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This file documents how to upgrade an existing BHIMA installation to a new release. To learn about the releases process, see RELEASES.

Upgrading an existing installation takes three steps:

  1. Preparing the BHIMA software
  2. Preparing the database
  3. Running the upgrade

Steps 1 and 2 can happen in parallel and can be done at a leasurely pace. The third step is destructive and will commit the changes, deploying the new version at the location.

These steps describe the typical deployment setup. We assume that the BHIMA software is deployed in $HOME/apps/, $VERSION will be the next version name, and will refer to $DATABASE as the database name.

Step 1: Peparing the BHIMA software

  1. Go to in your web browser.
  2. Copy the link to the $VERSION.tar.gz file.
  3. Connect to the server with SSH.
  4. Start a screen session in case the connection drops during the upgrade.
  5. Change directory into $HOME/apps/.
  6. Download the latest release with wget -c "$URL" where $URL is the url you copied in step 2. This will create $VERSION.tar.gz in the $HOME/apps/ directory.
  7. Unzip the release file with tar xf $VERSION.tar.gz. This will create the folder bhima-$RELEASE/ in the $HOME/apps/ directory.
  8. Copy the .env file from the current application into the bhima-$RELEASE/bin/ folder and make any changes necessary to .env.
  9. Copy the contents (but not sub-directories) from the bhima-$RELEASE/bin/ folder into the bhima-$RELEASE/ folder. This can be done with cp $HOME/apps/bhima-$RELEASE/bin/* $HOME/apps/bhima-$RELEASE/bin/
  10. Change directory into the release directory with cd $HOME/apps/bhima-$RELEASE/
  11. Install the node_modules/ in the bhima-$RELEASE/ folder with the command: NODE_ENV=production npm install

The BHIMA upgrade is not prepared.

Step 2: Preparing the database


  1. Download the latest production database from the BHIMA backups server for the site you are upgrading.
  2. Build it locally.
  3. Change the environmental variable $DB_NAME in the .env file in the bhima repository to the name of the site you are upgrading.
  4. Run npm run migrate to create a migration script migration-$DATABASE.sql.
  5. Copy in the migration files from up to the present version from the server/models/migrations/ folder(s). You can use cat for this.
  6. Test the database migration script: mysql $DATABASE < migration-$DATABASE.sql
  7. If it works, copy the database over to the remote server with scp: scp migration-$DATABASE.sql

The database is now prepared.

Step 3: Run the upgrade

  1. SSH into the production server.
  2. Create a backup of the production database using mysqldump. Typically, there is a dump routine available for you in $HOME/tasks/
  3. Run the database migration file in the production: mysql $DATABASE < migration-$DATABASE.sql
  4. Remove the $HOME/apps/bhima soft link (rm $HOME/apps/bhima/).
  5. Create a new soft link pointing towards the new server: ln -s $HOME/apps/bhima-$VERSION/ $HOME/apps/bhima
  6. Restart the BHIMA server: systemctl restart bhima

Step 4: Make sure everything worked.

  1. Check the journal logs: journalctl -u bhima
  2. Reboot the server: sudo reboot now
  3. Reconnect via SSH and check the journal logs again.