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Feature Requests
As the project moves forward, feature pull requests will be recorded here for future consideration / inclusion.
- Feature identification / description - github user handle
- On a collapsible set with content long enough to require scrolling, when you click another collapsible header, it expands in-place, where it should scroll to the top of the new content. Example: in iOS, I have a collapsible set with several headers and each one is a little lengthy. When I scroll to the bottom of one and expand the next section, instead of the browser scrolling up to start at the beginning of the expanded content, the scroll position stays put and I see the middle of the new content. - zephster
- [content formatting like listviews in collapsible headers] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4626) - vpxavier
- Animation and data-iconpos - ducas
- Collapsible transitions - jimdoescode
- Collapsible content transitions - jasajona
- Adding Multiple Header Title for Collapsible Widget - Sathis
- add active-state on clicked collapsibles or fade out ui-focus in collapsible-sets - frequent
- Swipeup and Swipedown - VTWoods
- mouseleave touch equivalent - michaelgwood
- hoverDelay should depend on element (scrollable or not) - jhogervorst
- telephone icon for css sprites - phillpafford
- pencil icon for css sprites - bernesto
- map and directions icons for css sprites - istrasoft
- Cross platform "Share This" icon - salamanders
- custom icon-css-sprite and corresponding JQM.css - maybe as part of the download builder - frequent
- user selects icons and downloads custom sprite along with modified JQM.css - frequent
- JQM could offer, say 500 icons (maybe also let users submit some :-), and users can pick what they need - frequent
- setting to allow you to specify that you want the navbar buttons to toggle - @godspeedelbow
- setting to allow you to specify that you always want the header and footer - @csaunders
- fixed toolbars inside .content-primary and .content-secondary - frequent
- Add option to enable/disable URL bar hiding - @benoitletondor
- Static Navigation while page content changes - @phillpafford
- Multipage footer - @eccenux
- Allow multiple buttons on same side of header title with a data- attribute switch, like action buttons in Android 4.x ICS
- button-free style for toolbars - toddparker
- button styled as collapsible - timtucker
- Active state for all buttons regardless markup - kvedananda
- refresh control groups - stomlinson - refresh allows for alteration with js while maintaining the styling
- header and footer support - dcousineau - support for control groups in the headers and footers.
- controlgroup horizontal/vertical switcher - frequent
Right-to-Left reading order - uqpik
Add DNS Pre-fetch to Template - codeviking
Provide $.Deferred in $.mobile.changePage as well - h-andreas
Provide contentType argument in $.mobile.changePage if using the data argument - aristotelos
Version constant - ilogik
$.mobile.autoInitialize - toreym - defer page initialization until invoked
Ability to enhance a subset of HTML automatically sdhull and arsduo
Note: I believe we've satisfied this feature request
Provide a user friendly method to set global options - gseguin
Refresh an arbitrary collection of existing nodes that need updating
Handle data-prefetch=false, etc - @ehrlicp
Allow dynamic "reloadPage" settings for external url - drazzib
Allow empty activeBtnClass setting - TomVanEnckevort
allow to set page to domCache: true after pagecreate event - pandavault
Check for links with a #href_segment at the end and change transition based on it. - Marnix_IxD
- Modal loading message, prevent interaction with page - SamuelKC
- Loading Overlay - blowsie
- Don't show loader on devices with fast connection (desktop) - jhogervorst
- Use SMIL animated svg ajax loader
- Consider creating a more compact form style like the iOS preferences panel. Many people have tried to add form elements to listviews to accomplish this effect but that causes a lot of issue because lists are only intended for link list navigation and can really cause formatting and click/tap issues with form elements.
- Added an autodivide option to Listview
- Checked list - kurteknikk
- Added key/value pair display to listview.
- Add a listview itemApply hook
- Added multilevel list-dividers
- Feature Request: Allow radios in horizontal controlgroup to have icons.
