In this lab exercise, we will review the OpenShift Web Console.
Type in the master public URL provided by your instructor in a browser.
Use <master public URL>:<port>
. You will be directed to an OpenShift
login page.
Note: Your browser may complain about the server’s security certificates not trusted by your computer. You can agree to proceed to the master URL.
Key in the username and password provided by the instructor. You will see the list of projects now. Locate your project in the list.
Also note the Create Project button which allows you to create a new project from Web Console.
Now, in the upper left hand side of the window, click on the triangle next to "Administrator" and then select Developer.
On this page, the default view is Topology. In the panel on the right you should see the time pod running.
When you select the time pod it will display a panel to the right that contains the Overview and Resources panels.
In the Resource panel you can see that a single pod is running and is front ended by a service. Note the route that you configured for this service is also shown.
Select Builds under Builds tab, you will see all the build configurations. Select the time Build Config, we will be able to view all the build details.
If you scroll down to the bottom notice there are webhook URLs. We will use them in a later lab exercise.
Before going to the next lab, let’s clean up your project and delete the components.
$ oc delete all --all $ oc delete project mycliproject-UserName