LaTeX Beamer presentation template derived from Andreas Kloeckner's brown-beamer template:
- latex-beamer class 3.0.7 (
- texlive-latex 2008+ (
- automake (optional, used to run pdflatex commands)
Install is simply downloading the code from github. Here we install mit-beamer to $HOME/mit-beamer:
$ cd $HOME $ git clone
Customize mit-beamer/slides.tex to your liking:
$ vim $HOME/mit-beamer/slides.tex
Then change to the mit-beamer directory and run make to generate a presentation PDF:
$ cd $HOME/mit-beamer $ make
You can then view the resulting pdf, named slides.pdf, in the 'out' directory:
$ xpdf $HOME/mit-beamer/out/slides.pdf
You can also use make to do this automatically with either xpdf, okular, or acroread:
$ make view-xpdf $ make view-okular $ make view-acroread
The above "make view-*" commands will automatically build $HOME/mit-beamer/out/slides.pdf if necessary