This is a tool to parser your git commit messages into a change log message base on Conventional Commits specification.
We are following the conventional commits specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages. You can see the full specificantion here.
If you are using VSCode, you can follow this to set up your environment.
Commit message example:
feat: Super cool new feature
Body (optional)
Refs #CDP-123
This package requires the Go programming language extension for language support. It also requires you to have golang installed on your machine. To install, follow these instructions
$ go install -v
usage: print [-h|--help] [--coverageCmd "<value>"] [-l|--latestVersion
"<value>"] -n|--newVersion "<value>" [--projectLink "<value>"]
[--commitsURL "<value>"] [-p|--path "<value>"]
Prints provided string to stdout
-h --help Print help information
--coverageCmd Specify your code coverage command to get the value.
-l --latestVersion The name of the git tag with the latest version. For
example: v1.2.3. Default:
-n --newVersion The name of the git tag with new version. For example:
--projectLink The base project link that we will concatenate the
task ID. For example: Default:
--commitsURL The base commit URL that we will concatenate the
commit hash. For example: Default:
-p --path The repository path. Default: .
-u --updateChangelog If this flag is true the changelog file will be
updated. Default: false
For example:
$ go-conventional-commits --latestVersion v0.1.2 --newVersion v1.0.0 --path $HOME/dev/myProject --projectLink
## Release v1.0.0
### Fixes
[GCC-007]( <put the task title here>
### Features
[GCC-123]( <put the task title here>
Code coverage: <put the value here>%
For example:
$ go-conventional-commits --latestVersion v0.1.2 --newVersion v1.0.0 --path $HOME/dev/myProject --projectLink --coverageCmd "make coverage"
## Release v1.0.0
### Fixes
[GCC-007]( <put the task title here>
### Features
[GCC-123]( <put the task title here>
Code coverage: 99.9%
For example:
$ go-conventional-commits --latestVersion v0.1.2 --newVersion v1.0.0 --path $HOME/dev/myProject --projectLink --coverageCmd "make coverage" --updateChangelog
## Release v1.0.0
### Fixes
[GCC-007]( <put the task title here>
### Features
[GCC-123]( <put the task title here>
Code coverage: 99.9%
See that output in the top of your $HOME/dev/myProject/