This is an Opscode Knife plugin to interact with VMware’s vSphere. This plugin currently supports the following:
VLANs (currently requires distributed vswitch)
Resource Pools and Clusters
Customization Specifications
VM Operations:
Power on/off
Clone (with optional chef bootstrap and run list)
VMDK addition
Clone-specific customization options (for linux guests):
Destination folder
CPU core count
Memory size
DNS settings
Hostname / Domain name
IP addresses / default gateway
vlan (currently requires distributed vswitch)
resource pool
gem install knife-vsphere
For initial development, the plugin targets all communication at a vCenter instance rather than at specific hosts. Only named user authentication is currently supported; you can add the credentials to your knife.rb
knife[:vsphere_host] = "vcenter-hostname" knife[:vsphere_user] = "privileged username" knife[:vsphere_pass] = "your password" knife[:vsphere_dc] = "your-datacenter"
If you get the following error, you may need to disable SSL certificate checking: ERROR: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed
knife[:vsphere_insecure] = true
Credentials can also be specified on the command line for multiple VSphere servers/data centers
This plugin provides the following Knife subcommands. Specific command options can be found by invoking the subcommand with a --help
Enumerates the Virtual Machines registered in the target datacenter. Only name is currently displayed.
-r, --recursive - Recurse down through sub-folders to the specified folder --only-folders - In combination with --recursive, print only folder names
knife vsphere vm state [-s STATE, –state STATE] [-w PORT, –wait-port PORT] [-g, –shutdown] [-r, –recursive]¶ ↑
Manage power state of a virtual machine. -s STATE, –state STATE - The power state to transition the VM into; one of on|off|suspended -w PORT, –wait-port PORT - Wait for VM to be accessible on a port -g, –shutdown - Guest OS shutdown
-r, --recursive - Recurse down through sub-folders to the specified folder
Enumerates the Resource Pools and Clusters registered in the target datacenter.
Enumerates the VM Templates registered in the target datacenter. Only name is currently displayed.
Enumerates the customization specifications registered in the target datacenter. Only name is currently displayed.
knife vsphere vm clone <new vm name> –template <source template name> –cspec <customization_spec>¶ ↑
knife vsphere vm clone NewNode UbuntuTemplate --cspec StaticSpec \ --cips, \ --chostname NODENAME --cdomain NODEDOMAIN --dest-folder FOLDER - The folder into which to put the cloned VM --datastore STORE - The datastore into which to put the cloned VM --datastorecluster STORE - The datastorecluster into which to put the cloned VM --resource-pool POOL - The resource pool into which to put the cloned VM --template TEMPLATE - The source VM / Template to clone from --cspec CUST_SPEC - The name of any customization specification to apply --cplugin CUST_PLUGIN_PATH - Path to plugin that implements KnifeVspherePlugin.customize_clone_spec and/or KnifeVspherePlugin.reconfig_vm --cplugin-data CUST_PLUGIN_DATA - String of data to pass to the plugin. Use any format you wish. --cvlan CUST_VLAN - VLAN name for network adapter to join --cips CUST_IPS - Comma-delimited list of CIDR IPs for customization --cgw CUST_GW - CIDR IP of gateway for customization --chostname CUST_HOSTNAME - Unqualified hostname for customization --cdomain CUST_DOMAIN - Domain name for customization --ctz CUST_TIMEZONE - Timezone invalid 'Area/Location' format --ccpu CUST_CPU_COUNT - Number of CPUs --cram CUST_MEMORY_GB - Gigabytes of RAM --start STARTVM - Indicates whether to start the VM after a successful clone --bootstrap FALSE - Indicates whether to bootstrap the VM --fqdn SERVER_FQDN - Fully qualified hostname for bootstrapping --ssh-user USERNAME - SSH username --ssh-password PASSWORD - SSH password --ssh-port PORT - SSH port --identity-file IDENTITY_FILE - SSH identity file used for authentication --node-name NAME - The Chef node name for your new node --prerelease - Install the pre-release chef gems --bootstrap-version VERSION - The version of Chef to install --bootstrap-proxy PROXY_URL - The proxy server for the node being bootstrapped --distro DISTRO - Bootstrap a distro using a template --template-file TEMPLATE - Full path to location of template to use --run-list RUN_LIST - Comma separated list of roles/recipes to apply --no-host-key-verify - Disable host key verification --json-attributes - A JSON string to be added to the first run of chef-client --disable-customization - Disable default customization
Clones an existing VM template into a new VM instance, optionally applying an existing customization specification.
Customization Plugin Example:
# cplugin_example.rb
class KnifeVspherePlugin def data=(cplugin_data) # Parse your cplugin_data from the format of your choosing. end # optional def customize_clone_spec(src_config, clone_spec) # Customize the clone spec as you see fit. return customized_clone_spec end # optional def reconfig_vm(target_vm) # Do anything you want in here with the cloned VM. end end
Deletes an existing VM, removing it from vSphere inventory and deleting from disk, optionally deleting it from Chef as well.
--purge - Delete the client and node from Chef as well
--list - List the current tree of snapshots --create SNAPSHOT - Create a new snapshot off of the current snapshot --remove SNAPSHOT - Remove a named snapshot. --revert SNAPSHOT - Revert to a named snapshot. --revert-current - Revert to current snapshot. --start - Indicates whether to start the VM after a successful revert
Manages the snapshots for an existing VM, allowing for creation, removal, and reverting of snapshots.
Lists all known datastores with capacity and usage
Gets the datastore with the most free space
--regex - Pattern to match the datastore name
Lists all known datastorecluster with capacity and usage
Gets the datastorecluster with the most free space
--regex - Pattern to match the datastore name
knife vsphere vm execute VMNAME COMMAND [ARGUMENTS] –exec-user USER –exec-passwd PASSWD [ –exec-dir DIRECTORY ]¶ ↑
Executes a program on the guest. Requires vCenter 5.0 or higher.
Command path must be absolute. For Linux guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program. For Solaris guest operating systems, /bin/bash is used to start the program if it exists. Otherwise /bin/sh is used.
Arguments are optional, and allow for redirection in Linux and Solaris.
--exec-user USERNAME - The username on the guest to execute as. --exec-passwd PASSWD - The password for the user executing as. --exec-dir DIRECTORY - Optional: Working directory to execute in. Will default to $HOME of user.
Adds VMDK to VM.
Optional arguments
--vmdk-type TYPE - VMDK type, "thick" or "thin", defaults to "thin"
Marks a VM as template.
- Authors
Ezra Pagel <> Jesse Campbell <> John Williams <> Ian Delahorne <> Bethany Erskine <> Adrian Stanila <> Leeor Aharon
- Copyright
Copyright © 2011-2013 Ezra Pagel
VMware vSphere is a trademark of VMware, Inc.
- License
Apache License, Version 2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.