This API supports listing, creating, editing, and deleting Cloud and Enterprise Agent (CEA) based tests.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 7.0.20
- Generator version: 7.6.0
- Build package: com.thousandeyes.api.codegen.ThousandeyesPythonGenerator
Python 3.8+
Install directly via PyPi:
pip install thousandeyes-sdk-tests
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install thousandeyes-sdk-tests
Then import the package:
import thousandeyes_sdk.tests
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import thousandeyes_sdk.tests
Execute pytest
to run the tests.
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import thousandeyes_sdk.core
import thousandeyes_sdk.tests
from thousandeyes_sdk.core.exceptions import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = thousandeyes_sdk.core.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization: BearerAuth
configuration = thousandeyes_sdk.core.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with thousandeyes_sdk.core.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = thousandeyes_sdk.tests.APITestsApi(api_client)
api_test_request = thousandeyes_sdk.tests.ApiTestRequest() # ApiTestRequest |
aid = '1234' # str | A unique identifier associated with your account group. You can retrieve your `AccountGroupId` from the `/account-groups` endpoint. Note that you must be assigned to the target account group. Specifying this parameter without being assigned to the target account group will result in an error response. (optional)
expand = [thousandeyes_sdk.tests.ExpandTestOptions()] # List[ExpandTestOptions] | Optional parameter on whether or not to expand the test sub-resources. By default no expansion is going to take place if the query parameter is not present. If the user wishes to expand the `agents` sub-resource, they need to pass the `?expand=agent` query. (optional)
# Create API test
api_response = api_instance.create_api_test(api_test_request, aid=aid, expand=expand)
print("The response of APITestsApi->create_api_test:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling APITestsApi->create_api_test: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
APITestsApi | create_api_test | POST /tests/api | Create API test |
APITestsApi | delete_api_test | DELETE /tests/api/{testId} | Delete API test |
APITestsApi | get_api_test | GET /tests/api/{testId} | Get API test |
APITestsApi | get_api_tests | GET /tests/api | List API tests |
APITestsApi | update_api_test | PUT /tests/api/{testId} | Update API test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | create_agent_to_agent_test | POST /tests/agent-to-agent | Create Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | delete_agent_to_agent_test | DELETE /tests/agent-to-agent/{testId} | Delete Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | get_agent_to_agent_test | GET /tests/agent-to-agent/{testId} | Get Agent to Agent test |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | get_agent_to_agent_tests | GET /tests/agent-to-agent | List Agent to Agent tests |
AgentToAgentTestsApi | update_agent_to_agent_test | PUT /tests/agent-to-agent/{testId} | Update Agent to Agent test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | create_agent_to_server_test | POST /tests/agent-to-server | Create Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | delete_agent_to_server_test | DELETE /tests/agent-to-server/{testId} | Delete Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | get_agent_to_server_test | GET /tests/agent-to-server/{testId} | Get Agent to Server test |
AgentToServerTestsApi | get_agent_to_server_tests | GET /tests/agent-to-server | List Agent to Server tests |
AgentToServerTestsApi | update_agent_to_server_test | PUT /tests/agent-to-server/{testId} | Update Agent to Server test |
BGPTestsApi | create_bgp_test | POST /tests/bgp | Create BGP test |
BGPTestsApi | delete_bgp_test | DELETE /tests/bgp/{testId} | Delete BGP test |
BGPTestsApi | get_bgp_test | GET /tests/bgp/{testId} | Get BGP test |
BGPTestsApi | get_bgp_tests | GET /tests/bgp | List BGP tests |
BGPTestsApi | update_bgp_test | PUT /tests/bgp/{testId} | Update BGP test |
DNSSECTestsApi | create_dns_sec_test | POST /tests/dnssec | Create DNSSEC test |
