Britecharts has been created to help users consume and create d3 charts. It leverages a reusable API, which produces chart objects that (after initialization) can be configured and then applied to a container with a data set to plot.
In order to use a Britecharts chart in your project you would need to install it using NPM, Bower or cloning it via Github:
npm install --save britecharts d3-selection
bower install --save britecharts d3-selection
git clone (latest 2.x.x version)
Or browse all CDN files. Check also our CDN demo page or our JSBin and CodePen sandbox projects.
In order to use a Britecharts chart in your project you would need to:
- Require the proper chart as a module, we can do:
// ES2015 Modules
import LineChart from 'britecharts/dist/umd/line.min';
// CommonJS or AMD modules
LineChart = require('britecharts/dist/umd/line.min');
- Require d3-selection as a dependency, in order to select a container to execute the chart on.
d3Selection = require('d3-selection');
- Instantiate a new line chart and select the chart container with
var container ='.js-chart-container'),
lineChart = new LineChart();
- Configure the default chart with attributes:
if (container.node()) {
- And finally call the chart with a container and data attached to the container.
// This line gets together container, data and chart
And that would generate your britechart!
Here is the whole code:
var container ='.js-chart-container'),
lineChart = new LineChart();
if (container.node()) {
// This line gets together container, data and chart
It won't look perfect though, you will need to load a small CSS file in order to see it styled. You can load the whole bundle:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/britecharts.min.css">
or just load the styles for the current chart plus the common Britecharts styles:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/common/common.css">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/britecharts/dist/css/charts/line.css">
You will probably want to set up a listener for the resize event to re-render the chart, and probably debounce it, so it doesn't render too many times.
This code would probably look like this:
const redrawChart = () => {
let container =‘.js-chart-container’);
let newContainerWidth = container.node() ? container.node().getBoundingClientRect().width : false;
// Setting the new width on the chart
// Rendering the chart again
const throttledRedraw = _.throttle(redrawChart, 200);
window.addEventListener("resize", throttledRedraw);
Check out our Documentation Homepage and our kitchen sink to see all the available charts.
If you are excited about Britecharts, want to add more configurable properties or even create your own chart, please check our Contributing Guide. In it, we walk you through the development environment setup, run our docs and demos and create new Pull Requests.