Threading utilities for GO
This package provides several useful threading, locking and caching utilities for use in golang. In particular goethe (pronounced ger-tay) threads have thread-ids which can be useful for logging and in thread pools.
This package maintains one global goethe implementation which can be gotten using the method.
- ThreadID
- Cache
- LRU-Style CAR Cache
- Fixed Size Stash
- Heap Queue
- Recursive Locks
- Thread Local Storage
- Timer Heap
- Timers
- Thread Pools
Use the GetGoethe() or GG() method to get an implementation of ThreadUtilities and use that to get the ID of the thread in which the code is currently running:
package foo
import (
func basic() {
ethe := goethe.GG()
channel := make(chan int64)
ethe.Go(func() {
// A thread ID!
tid := ethe.GetThreadID()
// Tell momma about our thread-id
channel <- tid
threadID := <-channel
fmt.Println("the threadID in my thread was ", threadID)
You can also use the ThreadUtilities.Go function for a method that takes arguments. The following example passes the parameters into the function.
package foo
import (
func addMe(a, b, c int, ret chan int) {
ret <- a + b + c
func basicWithArgs() {
ethe := goethe.GetGoethe()
channel := make(chan int)
ethe.Go(addMe, 1, 2, 3, channel)
sum := <-channel
fmt.Println("the sum in my thread was ", sum)
The cache package contains methods to create an in-memory computable cache. A computable cache is a cache where the values can be computed directly from the keys. A computable cache is useful when the computation to generate the values are resource intensive and can be re-used when the key is the same.
This cache allows for recursive execution, meaning that the Compute method of the cache can be called from inside the compute function given to the cache. If doing so leads to a cycle (key A asks for key B asks for key C asks for key A) an error will be returned.
In this example the cache is used to avoid long think times when calculating the value for the given key:
func cacheExample() bool {
thinkCache, _ := cache.NewComputeFunctionCache(func(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// lemme think for a second
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
// Sort of a silly computation!
return key, nil
// First time it'll think for a second while computing the value
nowTime := time.Now()
val, _ := thinkCache.Compute(13)
elapsedTime := time.Now().Sub(nowTime)
fmt.Printf("Cache returned %v after %v\n", val, elapsedTime)
// Second time it won't think, it'll take the value from the cache
nowTime = time.Now()
val, _ = thinkCache.Compute(13)
elapsedTime = time.Now().Sub(nowTime)
fmt.Printf("Cache returned %v the second time after %v\n", val, elapsedTime)
return true
A CAR cache is a limited size in-memory computable cache. CAR caches are like LRU caches but have an algorithm that chooses values to be removed that is better performing (generally) than LRU caches. For more information see CAR Cache Algorithm
When you create a CAR cache you provide a max number. The number of values the CAR cache will keep is max, but it might keep up to (2 * max) keys, as part of the algorithm keeps a history of previous keys seen.
This cache allows for recursive execution, meaning that the Compute method of the cache can be called from inside the compute function given to the cache. If doing so leads to a cycle (key A asks for key B asks for key C asks for key A) an error will be returned.
This example shows that one of the keys is dropped when the number of keys is greater than max. In this simple example the CAR cache behaves like an LRU. The CAR cache starts performing better when there are more a more complex set of cache hits.
package main
import (
func CARCache() {
cCache, _ := cache.NewComputeFunctionCARCache(5, func(key interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
// lemme think for a little bit
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Sort of a silly computation!
return key, nil
// One more than the cache can hold!
for count := 0; count < 6; count++ {
for count := 0; count < 6; count++ {
foundKey := cCache.HasKey(count)
var result string
if foundKey {
result = "found"
} else {
result = "not found"
fmt.Printf("Key %d is %s\n", count, result)
You can provide destructor functions to the CAR cache which will be invoked whenever the Compute method of the cache removes a value. This allows users to clean up any resources held in the values of the cache when those values are released. See NewCARCacheWithDestructor and NewComputeFunctionCARCacheWithDestructor.
A stash is a service that keeps some fixed number of elements in the stash ready to be used when needed. A stash is useful for elements that have a long creation time but need to be supplied quickly. A stash is also useful if it is better to pay some cost up front rather than at the time the elements of the stash are used.
For example, suppose there is a need to quickly provision virtual machines. However, a virtual machine can take up to fifteen minutes to create. The system may need to provision up to 20 of them very quickly upon customer demand. A stash is a good fit for this case, as the fixed size can be set to 25 which is enough to handle the expected burst with a little extra for good measure. When the burst of 20 virtual machines comes later the stash will be ready to supply them quickly and will start to create new ones, in order to bring the total being held to the fixed size of 25.
The user can also cause the values in the stash to decay based on a policy. If the element that is created by the stash create function implements the interface cache.ElementDestructorSetter then after it is created the method SetElementDestructor will be called on the element with an implementation of cache.StashElementDestructor. The method DestroyElement can be called on that implementation whenever the user needs to remove an item from the cache. The return value of DestroyElement can be inspected to determine if the element was already removed from the stash (or had already previously been removed).
In the above example it might be a good idea to refresh the stashed VMs after 24 hours so that the VMs can be ensured to always have the latest software patches, and never be more than one day out of date.
The following example creates a stash of size 5 but with a maximum concurrency of 1, which means that the method to create new elements will never be called on concurrent goroutines. The example then prints out ten times from the stash. Although the creation function works quickly it still can be caught behind in this example because the example ask for ten very quickly but the stash only keeps five in reserve. This stash will also replace created elements in the stash every five seconds, so no element returned from the cache will ever be more than five seconds old:
func Stash() {
f := func() (interface{}, error) {
return newStashElement(), nil
// With a concurrency of 1 we should not need an atomic addition as only one thread
// should ever be making new elements
stash := cache.NewFixedSizeStash(f, 5, 1, nil)
for lcv := 0; lcv < 10; lcv++ {
raw, err := stash.WaitForElement(1 * time.Second)
if err != nil {
val := raw.(*stashElement)
fmt.Println("Got value", val.counter)
var countMaster int32 = -1
type stashElement struct {
counter int32
func newStashElement() *stashElement {
countMaster = countMaster + 1
return &stashElement{
counter: countMaster,
func (elem *stashElement) SetElementDestructor(sed cache.StashElementDestructor) {
time.AfterFunc(5*time.Second, func() {
A Heap is an ordered queue data structure where adding items to the queue is a O(log(n)) complexity operation and removing items from the queue is a O(log(n)) complexity operation. Peeking at the next item that would be removed is O(1) and should be very quick. The downside to heaps is that you cannot remove items from the middle of the heap. Also a lot of other priority queue algorithms have faster removal complexities. However, it does guarantee a perfectly balanced search tree at all times and so in practice it can often be faster than other ordered structures.
Heaps also support two items having keys with no ordering requirements between them. So, for example you can add integers 1, 3, 8, 3, 8, 5 and the result you would get from draining this heap would be 1, 3, 3, 5, 8, 8. The 3's and 8's in this example could be returned in any order relative to each other.
This heap implementation is thread-safe (for any threads, not just Goethe threads) and keeps only a slice of items of the cardinality of the number of items in the heap, so it's very good about memory space.
func cmp(araw interface{}, braw interface{}) int {
a := araw.(int)
b := braw.(int)
if a < b {
return 1
if a == b {
return 0
return -1
func BuildAHeap(t *testing.T) {
heap := NewHeap(cmp)
heap.Peek() // Would return 1
heap.Get() // Would return 1
heap.Get() // Would return 2
heap.Get() // Would return 3
heap.Get() // Would return 4
heap.Peek() // Would return false, heap is empty
heap.Get() // Would return false, heap is empyt
In goethe threads you can have recursive read/write mutexes which obey the following rules:
- Only one writer lock is allowed into the critical section
- When holding a writer lock on a thread another writer lock may be acquired on the same thread (counting)
- When holding a writer lock on a thread you may acquire a reader lock on the same thread. The writer lock remains in effect
- Many reader locks can be held on multiple different threads
- When holding a reader lock on a thread another reader lock may be acquired on the same thread (counting)
- When holding a reader lock you may not acquire a writer lock. Doing so leads too easily to deadlocks
- When holding a writer lock you may acquire a reader lock
- Once a writer asks for the lock no more readers will be able to enter, so writers can starve readers
- There are TryReadLock and TryWriteLock methods which provide timeouts for acquiring the lock
The following is an example of a recursive write lock
package main
import (
var ethe = goethe.GG()
var lock = ethe.NewGoetheLock()
func writer1() {
defer lock.WriteUnlock()
func writer2() {
defer lock.WriteUnlock()
func main() {
If you try to call a Lock or Unlock method of a goethe lock while not inside a goethe thread it will return an error.
Goethe threads can take advantage of named thread local storage. Thread local storage can be first established by giving it a name, an initializer function and a destroyer function. Then in your goethe threads you can call GetThreadLocal with the name of your thread local and get the type returned by the initializer. Each thread has its own copy of the type so two threads will not interfere with each other. When the thread goes away the destructor for all named thread local storage associated with that thread will be called.
The example in the Timers section below uses a thread local to get the Timer object from inside the thread.
A Timer Heap is a data structure of timers whose intent is to minimize the number of outstanding timers being created by the system. In general no matter how many jobs have been put onto a Timer Heap there will be one outstanding running golang timer.
The function given to the timer heap to run will be run in goethe threads when their timer expires.
The following example prints out a friendly message after 1 millisecond!
func ExampleTimerHeap() {
// We don't use the error channel, but it's here for demonstration
errChan := make(chan error)
// Create a new timer!
timer := timers.NewTimerHeap(errChan)
// Don't forget to cancel the timer when you are done with the timer heap
defer timer.Cancel()
// Print Hello World after waiting one millisecond!
timer.AddJobByDuration(time.Millisecond, func() error {
fmt.Println("Hello World!")
return nil
// Sleep 500 to give it plenty of time to print out
time.Sleep(time.Duration(500) * time.Millisecond)
// Output: Hello World!
Goethe provides timer threads that run user code periodically. There are two types of timers, one with fixed delay and one with fixed rate.
A fixed delay timer will start the next timer once the user code has run to completion. So long running user code will cause the timer to not be invoked again until the user code has completed and the delay period has passed again. This timer is started with the ThreadUtilities.ScheduleWithFixedDelay method
A fixed rate timer will run every multiple of the given period, whether or not the user code from previous runs of the timer have completed (on different Goethe threads). This allows for stricter control of the scheduling of the timer, but the user code must be written with the knowledge that it could be run again on another thread.
Both timers set a ThreadLocalStorage variable named goethe.Timer (also held in the goethe.TimerThreadLocal variable). This makes it easy to give the running timer code the ability to cancel the timer itself.
In the following example a bell is run every five minutes 12 times, after which time the thread itself cancels the timer.
var count int
// RunClockForOneHour ringing a bell every five minutes
func RunClockForOneHour() {
ethe := utilities.GetGoethe()
ethe.ScheduleAtFixedRate(0, 5*time.Minute, nil, ringBell)
func ringBell() {
if count >= 12 {
ethe := utilities.GetGoethe()
tl, _ := ethe.GetThreadLocal(goethe.TimerThreadLocal)
i, _ := tl.Get()
timer := i.(goethe.Timer)
fmt.Printf("Bell at count %d\a\n", count)
Thread pools use goethe threads so that you can use thread-ids, thread-locals and recursive locks in your threaded application.