- Input onchange ajax submission - kurteknikk
- Need for html text as value in form - kurteknikk
- Checkbox with data-iconpos="notext" - frequent
- Theme-related data attributes on all form elements - matthewleon
- Allow form-based refreshes - jmacdonald
- Ability to use data-mini by default or on an entire container - cpatik
- Make it possible to have a link inside checkbox label - pclinger
- Auto switch between horizontal and vertical layout
- [Decimals in sliders] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5074)
- [Treeview with checkboxes] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5604)
- [Self Identifying widget] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5729)
- Need to style file upload in form - kurteknikk
- Clicking outside of dialog dismisses it
- Support transparent dialog backgrounds
- Dialog's parent page shouldn't be removed when dialog is open - kurteknikk
- ✓ Popups can not be defined outside the page they're used in - AlexHowansky
- Popup doesn't take into account positionTo on resize - DzenisevichK
- ✓ Prevent popup from closing when you click outside popup - arschmitz
- fallback alert/confirm on popups - frequent
- limit scroll while popup is open - damiantaylor
- Creating a possibility to have horizontal forms in popups
- Add an 'afterposition' event to popup - jodator
- [ Add submenu for data-role="navbar"] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/1582) -Sumeruter
- [ Add support for "pageable" navbar buttons/links ] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/1677) - begmandev
- [Add support for native select menus in navbars] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/2657#issuecomment-2348573) - topa
- Add additional columns - PhilipK-ca
- [Pagination] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/6314) - coderDem
- [Checkbox option in 'Formatted content' list] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5274) - Dallas187
- [Tile layout for list items] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/4956) - vpxavier
- Automatically create alphabetical list item group headings - townxelliot
- Allow filtering based on headings - mahesh2000
- Unstyled lists in existing listview - dcherman - Allow native list html within existing listviews
- data-role=subpage - medovob - allow arbitrary nested content in list views
- animations - grandecomplex - add animations to listviews
- Touch-drag to re-order lists - dlaidlaw
- Nested lists behave like accordions - stoneface
- Expandable tree-like style for nested lists - mojoaxel - for displaying nested lists not on sub pages, but on one single page by dropping down/inserting the sub elements below the parent list element
aside element in place of class - mohearn - asides are denoted by the class
where as use of the new element introduced in html5 would be nice. - bubble counts and other formatting in nested lists - mymajors-com - seemed like one of the best uses for the bubble counts to show how many items would appear next in each section of a nested list.
- Customize the filtering algorithm - project707 - Allow for listview filtering options like the ability to skip or group/wildcard match on special characters. Wouldn't hurt to provide programmatic ways to override the current filtering algorithm completely.
- Allow for updates to the list markup after filtering - such as updating the count on a listview header.
- make listview refresh method update existing LIs too Note that this pull does not fix this issue entirely, but it introduced the request.
Filter by term - project707 - rather than filtering once on a single string per
there should be an option to filter based on terms within the string (eliminating the need for full matches or exact order). This is easy enough to accomplish, but it might be best as an optional functionality due to increased overhead. - jquery.mobile.listview.js Line 308 is an extensibility killer - stevenblack
- Suggestion #2: jquery.mobile.listview.js#L229 - stevenblack
- trigger events when listview filter starts/stops
- Make it possible to set iconpos="left" on list items
- Option to configure default icon for listview - stevegrove
- Support arbitrary filtering via exposing a method filtering items based on a callback
- Allow split "button" radio and checkbox - frequent
- Pull down to refresh / Pull up to load more
- changePage does not honor a 303 redirection - @alangrafu - demo may be sufficient - see comment by @gabrielschulhof right before the issue was first closed
- prevent the hiding of the load message after page transition - @kovrov
- boolean data attributes false - @pehrlich
- rewrite base setting - @ArakTaiRoth
- Change page return value
- Allow first page to be deleted when Dom caching is disabled - @itechnology
- Handle JSON responses - @ehrlicp
- Load root page as dialog - haddnin
- Default Back button with no text - StingerID4
- $.mobile.changePage with safeguards - mdhari
- $.mobile.pushStateNavigate - yappo - allow the user to toggle pushstate navigation support
- better management of $.mobile.loadPage.defaults and how they appear on requests and subsequently in the hash display url and data-url attributes - metalculus84
- Opera transitions - paulirish
- Parameters for pages - tiegs
- Add multiple pages at once - +1 - morinel
- Customized ajax calls - filip26
- Loading and error functions - kurteknikk +1 - martinkou
- navigating within iframes workaround - scottbw
