This will guide you through installing FluentDNA as a python module called "FluentDNA". This is the ideal option for developers who want to integrate or tweak FluentDNA. Non-technical users should use a release from the Releases Page.
You will need:
- Familiarity with the command line: Windows Tutorial, Mac Tutorial
- Python (Windows must by Python 3.6 or newer): Download Link
- Git: Download Link
Installation From a command line in your python virtual environment:
pip install --upgrade FluentDNA
If you get an error about html_template/ or example_data/ you need to update pip and setuptools. Then rerun the FluentDNA install.
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools
Running will be placed in the scripts folder and accessible through PYTHONPATH, it's a good idea to add this to PATH.
You should be able to use
as an executable from anywhere, depending on your setup. Running
with no arguments will point you to your example_data/ and results/ paths in your site packages, so you'll need to reference the full path. --fasta="/path/to/site-packages/FluentDNA/example_data/hg38_chr19_sample.fa"
Note: Windows ignores the #!/bin/usr/python line, you'll need to use python and the full path to the script:
python C:\yourvenv\Scripts\ --fasta="C:\path\to\yourfasta.fa"
To use the interactive browser, especially for large files, start a server.
python /path/to/site-packages/FluentDNA/ --runserver
If running on your local machine, this will open your browser at URL: http://localhost:8000/
If you are running FluentDNA through ssh to another computer you will need to talk to your administrator about opening a HTTP port. The PORT is defined at the top of under run_server().
To run FluentDNA from your own python script I recommend looking at for examples such as create_tile_layout_viz_from_fasta()
Check out the file for more examples.
If you run into any problems or would like to use FluentDNA in research, contact me at I'm happy to support my own software and always interested in new collaborations.
FluentDNA is a complete rewrite in Python of DDV. FluentDNA has a much expanded feature set for handling large, multipart files. It can put an entire genome on a single image, marked with contig names. FluentDNA has features for exploring genome alignments, annotations, and transposon alignments. It was developed by Newline Technical Innovations and can be found at:
FluentDNA was primarily developed in Python 3.4. After resolving Issue #93 we've been able to install in 3.7 and 3.8. blist
is not currently available for 3.7+ which means that genome alignment is not recommended. I use wheel files to get around this problem available at gohlke. Conda numpy does not support any Python older than 3.5.0.
PyInstaller is our platform for generating binary files for each release. This is currently working in Windows and will be used to generate Mac DMG as well. In theory, one can checkout the FluentDNA source code, install the dependencies into a new python environment, and then run
pip install pyinstaller==3.3.1
PyInstaller fluentdna.spec --clean --noconfirm
to generate a binary. In practice, this will require some experimentation with version numbers to get everything installed.
- Make sure you use a fresh virtual environment as everything in your python will be included in the executable.
- Do not build from an Anaconda environment or you will get a 600MB build instead of a 30MB build.
- Requires Python 3.6.5, earlier versions are not compatible with pywin32
- pypiwin32 is an alternative
- Earlier mentions of pip and setuptools versions were for cx_freeze. For PyInstaller, just install the latest
- blist wouldn't compile because of a C++ dependency
- Download blist "wheel" from
- D:\python365\Scripts\easy_install.exe "D:\josiah\Documents\Downloads\blist-1.3.6-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl"
pip install pyinstaller==3.3.1
PyInstaller fluentdna.spec
Troubleshooting: I repeated pip installs first with the existing Requirements.txt (designed for cx_freeze) then tried the most recent version if that didn't work. In general the most recent version of a module worked.
D:\python365\Scripts\pip.exe list
altgraph (0.15)
blist (1.3.6)
DNASkittleUtils (1.0.13)
future (0.16.0)
macholib (1.9)
natsort (5.1.1)
pefile (2017.11.5)
Pillow (5.1.0)
pip (9.0.3)
psutil (5.4.5)
PyInstaller (3.3.1)
pypiwin32 (223)
pywin32 (223)
setuptools (39.0.1)
- Start by downloading Python 3.6.5 and use that as your fresh environment
/Python365/Scripts/pip install PyInstaller
cd <your FluentDNA directory>
/Python365/Scripts/pip install -r Requirements.txt
PyInstaller fluentdna.spec
You may need to troubleshoot the contents of fluentdna.spec using this documentation
The most common thing I have to troubleshoot is the path to html_template. Make sure to test font and border_box_corner.png paths using:
./fluentdna --fasta=example_data/whole_genome_alignment/chr21_hg38_gapped.fa --extrafastas example_data/whole_genome_alignment/chr21_hg38_unique.fa example_data/whole_genome_alignment/panTro5_to_hg38_chr21_unique.fa example_data/whole_genome_alignment/panTro5_to_hg38_chr21_gapped.fa --outname="Test Parallel Layout"
These instructions are mainly for future Josiah, since no one has a perfect memory.
- Tutorial here:
- Download Python 3.7, create virtual environment ./env/, activate it.
python -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools wheel
python sdist bdist_wheel
python -m pip install --user --upgrade twine
python -m pip install --upgrade --index-url fluentdna
# important this will not install dependencies that are not on test.PyPI
- Verify program is working correctly, resource paths are all correct.
- Upload the official version to
twine upload dist/*
- You have to manually type your unique password; no pasting, you masochist.
This method is out of date after the pip refactor and switch to PyInstaller platform. Consider following the Mac example and use PyInstaller for Linux instead.
Requires ldd and objdump installed (probably already on your system)
Install Mercurial
sudo apt-get install mercurial
You need a custom compiled version of Python3.4 (will use instead of venv)
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libncurses5-dev libreadline6-dev libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev libgdbm-dev liblzma-dev tk8.5-dev wget tar zxvf Python-3.4.3.tgz rm Python-3.4.3.tgz cd Python-3.4.3/ ./configure --prefix=/path/to/projects/ddv_python --exec_prefix=/path/to/projects/ddv_python make make altinstall /path/to/projects/ddv_python/bin/pip uninstall setuptools /path/to/projects/ddv_python/bin/pip uninstall pip wget tar -vzxf setuptools-3.4.4.tar.gz rm setuptools-3.4.4.tar.gz cd setuptools-3.4.4 /path/to/projects/ddv_python/bin/python install cd .. rm -r setuptools-3.4.4/ wget tar -vzxf pip-1.5.6.tar.gz rm pip-1.5.6.tar.gz cd pip-1.5.6 /path/to/projects/ddv_python/bin/python install cd .. rm -r pip-1.5.6
Using the new python, install all the requirements
/path/to/projects/ddv_python/bin/pip install -r /path/to/FluentDNA/Requirements.txt
/path/to/projects/ddv_python/bin/pip install hg+
- If the above install fails, then there is a problem with your python shared libraries, I have a clone of the cx_freeze repo with a temp fix
- CD to a directory where you want to download it, then
hg clone hg+; cd cx_freeze; /path/to/projects/adsm_python/bin/python install
- CD to a directory where you want to download it, then
- If the above install fails, then there is a problem with your python shared libraries, I have a clone of the cx_freeze repo with a temp fix