In order to create a thread pool you specify the min threads in the the pool, the max threads in the pool and the decay time, which is the time a thread will be idle before being released (if the number of threads is greater than the min).
You also give the pool an implementation of a FunctionQueue. You can get a default implementation of FunctionQueue from the goethe package. However any implementation of FunctionQueue will work, which allows you to use priority queues or other queue implementations. Once a queue is associated with a pool you use the queue Enqueue API to give jobs to the thread pool.
You can also give the pool an ErrorQueue. Any non-nil errors returned from the enqueued jobs will be placed on the ErrorQueue. It is up to the application to check and drain the ErrorQueue for errors.
The following example uses recursive read/write locks, an error queue and a functional queue along with a pool. The work done in the randomWork method is just sleeping anywhere from 1 to 99 milliseconds. However, if the number of milliseconds to sleep is divisible by 13 then the randomWork method will return with an error. If the number of milliseconds to sleep is divisible by seven then randomWork will exit with no error but will not put new work on the queue. Otherwise random work sleeps the amount of time and then adds itself back on the functional queue. The main subroutine called useAPool initializes the pool and starts it and then waits for all the randomWork jobs to finish. The counters to determine if all jobs are finished are protected with read/write locks. Here is the example:
type poolExample struct {
lock goethe.Lock
jobCount int
totalJobs int
func useAPool() error {
ethe := goethe.GetGoethe()
finished := make(chan bool)
errors := goethe.NewErrorQueue(1000)
ethe.Go(func() {
poolInstance := &poolExample{
lock: goethe.NewGoetheLock(),
queue := goethe.NewBoundedFunctionQueue(1000)
pool, err := ethe.NewPool("example", 5, 10, 5*time.Minute, queue, errors)
if err != nil {
finished <- false
nTime := time.Now()
unixNanos := nTime.UnixNano()
source := rand.NewSource(unixNanos)
rand := rand.New(source)
err = pool.Start()
if err != nil {
finished <- false
for lcv := 0; lcv < 10; lcv++ {
queue.Enqueue(poolInstance.randomWork, rand)
for {
currentJobs := poolInstance.jobCount
if currentJobs <= 0 {
fmt.Println("Performed a total of ", poolInstance.totalJobs, " jobs")
finished <- true
result := <-finished
var errorCount int
for !errors.IsEmpty() {
errorInfo, _ := errors.Dequeue()
if errorInfo != nil {
fmt.Println("Thread ", errorInfo.GetThreadID(), " returned an error: ", errorInfo.GetError().Error())
if result {
fmt.Println("Ended with success along with ", errorCount, " errors")
} else {
fmt.Println("Ended with failure along with ", errorCount, "errors")
return nil
func getRandomWorkTime(rand *rand.Rand) time.Duration {
return time.Duration(rand.Uint32()) % 100
func (poolInstance *poolExample) incrementJobs() {
defer poolInstance.lock.WriteUnlock()
func (poolInstance *poolExample) incrementTotalJobs() {
defer poolInstance.lock.WriteUnlock()
func (poolInstance *poolExample) decrementJobs() {
defer poolInstance.lock.WriteUnlock()
func (poolInstance *poolExample) randomWork(rand *rand.Rand) error {
defer poolInstance.decrementJobs()
ethe := goethe.GetGoethe()
pool, _ := ethe.GetPool("example")
waitTime := getRandomWorkTime(rand)
if waitTime%13 == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed because we got a wait time of %d milliseconds", waitTime)
if waitTime%7 == 0 {
return nil
time.Sleep(waitTime * time.Millisecond)
queue := pool.GetFunctionQueue()
// Keep going
queue.Enqueue(poolInstance.randomWork, rand)
return nil
One thing to notice is that use of the recursive writeLock is made safely and correctly! No critical sections were harmed in the making of this example!
In the future it is intended for goethe to provide the following:
- locks you can give up on after some duration
- Other queuing utilities