DNSSECTestsApi | delete_dns_sec_test | DELETE /tests/dnssec/{testId} | Delete DNSSEC test |
DNSSECTestsApi | get_dns_sec_test | GET /tests/dnssec/{testId} | Get DNSSEC test |
DNSSECTestsApi | get_dns_sec_tests | GET /tests/dnssec | List DNSSEC tests |
DNSSECTestsApi | update_dns_sec_test | PUT /tests/dnssec/{testId} | Update DNSSEC test |
DNSServerTestsApi | create_dns_server_test | POST /tests/dns-server | Create DNS Server test |
DNSServerTestsApi | delete_dns_server_test | DELETE /tests/dns-server/{testId} | Delete DNS Server test |
DNSServerTestsApi | get_dns_server_test | GET /tests/dns-server/{testId} | Get DNS Server test |
DNSServerTestsApi | get_dns_server_tests | GET /tests/dns-server | List DNS Server tests |
DNSServerTestsApi | update_dns_server_test | PUT /tests/dns-server/{testId} | Update DNS Server test |
DNSTraceTestsApi | create_dns_trace_test | POST /tests/dns-trace | Create DNS Trace test |
DNSTraceTestsApi | delete_dns_trace_test | DELETE /tests/dns-trace/{testId} | Delete DNS Trace test |
DNSTraceTestsApi | get_dns_trace_test | GET /tests/dns-trace/{testId} | Get DNS Trace test |
DNSTraceTestsApi | get_dns_trace_tests | GET /tests/dns-trace | List DNS Trace tests |
DNSTraceTestsApi | update_dns_trace_test | PUT /tests/dns-trace/{testId} | Update DNS Trace test |
FTPServerTestsApi | create_ftp_server_test | POST /tests/ftp-server | Create FTP Server test |
FTPServerTestsApi | delete_ftp_server_test | DELETE /tests/ftp-server/{testId} | Delete FTP Server test |
FTPServerTestsApi | get_ftp_server_test | GET /tests/ftp-server/{testId} | Get FTP Server test |
FTPServerTestsApi | get_ftp_server_tests | GET /tests/ftp-server | List FTP Server tests |
FTPServerTestsApi | update_ftp_server_test | PUT /tests/ftp-server/{testId} | Update FTP Server test |
HTTPServerTestsApi | create_http_server_test | POST /tests/http-server | Create HTTP Server test |
HTTPServerTestsApi | delete_http_server_test | DELETE /tests/http-server/{testId} | Delete HTTP Server test |
HTTPServerTestsApi | get_http_server_test | GET /tests/http-server/{testId} | Get HTTP Server test |
HTTPServerTestsApi | get_http_server_tests | GET /tests/http-server | List HTTP Server tests |
HTTPServerTestsApi | update_http_server_test | PUT /tests/http-server/{testId} | Update HTTP Server test |
PageLoadTestsApi | create_page_load_test | POST /tests/page-load | Create Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | delete_page_load_test | DELETE /tests/page-load/{testId} | Delete Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | get_page_load_test | GET /tests/page-load/{testId} | Get Page Load test |
PageLoadTestsApi | get_page_load_tests | GET /tests/page-load | List Page Load tests |
PageLoadTestsApi | update_page_load_test | PUT /tests/page-load/{testId} | Update Page Load test |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | create_path_vis_interface_groups | POST /network/path-vis/interface-groups | Create interface group for path visualization |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | delete_path_vis_interface_group | DELETE /network/path-vis/interface-groups/{interfaceGroupId} | Delete interface group |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | get_path_vis_interface_groups | GET /network/path-vis/interface-groups | List interface groups for path visualization |
PathVisualizationInterfaceGroupsApi | update_path_vis_interface_group | PUT /network/path-vis/interface-groups/{interfaceGroupId} | Update interface group |
SIPServerTestsApi | create_sip_server_test | POST /tests/sip-server | Create SIP Server test |
SIPServerTestsApi | delete_sip_server_test | DELETE /tests/sip-server/{testId} | Delete SIP Server test |
SIPServerTestsApi | get_sip_server_test | GET /tests/sip-server/{testId} | Get SIP Server test |
SIPServerTestsApi | get_sip_server_tests | GET /tests/sip-server | List SIP Server tests |
SIPServerTestsApi | update_sip_server_test | PUT /tests/sip-server/{testId} | Update SIP Server test |
TestsApi | get_tests | GET /tests | List configured tests |