- Page cache management - metalculus84
- Transition override by Web Server - tenor
- Better Redirect Support - metalculus84
- Option to custom focus - metalculus84
- Event after the loading popup is visible - v3n3
- Event before the page is loaded - v3n3
- Event after the page is loaded - v3n3
- Event when the page fails loading - v3n3
- Provide attribute to specify no hash change for links - begmandev
- Event when the page fails loading - v3n3
- Consider re-naming pageLoading() parameters - jscheel
- Event when the page is removed from the dom - kurteknikk
- Vertical and horizontal slide transitions are too different to have the same name
- add a global option to either label JQM-links with data-rel="internal" or non-JQM links with data-rel="external" so reworking a site with 100.000 external links and 5 JQM links is easier - frequent
- Add attribute: data-direction="forward"
- Avoid javascript sources being loaded if already previously fetched - @tilt2k
- New page should reset the zoom level - hainesca
- Re-split ajaxEnabled into ajaxLinksEnabled and ajaxFormsEnabled - Kin
- Back Button Behavior When No History Available - triwav
- It should be possible to disable history - jhogervorst
- filterable select dialog - naton - This may be a performance issue, but is a good idea. An implementation trial for same feature request - aliok (also here) - X-O (related)
- horizontal alignment for multiple select menus - psmiley - Perhaps look at extending the controlgroup mechanism for this
- change transition for selectmenu - eugenb1
- SelectMenu: data-item-theme - eugenb1
- suggestion: standard width for < select > field - frequent
- Non-Native Select-menu, select all/none button - eugenb1
- Support native multiple selectmenu - corradolab
- Support data-filter for Non-Native Select-menu - poonkave
- input range step support - a2ikm - slider step-wise movement
- step values < 1 - mcculloughsean
- add min/max fill - toddparker
- Slider: Allow two handles on a slider-bar
- Slider: add "onRelease" event
- Slider: options/enhancements to avoid accidental touch in compact UIs
- prevent accidental slider clicks on page scroll
- Rangeslider: Max value between dual sliders - jeffkevin
- Slider should allow vertical orientation
- controlgroup styling of vertically grouped text inputs - codeconsole - like the iOS site login overlay
- textarea autogrow isn't variable - I want to be able to alter the size of the font in a text area and it have the same effect.
- data-corners="false" specifyable on input elements - frequent
- Clear button option for text inputs - adickson
- Add "clearField" event when clearing input type="search" - commadelimited
- additional clear-button options - ray007
- Custom Icon support for Clear input button in text inputs - marcus30
- data-label="label for element" (the ability to generate labels on the fly instead of hard coding them) Use case: I use placeholders instead of labels on smaller devices and labels on larger devices
- scrollview - new option - innerHeight - mattsahr
- linked scrollviews - AlexVangelov
- Icons based on CSS - toddparker
- Add selected jQuery-UI layout helper-classes - stevenblack
- Avoid hard coding theme names in JS. Always use theme options we can easily override. IE: too much "a" or "c" themes in the JS code ! - efusien
- Grid reflow - Trott
- multi column layout with tablet devices - abhisec
- Search filter for layout grids - etlolap
- [GridView: grouping some cols] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/5168) - jroche
- Header and Footer menu left and right scroll like UberTwitter App - bertho212
- Datepicker
- growl-style notification messages - sunkencity (also here: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/pull/1122 )
- window shade type pattern - jblas
- add autocomplete from UI - valkum
- draggable element - alx
- swipe carousel - victorhooi
- custom momentum scrolling - dasch
- photo viewer - greenido
- [scrolling segmented controls] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/1218) - phillpafford
- [themed modal overlay] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/1012) - jamesNK
- [signature ability with touch] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/1255) - phillpafford
- [Add to Homescreen mobile Popup/Notification/Bubble] (http://code.google.com/p/mobile-bookmark-bubble/) - phillpafford
- [Table / grid, basic jqm look & feel, or possibly with sorting/paging] (http://jsfiddle.net/Be6UM/) - digbyk
- Treeview with checkboxes - mikael-duus
- Create a nightly JS file for easy testing - Done - kurteknikk
- Add a compilation feature in Makefile to check for jQuery version - bgrande
- Make should build into a directory - Done - eddiemonge
- Access to resetActivePageHeight()
- Floating Panels/ Fixed Panels - poonkave
- Panel slide drag and snap back - renatosousafilho
- Provide scrolling withing Panels - gzunino
- [Sticky footer inside Panels] (https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/6285)
- Show left and right panels simultaneously
- Easily define left and right panel width
- Column-Toggle Table Widget: hide the columnBtn - GavoteLtd
- Filterable option to hide parent divs - BubbaJoDog
- Add a data-no-filter attribute - carsonip
- ability to change the "collision" of a hover, relative to the element, for example, you could make it 3 pixels larger or 8 pixels smaller. This will allow developers to create more "user-friendly" hovering. - ferrat1