Fix for #721 - prevent entering dots when decimal marker is comma
Fix for #715 - mark fields as touched on blur on form fields with an empty mask
Fix for #711 - stop fields being marked as dirty after a form reset
Feature: Library updated to Angular 9
Feature: Can pass empty string for thousandSeparator if do not want any separation
Fix: allowNegativeNumbers works correctly when set as true or false. If false, entering a hyphen will not be allowed
Fix: stop cursor jumping around when mask is set as empty
Fix for #657 - showMaskTyped option now works correctly when set in the config
Fix for #665 - validateTime mark field as invalid immediately if value is null
Feature: Added new error page for handling 404's, and new bugs page for being a playground for bug fixing
Breaking change: Made validation error return an object named mask. If you were previously checking for a validation error named 'Mask error' then it will need changing to just 'mask'.
Fix for #369 - add thousandSeparator to separator pipe
Fix for #381 - add support to negative number in separator mask
Fix for #560 - do not overwrite the mask available patterns when patterns attribute passed in value is a falsey value i.e null/undefined/false
Fix for #620 - allow delete button to work when at beginning of input and no prefix exists
Fix for #621 - validation config value now works correctly
Fix for #614 - export everything from config
Fix for #580 - honour the special characters that user may have specified, and prevent runtime exception occuring
Project folder structure converted over to follow Angular CLI way of libraries
Fix for #590 - Problem if prefix last char is not a number
Placeholder can now be customised
bugs fix
update separator
bugs fix [refs: #554, #580, #582]
bugs fix [refs: #579, #576, #561]
Update date and time masks [refs: #571, #567, #572, #564, #558, #573]
minor bug fixes
minor bug fixes
Issues fix
Bugs fix
Fix Backspace on empty input causes cursor to jump after entering a value
Fix returned value when input value type is number
Added decimal percent, fix suffix prevents decimals
Added polyfill for IE11
Fix decimals
Readme update
Secure input and bugs fix
Bugs fix
Feature: added default validation
Bugs fix: fix minutes validation, '-' in separator, decimal part in separator and fix issues with FF/IE
Fix coma_separator behavior
Update dev and prod dependencies
Added coma_separator
Added decimals values for separator and dot_separator
Now separator can separate by dots
Added validation for percent
Added valid 24 hour format mask and update separator
Added new mask that separates number by thousands
Fix multiple mask when you use the same symbols bettwen *
sufix appears while you inputing data
you can use sufix along with '*'
You can used new specialCharacters 'quotes'
You can pass into mask pattern with brackets
Fixed pattern '*'
You can select and delete value.
You can pass array of expression and custom Pattern to pipe
Fixed when page is loaded the mask is visible
Fixed writeValue in directive
Added ability to use MaskPipe/MaskService inside component
Added poliffyls for IE
Added support for using 'showMaskTyped' property to see mask while typing Resolved issues
Update of demo version Added support to pass in value of type number or string Resolved issues
Add support for prefix
Add [ and ] as defoult symbols for mask
Fix shift for cursor and updated all dependencies
Add support for optional character in input '?'
Add support for multicharacter input '*'
Updated all dependencies and remove usages of rxjs