VoiceTestsApi | create_voice_test | POST /tests/voice | Create Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | delete_voice_test | DELETE /tests/voice/{testId} | Delete Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | get_voice_test | GET /tests/voice/{testId} | Get Voice test |
VoiceTestsApi | get_voice_tests | GET /tests/voice | List Voice tests |
VoiceTestsApi | update_voice_test | PUT /tests/voice/{testId} | Update Voice test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | create_web_transactions_test | POST /tests/web-transactions | Create Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | delete_web_transactions_test | DELETE /tests/web-transactions/{testId} | Delete Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | get_web_transactions_test | GET /tests/web-transactions/{testId} | Get Web Transactions test |
WebTransactionTestsApi | get_web_transactions_tests | GET /tests/web-transactions | List Web Transactions tests |
WebTransactionTestsApi | update_web_transactions_test | PUT /tests/web-transactions/{testId} | Update Web Transactions test |
- AgentBase
- AgentInterfaces
- AgentResponse
- AgentToAgentInstantTest
- AgentToAgentProperties
- AgentToAgentTest
- AgentToAgentTestProtocol
- AgentToAgentTestRequest
- AgentToAgentTestResponse
- AgentToAgentTests
- AgentToServerInstantTest
- AgentToServerProperties
- AgentToServerTest
- AgentToServerTestRequest
- AgentToServerTestResponse
- AgentToServerTests
- AlertDirection
- AlertRoundsViolationMode
- AlertRule
- AlertType
- ApiInstantTest
- ApiPredefinedVariable
- ApiProperties
- ApiRequest
- ApiRequestAssertion
- ApiRequestAssertionName
- ApiRequestAssertionOperator
- ApiRequestAuthType
- ApiRequestHeader
- ApiRequestMethod
- ApiRequestVariable
- ApiTest
- ApiTestRequest
- ApiTestResponse
- ApiTests
- BaseBgpTest
- BaseRequest
- BaseTest
- BgpTest
- BgpTestRequest
- BgpTestResponse
- BgpTests
- CloudEnterpriseAgentType
- DnsQueryClass
- DnsSecInstantTest
- DnsSecProperties
- DnsSecTest
- DnsSecTestRequest
- DnsSecTestResponse
- DnsSecTests
- DnsServerInstantTest
- DnsServerProperties
- DnsServerTest
- DnsServerTestRequest
- DnsServerTestResponse
- DnsServerTests
- DnsServersRequest
- DnsTraceInstantTest
- DnsTraceProperties
- DnsTraceTest
- DnsTraceTestRequest
- DnsTraceTestResponse
- DnsTraceTests
- Error
- ExpandBgpTestOptions
- ExpandTestOptions
- FtpServerInstantTest
- FtpServerProperties
- FtpServerRequestType
- FtpServerTest
- FtpServerTestRequest
- FtpServerTestResponse
- FtpServerTests
- HttpServerBaseProperties
- HttpServerInstantTest
- HttpServerProperties
- HttpServerTest
- HttpServerTestRequest
- HttpServerTestResponse
- HttpServerTests
- InstantTest
- InterfaceGroup
- InterfaceGroups
- Link
- Monitor
- MonitorType
- MonitorsRequest
- OAuth
- PageLoadInstantTest
- PageLoadProperties
- PageLoadTest
- PageLoadTestRequest
- PageLoadTestResponse
- PageLoadTests
- RequestMethod
- SelfLinks
- SensitivityLevel
- Severity
- SharedWithAccount
- SimpleAgent
- SimpleTest
- SipServerInstantTest
- SipServerProperties
- SipServerTest
- SipServerTestRequest
- SipServerTestResponse
- SipServerTests
- SipTestProtocol
- TestAgentRequest
- TestAuthType
- TestCustomHeaders
- TestDirection
- TestDnsServer
- TestDnsTransportProtocol
- TestDscpId
- TestHttpInterval
- TestInterval
- TestIpv6Policy
- TestLabel
- TestLinks
- TestMonitorsProperties
- TestPageLoadingStrategy
- TestPathTraceMode
- TestProbeMode
- TestProtocol
- TestRequest
- TestSelfLink
- TestSipCredentials
- TestSslVersionId
- TestSubInterval
- TestType
- Tests
- UnauthorizedError
- UnexpandedAgentToAgentTest
- UnexpandedAgentToServerTest
- UnexpandedApiTest
- UnexpandedBgpTest
- UnexpandedDnsSecTest
- UnexpandedDnsServerTest
- UnexpandedDnsTraceTest
- UnexpandedFtpServerTest
- UnexpandedHttpServerTest
- UnexpandedInstantTest
- UnexpandedPageLoadTest
- UnexpandedSipServerTest
- UnexpandedTest
- UnexpandedVoiceTest
- UnexpandedWebTransactionTest
- UpdateBgpTestRequest
- UpdateSipServerTest
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- VoiceInstantTest
- VoiceProperties
- VoiceTest
- VoiceTestRequest
- VoiceTestResponse
- VoiceTests
- WebTransactionInstantTest
- WebTransactionProperties
- WebTransactionTest
- WebTransactionTestRequest
- WebTransactionTestResponse
- WebTransactionTests
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication