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Releases: jfrog/jfrog-cli-core


09 Aug 15:58
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Maven - Support including / excluding deployed artifacts
Allow searching in Artifactory by build, even if the build is included in a project
Allow storing symlinks in an archive when uploading it to Artifactory
Bug fix - Gradle builds which use an old version of the Gradle Artifactory Plugin may fail to deploy artifacts
Bug fix - The build-info URL is incorrect, in case the build name and number include special characters
Bug fix - SSH authantication with Artifactory cannot be used without a passphrase
Bug fix - When searching and filtering by the latest build run, the latest build run isn't always returned


22 Jul 19:53
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Improvements to the table and full response output of the Xray scan and audit commands
Removed the JFROG_CLI_OUTPUT_COLORS environment variable introduced in v2.1.0
Bug fix - Usage report is attempted even if Artifactory is not configured


21 Jul 14:41
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New "jfrog xr scan" command
New "jfrog xr audit-npm" command
New "jfrog xr audit-mvn" command
New "jfrog xr audit-gradle" command
New --scan option added to the "jfrog rt npm", "jfrog rt mvn" and "jfrog rt gradle" commands
Bug fix - When using the --detailed-summary option, the returned upload path is incorrect for the "jfrog rt gp" and "jfrog rt mvn" commands
Bug fix - When using the --detailed-summary option, there are additional log messages added to stdout, making it impossible to parse the summary


04 Jul 02:13
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Fix module imports to


03 Jul 16:27
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The default value of the --flat option is now set to false for the "jfrog rt upload" command.

The deprecated syntax of the "jfrog rt mvn" command is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the "jfrog rt mvnc" command.

The deprecated syntax of the "jfrog rt gradle" command is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the "jfrog rt gradlec" command.

The deprecated syntax of the "jfrog rt npm" and "jfrog rt npm-ci" commands is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the "jfrog rt npmc" command.

The deprecated syntax of the "jfrog rt go" command is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the "jfrog rt go-config" command.

The deprecated syntax of the "jfrog rt nuget" command is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the "jfrog rt nugetc" command.

All Bintray commands are removed.

The "jfrog rt config" command is removed and replaced by the "jfrog config add" command.

The "jfrog rt use" command is removed and replaced with the "jfrog config use".

The "props" command option and "Props" file spec property for the "jfrog rt upload" command are removed, and replaced with the "target-props" command option and "targetProps" file spec property respectively.

The "jfrog rt go-publish" command now only supports Artifactory version 6.10.0 and above. Also, the command no longer accepts the target repository as an argument. The target repository should be pre-configured using the "jfrog rt go-config-command".

The "jfrog rt go" command no longer falls back to the VCS when dependencies are not found in Artifactory.

The --deps, --publish-deps, --no-registry and --self options of the "jfrog rt go-publish" command are now removed.

The API key option is now removed. The API key should now be passed as the value of the password option.

The --exclude-patterns option is now removed, and replaced with the --exclusions option. The same is true for the excludePatterns file spec property, which is replaced with the exclusions property.

The JFROG_CLI_JCENTER_REMOTE_SERVER and JFROG_CLI_JCENTER_REMOTE_REPO environment variables are now removed and replaced with the JFROG_CLI_EXTRACTORS_REMOTE environment variable.

The JFROG_CLI_HOME environment variable is now removed and replaced with the JFROG_CLI_HOME_DIR environment variable.

The JFROG_CLI_OFFER_CONFIG environment variable is now removed and replaced with the CI environment variable.

The directory structure is now changed when the "jfrog rt download" command is used with --flat=false (which is the default) and placeholders. When placeholders are used, the value of the --flat option is ignored.


23 Jun 21:11
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New --retries option for the search, set-props, delete-props, delete, copy and move commands


17 Jun 19:01
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Sha256 added to the summary response of all APIs which upload files to Artifactory


28 May 12:33
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Bug fix - "jfrog rt go get" fails to collect build-info, if used with an internal module package


23 May 17:34
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New "jfrog ci-setup" command
Support for yarn - new "jfrog rt yarn" command
New --detailed-summary option added to the "jfrog rt npm-publish" command
New --detailed-summary option added to the release-bundle create, update and sign commands
Bug fix - Temp files are not deleted after download
Bug fix - Change the permission of the npmrc file created by the "jfrog rt npmi" command


15 May 10:58
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Bug fix - "jfrog rt upload" - using ANT patterns fails to convert doube asteriks to directory range.
Bug fix - "jfrog rt npm-install" can fail when .npmrc includes 'json=true'.
Bug fix - "jfrog rt nuget" & "jfrog rt dotnet" can fail when there are multiple .net projects in the same directory.
Bug fix - "jfrog rt build-publish" module type is missing in build-info modules.