of the first battery in the first pack.
- docker-compose up --build